How often should you see your SO

How many days a week should you see your SO?

  • 1-2 times a week, if that.

    Votes: 31 32.6%
  • 3-4 times a week.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • 5-6... shoot... every day you should see him!

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • Only when its time to color (lol)

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters
I would just say 1 to 7 days a week depending on our schedules. I can't really give a set number of days required to see my boyfriend. If we want to see each other, I'm certainly not going to hold back and keep from seeing each other just because it's considered too much in someone elses' eyes. That's ridiculous. You certainly want to give each other space and maybe even a break if things aren't going to well for a split second, but you also want to be able to spend quality time with your significant other as well.
A few times a week was enough for me....I enjoyed my "me time" (still do and we're married now) plus I still enjoyed hanging out with my friends.
I think quality is more important than quantity. One of the reasons my last relationship did not work was because I wanted more quality time. We would see each other 2-4x a week but it usually was with other people (friends,family, church, etc.) and not just the two of us. Many times, the ride in the car was our only "just the two of us" time.
We see every two weeks for a couple of days. We live in different Counties about 2 hours and a significant amount of money away and we both have commitments there so he either comes down for a couple of days or I go over for a couple of days. We're trying to keep it at 4 days for now so we're not in each others space too much. Sometimes it varies though ... like he came down last week for 4 days and would be over again this weekend.
I live with him, and we still don't "hang out" daily. We sleep, eat, and work throughout the week lol.

Then I'm always taking trips or shopping, he's hanging out with friends.

So since we instituted a "date night," we definitely hang out that night, and maybe an additional 1-2 nights (or days, depending on work) per week.

I hope the way I explained it makes sense?

it does...
do u think u hang out less since you live together?
For the first year we dated I saw him every single day then the second year because of other circumstances only a couple days a month and holidays.
My thinking is in the beginning SEE each other twice a week; TALK to each other twice a week.

As things progress, bump it up a day or two.
I would say three times a week I remeber I had a bf who I sw EVERY day LOL we dated for about 9 months but it felt like 3 yrs cause we were together all the time, we were the definition of joined at the hip, we didnt live together no were we in the same class or anything like that. I liked it at first but damn...

Then the bf after that we saw each other once a week cause we lived in different cities that wasnt enough for me

So now I would say 2-3 times a week, no more than that
i voted 3-4 times but i do see him more than that sometimes. My kids are gone every other week for the summer so thats when my SO and i have we time whne they are back he will pop over for the most an hr and a 1/2 but nothing significant just for a hug or a kiss of course not infront of the kids lol
I've seen him every day since Friday and I've never been happier. Our schedules don't really sync up since we're both in school and he works. Fall semester starts next week and so we've been spending some much needed time together and every single day of it has been wonderful.
With my ex, we were together almost everyday. He definitely took me for granted. With my new SO, I started seeing him twice during the week and on the weekends, but I just changed it. Now, we're only hanging out on the weekend. I prefer to chill at my house alone during the week. lol
With my ex, we were together almost everyday. He definitely took me for granted. With my new SO, I started seeing him twice during the week and on the weekends, but I just changed it. Now, we're only hanging out on the weekend. I prefer to chill at my house alone during the week. lol

The bolded happened to me, too. :ohwell: So I don't see my new boo nearly as much right now.
i cant see mine he is in iraq:crying3:

when he comes back, it might be once every 6 months or so:wallbash:
so what does a girl say when her SO complains over not seeing her every day?

If you like it...
I say every day. If I don't see him all the time I'll miss him and he me.
And he does not take me for granted, in fact he spoils me whenever we are together.

I use to see him and be together everyday. Now, its not as much because I'm slowing down all of that till after the nuptials. Right now 2-3 times a week is good enough for me.
I voted 1-2 week we're busy alot more often so we dont see each other much
At one point me and my SO would see each other atleast 4x a week but we got so wrapped up in each other we forgot about everyone else i dont like being the friend who flat leaves everyone for her man.
So to me the less the better, he'll cherish you more
I'd say once during the weekday and once on the weekend is more than enough. If you spend more than 3x a week with him then that means that your life is centered around him, which is not a good thing.
2 times a week is enough while dating or married :look::lachen::ohwell:

If you are spending too much time with one person, it may mean that you are neglecting other areas of your life as well.