How often do you wash your hair?

How often do you wash your hair?

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For the past 7 weeks I was washing it every four days, and setting it by rollersetting, but I think rollersets are breaking my hair. I've started washing it only once a week now, but instead i blowdry on low heat, and speed all the while using the cold shot button too. It takes a lot longer to dry, but the results are worth it. I then flat iron using 1/3 of the heat possible for my iron. Since my iron goes up to level 25, I'll put it on level 8.
I wash and condition once a week. But, I am going to try washing every 5 days with a rollerset....of course.

I have a cousin who washes everyday. Her hair is short and brittle. Reason? That curling iron!!! She loves using that HOT cutrling iron every day. I keep trying to tell her and she complains that her hair wont grow....
I checked out ur fotki (awesome:yep::yep:)

personally i wash @ least every week I might do a co wash n' go or two in the mean time but some time between friday and sunday night I have to wash and dc or else I get attacked by the itchies
no more than once a week

usually once every 10days - which includes the full works:

overnight amla oil pre-poo
moisturizing poo
deep conditioning and hot oil mixed together (heated in microwave)

left on for 20-30mins

rinsed with ice cold filtered water.
Ive finally managed to start washing my hair almost 1 time a week! I used to wash every 3 days and lose hair every 3 days, but Ive realized if I just take care of my hair I can actually make it from Monday to Friday without washing! I know every few days works for some people (I thought it workd for me!) but I felt like I was overmanipulating my hair and washing as an excuse to try new products/straightening regimens/styles. And thats :nono: not good. So now Im just washing and straightening Mondays and washing and airdrying on Fridays.

Basically this unnecessarily long post was to inform yall my answer changed lol
Use a good heat protectant and don't over-do the direct heat. Your hair is very pretty.

thanks, so's yours :grin:. I still haven't done it in the week (I'm under the dryer now). I read another post that said she uses low heat settings for drying and flat iron. I'll try that too with the heat protectant.
Currently, I wash 2-3 times per week because I am doing more roller sets. There are other times when I wash 4-5 times pwer week because I am doing mostly wash and goes.
I'm gross...i wash maybe 1x a month or 2x a month depending on my protective style. It seems to work for me. Usually, when i do wash i clarify at that time.
i wash 2x week
I shampoo 1x only weekly. lather only once.
DC moisturize 1x week
protein DC 1-2x month
Before LHCF I used to wash once every 2-3 weeks. That wasn't the problem; the fact that I only wrapped my hair for the first 10 days and then could barely sleep with a scarf and rarely moisturized my ends was what was jacking my hair up!!
I'm back to every 3 days. That once a week thing had me feeling dirty and stale so I had to go back, since I start shedding and losing hair if I go too long. But THIS time I don't comb when at any point during the wash until I am detangling in the final rinse. I do it ALL by detangling using my hands and the water. I will be only detangling under a showerhead with my jibere shower comb at the final rinse. I learned my lesson, and I should have been listening to yall when I got here!

Basically its:
Prepoo in plastic bag 20 min(coconut oil, moisturizing cheapie cond.) rinse
ion effective care treatment for 10 min (this will be once a week), rinse
shampoo (GF Length & Strength) rinse
condition (water diluted CON) for 10 min, rinse leaving a little in

This usually keeps my hair feeling clean and strong, and I lose minimal hair.

Ive finally managed to start washing my hair almost 1 time a week! I used to wash every 3 days and lose hair every 3 days, but Ive realized if I just take care of my hair I can actually make it from Monday to Friday without washing! I know every few days works for some people (I thought it workd for me!) but I felt like I was overmanipulating my hair and washing as an excuse to try new products/straightening regimens/styles. And thats :nono: not good. So now Im just washing and straightening Mondays and washing and airdrying on Fridays.

Basically this unnecessarily long post was to inform yall my answer changed lol
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When my hair is not in a protective professionally done style- Its at least twice a week. Once a week when my week has been hectic. If its in a style like Twist extensions. I swear I don't wash my hair for the 8-12 weeks that I can rock the style. I know that that sounds offensive- but i clean my scalp with witch hazel and it doesn't smell. To take the twists out I use better braids braid removal spray and my hair untwists like butta. I don't know my hair seems to thrive best when i just leave it the hell alone:lachen:
Wow!! I thought I was the only one. Now I wash everyday because my hair is in cornrows and I wear a wig to work everyday. But washing my hair under the shower everyday is one the most relaxing experiences I've had. I plan to do it untill around May too then I'll have my big hair reveal. Don't really know if daily washing is a good thing but it sure feels good. :drunk:

Well, I'm on the daily or every other day washing challenge. I love to wash my hair, it's so relaxing:) I plan to continue this up until springtime. Maybe around April or May. Then I would like to cut it down to 1x a week.
once a week. i deep condtion everytime i wash my hair. i can't do mines 2x a week. i tried that before and it just wasn't for me.
I wash my hair 2- 3 days a week.
Lately 2x a week. I would like to start stretching longer but my hair tends
to build up and I have gotten use to that "fresh look". I wash more often in hot weather than cold weather.

I can see that as my hair gets longer just washing 2x a week but I dont think I could ever do once a week...I never have except when my mother used to do my hair. I washed everyday in high school..
I've been washing every 4-6 weeks, doing braid-outs or bantu knots. My hair always looks better when it's dirty:ohwell:...I am about 5 weeks post wash right now and I plan on washing tonight. In the summer months I typically cw 1 or 2 times per week, but it's cold out and I just don't feel like messing with my hair.
I have had all types of wash cycles since I started caring for my hair. The wash cycle I stick with best is once a week. When I was airdrying washing twice or more a week was okay, however my hair detest airdrying.
I wash 2x per week. Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesday is protein and strengthening when needed and Friday is moisturizing and conditioning when needed.

My hair is thick, so sometimes at the roots its not so fresh :blush: after about 3 or 4 days, especially when I use a satin cap or scarf and during the summer...
I wash 2x per week. Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesday is protein and strengthening when needed and Friday is moisturizing and conditioning when needed.

My hair is thick, so sometimes at the roots its not so fresh :blush: after about 3 or 4 days, especially when I use a satin cap or scarf and during the summer...

Two questions:

Is your hair natural?

And do you use poo both times?

You're hair is so pretty. I currently wash one time per week but I'd like to add another.

ETA: Oh and what is your hair type?
I did have a regular appointment at the salon once a week or at least once per two weeks if work got too crazy. Now that I am trying to do my own hair I have already washed my hair 4 times this month.
2-3 times a week for me, because I am doin rollersets. nothin worse than soggy curls. plus I am still tryin to decide which products and which mix of products I like best
I voted 2 times per week, but I made a mistake. I should have voted - other because I wash and DC my hair about 2 - 4 times per week, but mostly 3 times a week.
i wash mine once a week. usually cw and poo/wash every 2/3 wks. i just follow what my hair tells me... its worked out pretty well so far:rolleyes:
Since I've been transitioning, I've been washing only every 2 weeks. When I was relaxed I washed at least 2-3 times/week.

I will see what happens when I'm natural!
for the most part...

if my hair is "out"

i cleanse/rinse (usually just conditioner/baking soda) 2 or 3 times a week

and use shampoo...every once in a while.

my hair is in twists right now
and for a while i was afraid to wash it
because i didnt want to have to take them out too soon

but i've found a way to keep my hair stretched
while i'm washing because them shrinking too much
was my main concern
i have washed them twice so far
and have decided to wash once a week w/ the twists in