How often do you detangle??

How often do you detangle?

  • Every day

    Votes: 29 14.1%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 18 8.7%
  • Every 2 days

    Votes: 9 4.4%
  • Every 3 days

    Votes: 17 8.3%
  • Every 4 days

    Votes: 14 6.8%
  • Every 5 days

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • Every 6 days

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 79 38.3%
  • Longer than a week

    Votes: 36 17.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Sometimes I think that I detangle too much and other times I don't think I detangeled enough.. How often do you do it??
I think I detangle a lot as well.

It's safe to say I do it every other day when styling.

I also do it with every co-wash, shampoo, and before a braid out or bantu knots!!!
As often as my schedule permits. I like my hair to be as tangle free as possible. Those detangling sessions after waiting too long make me absolutely miserable, damage my hair (no matter how careful I am) and have me dreaming of cutting. So, if I could detangle daily, I would because that means hardly any tangles at all. I just haven't had the time lately. I try never to go more than three days or so.
I detangle everyday. If I'm gonna be home all day, I'll probably leave my hair wrapped, and give my hair a "break". Then I'll detangle the following day. I can't go no more than 2 days! My hair usually detangles easy except when my hair is in protein overload (like it is now). :rolleyes:
I use my denman on wash day (usually once a week). I usually just fingercomb in-between. I think I may need to use a comb more often though, I'm getting too many knots.
Generally speaking I do a complete detangle every couple of days. I will do it daily when I'm about 6-8 weeks post or my NG will mat even if it's stretched and bunned. I tried doing it once a week and had a crapload of breakage and terrible terrible tangling.
I generally detangle everyday during my cowash. If I go more than a couple days, my hair turns into a tangled, matted mess and trying to clear that up would have me loosing more hair than doing so daily. But how I detangle varies each day...I usually use a comb, sometimes just my fingers and about twice a week I use the Denman.
once a month with my fingers only.... i made the mistake of trying to use a comb 1nce and the results werent pretty it was like i sprouted another head:nono:
I recently started co-washing my hair everynight. During this process, I detangle w/ my hands. I seen some major improvments in my hair since doing this.
Now that my hair is shorter I only have to detangle once or twice weekly. When my hair was longer I had to detangle more often, but I wouldn't, because I was lazy and it was too much work.
I can't really go past 3 days otherwise my hair will matt. My strands love to hang out together and are pretty loathe to separate
i aim for once a week. sometimes, i leave it for longer if i'm too lazy and didn't take the comb into the bathroom. i've gone a few weeks without detangling though. the most being about 6 weeks; i recently went about 2-3 weeks without it. my hair only gets really tangled up when i've taken down braid extensions.
Once a week and I don't even think I really need it that much!

Since texturizing, my hair doesn't tangle much. Detangling is always a breeze, even with an inch of newgrowth!
My hair is rarely loose, and I wash in the twists or braids it's styled in, so I detangle when the style comes down. Usually every 3-6 weeks depending on the style.
I used to detangle about once a month, when I'd wash to do my twists; now I'm thinking I need to detangle at least once a week or every other week. Ever since I got my Kcutter though (how come no one told me how amazing this comb is?!?!?!) detanglings been a hell of a lot easier.
Conditioner poos, deep conditioning every shampoo and a good spritz with OYIN HANDMADE FRANK JUICE makes it very, very minimal. I don't really tangle anymore; a few hairs may be intertwined but my fingers separate and it's done.