Ladies NOT living with your SO......

We don't live together yet but we will very soon.... Just bought a house..
I am at his place almost everyday during the weekday and he is at my place during the weekend... When I get off work at 5:00pm I go home until about 8:30-9:00p then I head over to his place, those few hours give us that me time to ourselves :yep:.

Been dating a little over a year :grin:

I don't live with my SO either, but I sleep at his place almost every night out of the week. I try to sneak over to my place at least once a week though.

ETA: We've been dating for 5 months.
He has a place clear across town, but sleeps here every night(unless we have an arguement). I talk to him daily, text also. We have been together for 4 years.
I am in a long distance relationship, last time I saw him was early January. We talk on the phone all day, every day.
I expect to see him during holidays and when i Have time off from school. He buys me a plane ticket and i go see him, he has to work so it's better for me to come see him.

After I graduate in May, I will move to where he is ( not just him, I have my family there too), but I will live by myself.
Ain't no shacking up until I have a ring on my finger...and he knows that.
I have been with my SO for 4 years now. The first two years I lived on campus and we were only 30 minutes apart. We would usually see each other on the weekends; because I didn't have a car then. Currently I have been home for 2 years because of an injury and we live 2 hours away. We talk/ text everyday and usually get to see each other maybe once or twice a month because of work schedules.My SO works 12 hours, 6 days a week; and I was working 6 days also. It has been a challenge, I would love to see him everyday. But I will be moving back on campus this may, which is great because I will be closer to him.
We have only been dating for a few months and we see each other about once or twice a week. We talk on the phone at least once a day and when I'm traveling (a lot) we text too. On avg. I think 1-2 a week is good for us right now (I'm in the habit of mostly just seeing him on real 'dates') :look:
I've been a LDR with my SO for nearly 2yrs. Since we've been together I see him approximately every 3 months but it has been harder this year with my job and not having much vacation time available to go see him. When I'm home we spend nearly everyday together and I usually spend the night with him. After I finish my internship in June I'm moving into his house. Neither of us really believe in living together before marriage but since it has been impossible for us to have a 'normal' relationship we think this is what is best for us. Me having an apartment would be a waste of money since I'd be with him pretty much every night.

I agree with the consensus of doing what is best for your relationship. The SO and I have had numerous conversations about how we are going to make our relationship work and for the future this seems to be what we both want. He's a little more eager to settle down since hitting 30 but I know he's my one so I'm happy that he wants me around all day every day. Good luck in figuring out what's best.
After reading you all responses I have come to the conclusion that, no, I not too needy....lmao:lachen:. I just need someone who is more assertive and aggressive, which is what I am used to. I would think as the years go by you get closer, not further apart. Espiacally if you don't live together.
My babe and I live maybe 10 minutes away. he spends SOME nights at my place thru the week...and I spend most weekends at his. He works 24 hour shifts so those are automatically days that we are not together. Most times he spends his off days at my place.

We talk on the phone maybe twice a day....text here and there. He doesn't like to talk on the phone...and it was rough to adjust...but as we grow is all pretty much working out. :-)
My SO and I don't live together as yet. We spend alot of time together. We sleep at each other's house at least 4 days out of the week. Even with that we talk to each other everyday a few times with at least 1 long conversation. I don't consider myself needy, we are best of friends and enjoy what the other has to say. We have been together 4 years now and each year I think we talk to each other more and more.
Well we're both very busy (him with a full time and part time job) (me with a full time job and school), but we talk everyday throughout the day for the most part. We see each other once a week to spend time and then also throughout the week if we gotta do meetings and other little stuff.

Sometimes it gets a little hard cause that one day you're just like man I miss my baby, but he/she is busy but it works for us. We're happy. And then again we talk everyday whether at work, school, home so we're never out of touch even if one is away...yep them long distance bills are high lol
..........Further lets me know that the decision I have made was the right one. Since posting this thread, I ended it with my SO of going on four years. It wasn't solely because of this thread, but it did help me to realize that instead of our relationship progressing, it was going on a downward spiral. It is very hard to leave someone who you aren't arguing with or someone who hasn't done something blatantly wrong to you. But the distance was killing me. Though he has alot of financial and personal issues (the recession is kicking his butt) that he is dealing with, the relationship between he and I was being terribly affected by it. We went from talking four times a day to every other day. We used to see each other maybe three times a week and recently it had become once a week. And though I tried to be an understanding person, I truely believe that if you are in love with a woman, no matter how busy, sad, or irritated you are with things outside of the relationship, there is a passion within you that at least wants to hear her voice everyday. It was very obvious that his head was elsewhere and I was just unhappy. The two entities don't mix... *sigh*
I don't live my SO. We've been together 5 years and change. I see him about 3-4 times a week and we talk everyday at least 2x (once when I'm at work and once when we get home..)
After reading you all responses I have come to the conclusion that, no, I not too needy....lmao:lachen:. I just need someone who is more assertive and aggressive, which is what I am used to. I would think as the years go by you get closer, not further apart. Espiacally if you don't live together.

Nope you aren't too needy and yes over time you should get closer:yep:. You made the right decision to move on. I wish you the best.