How supportive is your DH/SO?

How supportive is your DH/SO?

  • Active supporter

    Votes: 54 66.7%
  • Not supportive at all

    Votes: 4 4.9%

    Votes: 23 28.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
When it comes to your hair, does your DH/SO

A-Play an active role
Always willing to help; offers style suggestions; helps remove braids; washes your hair; buys products for you; gives lots of verbal encouragements & praises, etc.


B-Is an innocent by-stander

Shows little or no interest in your hair or Regis, or seldom says anything nice, so long as you 'look good' and he doesn't have to do anything.
My SO used to help me trim it and wrap it when I was flat-ironing it. He also helped me with my BC. I don't think he is ACTIVE but he understands that I'm not high maintenance and that playing and caring for my hair relaxes me just like video games relaxes him. He always compliments my hair tells me what styles he like best and plays with my curls. I chose other.
He likes my hair long since he met me with long hair. He's supportive of getting my hair long back. No, he doesn't help me with my regimen because I don't ask him to (that's a bit much). Also, he doesn't complain too much about my mild PJism.
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He's an innocent bystander. He may tell me it looks nice from time to time, only if it is down. :ohwell: If I put a product on the grocery list he may pick it up. But he is not taking down braids or anything of the sort. That's ok. He can make dinner and clean the kitchen to give ME the time to do those things instead. It works.
My DH helped me a lot with my decision to go natural. He may be more excited than me! He likes hair products and is always trying to steal mine when I'm with him (we're living ld) and I almost think he gives too many suggestions to the point where I'm like, "Let ME worry about what I do with MY hair!" :lol: He is the one that suggested I pick up some aceite de canela for growth. :rofl::rofl:
He's very supportive and very active:look:...he especially loves it when its wash time:look:...he loves to wash my hair:grin:

He gave me a trim about 2 weeks ago and he did very well. He wants my hair to grow to the length I want (MBL) and beyond!

He is too cute....:grin:
My so, is active.. he is the one who does my cornrows ( no homo) his sisters taught him to do thiers. he massages my scalp with oil and he will wash if i ask him to. he so called have " growing hands" i thinks its cute. then whn he see growth he say " all becuz of me " lol
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My hair is my thing. He lets me know when it looks nice or when he really likes a particular style, but otherwise? *shrug* It's my thing. :yep:
The only thing I allow my SO to do is wash my hair. I am relaxed but he says he likes natural I think it is because his sister is a natural. Well he got me and I relax and I am working towards longer hair with a relax head of hair. It doesn't matter with him if my hair is short or long. He states there are nice short hair styles. He is cool with me and my hair journey.

It is funny some think why we grow our hair is because of the man in our life is influencing us. How untrue. Once my hairdresser when I was refusing a trim which means a cut to him, stated "Let no man tell you, you need to have long hair". He must of thought it was my SO influencing me, because before I let him do whatever he wanted with it. The majority of us want long hair for ourselves.
Honestly he has no idea whats going on, lol! But he always gives me compliments on my progress and the health of my hair. He never criticizes or complains when I have been bunning a looking a little bold either.
If I ask him to help me with my hair - he will - but he is not actively involved in my hair care....however, when I wanted him to pay for my steamer, I really had to break it down for him as he thought I was buying another dryer (I got about 2-3 around the

He did make a comment a while back about the number of products I had and then I said it is around the same amount of PS3 games YOU HAVE...*conversation over* (LOL)
I am in the early stages of transitioning and my DH is very supportive of my choice to go natural. At first I was worried that he'd have a problem with my protective styles (since he loves to rub my hair). Plus I'd never had a sew-in, or worn wigs before and thought he'd hate it.

Since I've started my journey I've ONLY been in protective styles but when I was relaxing he'd help me relax LOL. He also oils my scalp. I <3 He :D
My Dh supports me with my hair journey. I've decided to transition to natural so he understands that his takes a lot of work. He supports me by taking care of our home and three small children 6,4, 11months, while I do my hair. He will pick up products, cook, clean, etc but I don't let him assist me anymore just because my hair is so thick and kinky now, 11 months post. However, in the pass ( relaxed), he would help me with my weaves and perms.. basis stuff, help me part, mix the perm while I base my scalp.. Now with our DD it's so much, she's all over the house.. crawling and touching everything. lol
I voted other. My SO isn't active with the care of my hair or my transitioning, but he lets me know when he thinks it looks nice (usually when it's straight :ohwell: ) and he's supportive of whatever I do with it. He won't tell me he likes it if he doesn't, but he is concerned about whether or not I'm happy with it however it is.

And I don't trust him to buy products. If I ask him to get something, he might come back with the wrong thing like, "It looks like the same thing and it was cheaper." :wallbash:
My SO is so supportive. He's always telling me how much healthier my hair looks. He likes when I try new styles. IE Southern tease bun and bantu knots. And he's always asking when I'm going natural or why I just don't go natural. He gets a little jealous that I spend a lot of time on the boards though.
Hes supportive, but i don't think he would take it on him self to help me do my hair. I really don't want him too, he wouldn't know what to do and I don't want a sister / hair assistant I'm control freak about my hair
DH loves how healthy and long my hair is. He will compliment a style but he gets frusterated that I put "so many" products on my hair (I moisturize and seal every day) and take so much time with it. I try to explain to him that the time and energy that I spend on my hair is what makes him want to touch it all the time lol
My DH is an active supporter. He checks me on heat usage the most (I've been known to burn out my hair).....He's always cheering me on, he loves the way my NG looks and feels when I'm stretching. He loves to smell my hair, he's always asking about prodcuts, what they are and what they "do". He's great.
As long as I look good he's fine, but I know he wishes my hair was still long. I don't really get that part though b/c SL is not long to me.
I wouldn't say mine is active...He doesn't help me cleanse, condition, or style it...But he has been supportive of my decision to go natural and even encouraged me when I almost gave in and relaxed a few months into my transition. He compliments my curls and coils all the time! Like a few of you ladies have said already, he is the main reason I've kept going with my transition. It's one thing if I like it, but if one more person likes it (especially the person I love), then I know other people will too.
I voted other. He doesn't actively help me with it, but he is supportive...and makes sure I don't run out of products.
My boyfriend said he was going to get a haircut on Friday afternoon. I was like, "Do you think your boy can take me down really low?" He was like, "Yep." The rest is history. LOL
My honey is very supportive, as my hair gets longer the more excited he gets...I detect selfish motives
But he is awesome, he will ask about my hair and he loves to comb or shampoo it.
He's supportive, he even helped me take down my weave (he was excited at first till he got to the top where its more gnarly :lol: his face and concentration too funny, I kept shouting "don't cut my hair" till he started slapping my hands away).

He is also an honorary LHCF-er (though he's threatened to join himself when I've refused to post his opinions- everytime I chuckle he wants to know the WHOLE story of what's happening, he loved the FAIL thread in OT and has a comment on e'rything in ET:spinning:.
All he keeps telling me is that he doesn't understand why I want to grow my hair long again, since I never wear it out.
He's supportive but more from the sidelines. Asks questions. Comes up with funny nicknames for me when I'm wearing my braid-outs, buns, etc:grin:. He is def partial to it being straigtened and I guess like some have said it's b/c it was longer when we met. He likes touching it and I like to have him brush it/ massage my scalp. Very relaxing... ;)
My dh is very supportive. He listens to me when I explain oils, protein/moisture, deep conditioning, clarifying, and growth aids. He helps me take out braids and weaves, will help wash, condition, and dry. He also comes to me with questions about his hair and its needs.