How often do you see your SO?


Well-Known Member
This is for those who are in serious relationships but not living together. How often do you see him? Once a week? Twice? Everyday?

Just curious.

Also, how much is too much?
It used to be every day but now our schedules conflict so now about 3-4 days out the week. I think too much time well after the honeymoon phase can cause conflicts so I like time apart.
On the weekends, we live on opposite sides of Atlanta (it's an hour drive from his place to mine). We talk and text several times every day.
Lissa0821 said:
On the weekends, we live on opposite sides of Atlanta (it's an hour drive from his place to mine). We talk and text several times every day.

this. we spend most weekends together alternating his place and mine. then we email back and forth all day at work during the week. its a work in progress bc thats not enough for me. we're toying with the idea of thursday nights at my place since he doesnt work fridays.
I have an unusual arrangement. We see each other at least once a month but that's because we're in two different states. We talk almost every night though. We plan to move closer to each other soon once I finish grad school.
Just about everyday. As much as I love my space, I also love being with him all the time. So I try to work in a day to myself, but we talk a million times a day. Even if we have spent the entire day together, I will come home and still spend over an hour on the phone with him before bedtime.
Just about everyday. As much as I love my space, I also love being with him all the time. So I try to work in a day to myself, but we talk a million times a day. Even if we have spent the entire day together, I will come home and still spend over an hour on the phone with him before bedtime.

DITTO!! I had to take a break today, I was exhausted, so I went straight home. He sounded a lil bummed that I didn't come by, but he was laying down too(he was off today).
Besides I jus wanted MY time alone. :look: I've seen him everyday since last Friday, since I came back from my trip.
I do miss the hell out of him.....I could use a hug & a kiss:yep:

I might go over there later :lick::look::grin:
Whenever we are off of work we go on a date but since we are moving and need to save money I force myself to stay home because he always ends up spending quite a bit on me but probably four days out a week maybe....
chocolat79 said:
Not nearly enough :sad: - LDR

I feel you. I live in the uk and he in the USA. Before that I'm in korea and him the states. And before that I'm in the states and him in Iraq/afghan.
It varies, at best we see each other once a week and at worst it can be a few months. We don't even live that far away from each other we just have conflicting schedules. We talk to each other everyday though and we do everything over facetime or skype. Once a week we'll match a movie together over skype and we cook and eat dinner together over skype/facetime too. Therefore it feels as though I see him a lot more than I do.
5 out of 7 days during the week, even if only for a few minutes (he lives 5 minutes from me. We both live at home woth our families, so we dedicate Sunday afternoon to Monday morning to ourselves :yep:
We see each other 3-4x a week... sometimes every day! The worst time was 2x a week because we were both very busy. I see I'm spoiled by looking at the other responses. SO lives a little more than 2 hrs away, but we are in the same city.
Everyday. If he sleeps at his place instead of mine, he will come to my job the next day to bring me lunch or to say hi. It's crazy. :)
about every other day, if not more. i work in his city, so i just started spending the night there.