How long does it take YOU to detangle?

How long does it take you to detangle?

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how long does it take you to detangle? No more than 5 minutes

What is your hair type? 4b with a little a. relaxed

How do you detangle and how often? I usually detangle when I'm rinsing out my DC, under the shower. The water pressure makes it easier. My hair is pretty much detangled then but I do it again after I put my leave ins in so it can airdry pretty straight. I do this whenever I maybe once or twice a week.
How long does it take you to detangle? Shouldn't be more than 5-10 minutes.. Less if detangled before hand.

What is your hair type? 3b/3c. Mostly c.

How do you detangle and how often?
I detangle in the shower with lots of conditioner if my hair has been out and about. It's usually any cheapo conditioner, but I just run my wide tooth comb in it in about 3 sections.

I usually do a comb through every night w/ my wide tooth before I section my hair in 4 box plaits at night. The detangle takes about five minutes when it has plenty of moisturizer. Detangling bone dry hair is a no-no.
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Since finding the hair boards and learning that I can't just rip through my hair or I'll break it off, the best I've ever done is 1 hr 15 minutes. The worst it got was 3-4 hours each wash session each week. Now it's between 1 hr 30 minutes and 2 hours usually.

I'm natural 4b and I detangle usually before washing by putting conditioner on my dry hair and using a wide tooth comb and/or a Goody Add+Shine brush.
It takes me approximately 15 mins. I detangle in the shower when I cowash every 1-2 weeks. I section my hair into four and I work with one section at a time. I add Tresemme Moisture Rich conditioner and use my shower comb to detangle and then I go over it with my Denman. Then I move on to the next section. I'm fully natural. Not certain on the hairtype.

I never thought about using a comb and then the Denman to detangle. I'm trying that tonight. My hair loves to wrap itself around each curl so it takes a good 30 -45 min to detangle and my hair is almost MBL.

Hair Type: 3c/4a; very curly; natural for 7 years

I've tried detangling pre and post shampoo (or con wash). My hair does much better if I detangle while it's wet. Lots of con, any kind doesn't matter as long as I get good slip (e.g. Aussie Moist, Humectant Suave, etc. - my mind is drawing a blank right now). Nothing expensive. I save that for the days that I don't detangle.
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It takes me under 15 minutes but only when I do it every couple of days. I realised about 10 or so months into my transition that I couldn't go more than 3 days without detangling if I didn't want super long detangling sessions.

I have type 4 natural hair. I don't wash in braids, I detangle using a seamless shower comb with loads of conditioner in the shower but with no running water. Afterwards I run my denman through to catch all the shed hair. Hth.
I detangle as I am styling so I don't think that counts.
The couple of times I have detangled my entire head for a wash-n-go, it's taken me 15 minutes or less. I do not allow my hair to get really tangled. I'm in twists most of the time and I wash my hair in braids.

how long does it take you to detangle?
please see above
What is your hair type?
How do you detangle?
I detangle on wet moisturized hair at my bathroom counter
and how often?
once a week on wash day
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At least an hour...:ohwell:

I detangle on dry hair in six, well technically eight, sections. I break up the sections in the front into their own sections because that is the thickest (or most dense?) part of my hair. I use JC Leave-In and castor oil, and I'm a 4a/4b natural.
It depends on the style I"ve been wearing. If I keep it stretched during the week it takes me 20-30 minutes to detangle and put my hair in big twists or braids. If it's been in a funny style or shrunken we don't even want to talk about how long it would take to detangle.
half and hour to 45 minutes... I'm VERY gentle with my hair. At this point, I'm all about retaining every millimeter of hair on my head. I also found that washing hair in braids keeps your hair from being so hard to detangle. Best thing I could have ever found! I also use the crown and glory technique which envolves 1.) taking a section of hair 2.) finger seperating the hair as good as possible 3.)detangle with wide tooth comb 4.) smooth through with brush.

Its AWESOME! love that technique.
A few questions so that I can better understand.
(1) Do you detangle on dry hair before braiding hair?
(2) Do you keep hair braided while running the poo/condish thru hair?
How does the prod penetrate if the hair is braided up the entire time?
(3) When do you actually take braids out?...i.e., when you're out the shower and ready to apply leave-ins and style?

Thanks a million --

1. Hair is dry when sectioned off and braided. (my hair is straigtened when not in micros - probably should have mentioned that bad :look:)

2. Hair is kept braided durring shampooing and conditioning. I massage and work product in with fingers on the scalp and the braids are massaged as well with product. - Rinsing is the only thing that can really take time because I want to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind.

3. Braids are taken down when I'm ready to apply leave ins a section at a time. When I'm doing a deep condition I take the braids down but don't separte them as hair is saturated w/ the good stuff - I actually braid hair back up to wash out the deep con (again to prevent the tangles)

Hope that was a bit more of what you were looking for.
how long does it take you to detangle? What is your hair type? How do you detangle and how often?


-It takes 45mins to an 1hr to detangle
-I have been detangling on wet hair for the past few weeks. However, on my next wash day (saturday) I plan to go back to detangling on dry stretched hair. Whether wet or dry hair, I always use a detangler, conditioner and oil. I also detangle in small sections. Detangling in small sections is what causes me to take a long time to detangle.
-I detangle every 2 weeks.
I'm 6 months transitioning. I wear cornrows and I wear them for about a month with no extensions. It takes me about 25/30 minutes. The first time it took me about an hour and I lost so much hair. A Fist full. :sad:

This time it took me about 25/30 mins to take them down and detangle. I use Aussie moist conditioner because it really does have great slip, and water. During the month I used Bronner Brother Hot six oil and it has two ceramides. I'm fully convinced this help me lose only about the size of a quarter of hair.

hey sis.... what are ceramides????
-It takes 45mins to an 1hr to detangle
-I have been detangling on wet hair for the past few weeks. However, on my next wash day (saturday) I plan to go back to detangling on dry stretched hair. Whether wet or dry hair, I always use a detangler, conditioner and oil. I also detangle in small sections. Detangling in small sections is what causes me to take a long time to detangle.
-I detangle every 2 weeks.

what's your best detangler
It takes me between 30-45 minutes while im in the shower with conditioner and sopping wet hair. I have to do it in like 5 sections at the least.
Howlong does it take you to detangle?

Less than 45 seconds on my 3c hair (every single time); 5-10 minutes on my 4a hair (depending on how tangled it was).

What is your hair type?

3c (front and sides) / 4a (entire back half)

How do you detangle and how often?

I detangle with a wide-tooth comb in the shower with my hair drowning in slippy conditioner. Then I go over it with my modified Denman* to remove all shed hair.

* Modified Denman = I took every other row of teeth out of the brush so it won't pull my hair out so much.
If my hair is really tangled, like if I've been wearing a wash n' go for a week w/o detangling it takes me about 3 or 4 minutes under the shower stream with a good conditioner (Yes to Carrots!).

ETA....if I detangle on dry hair before shampooing it takes me much longer. I'd say about 15-20 minutes. I like to do it this way sometimes because I can take my time.
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I'm 5 months post and transitioning. I detangle once a week in the shower with a lot of conditioner (or my shampoo... it gets my hair nice and slippery), and it takes about 30 minutes.

ETA: Also, I use the stream of water to help once I have worked up to my natural hair. The relaxed parts of my hair don't really need it.

A few times it's taken closer to 45, but thats if I went a very long time without washing, or let my hair air dry without manipulating it at all throughout the week or something like that.
I'm soooo jealous! That is crazy to take that short amount of time. I don't detangle in the shower because I lose way too much hair and I've yet to use a conditioner that has enough slip for me to detangle. I will list the ways I've detangled and if any of you have any suggestions let me know.

Detangle with loads of conditioner both under the shower head and without the shower head in 4 sections- I have noidea how long it takes because I've never finished. It was too difficult

I've saturated my hair with coconut oil and evoo and pre-poo'd over night and detangled in 4 or 6 sections- This worked well up until 5 months post

I used conditioner on damp hair outside of the shower and detangled in 4 or 6 sections-Took longer than an hour and I gave up

Used detangler and detangled in 18 sections and put in box braids-Took about 2 hours to fully detangle and braid

I currently use detangler on 4 or 6 sections and it takes about an hour

Conditioners I've used:
Aussie Moist (terrible)
Aussie Moist 3 Minute (more terrible)
Herbal Essences Hello Hydration (terrible)
Herbal Essences Hydralicious (mediocre but not enough slip for shower detangling)
Tresemme Moisture Rich (worked well before 3 months post, now it's terrible)
Vo5 (all of them are mediocre)
Suave Naturals Coconut (worked well when relaxed, now it's terrible)
Silk Elements Megasilk Moisturizing Treatment (not enough slip)
Lustrasilk Cholesterol (not enough slip)
Lekair Cholesterol (not enough slip)
Organics Hair Mayonnaise (haven't used since being relaxed but those little things annoyed me)
Silk Elements Hair Mayonnaise (fail)
ORS Replenishing (haven't used since being relaxed)

So yeah thats everything I've tried. I've never seen It's a 10 and I can't afford salon products

I'm 4B Thick Texlaxed (not on purpose, my hair just won't get straight) and 12 month stretcher - Try this: Organic Root Stimulator Professional Replenishing conditioner (Yellow bottle w/ green top) on dry hair over night. Don't need to mix in oils bcs. already has olive oil. Detangle in the morning in 4 sections before you get in the shower. Works like a charm w/ 15 min max even at 10 weeks post. BUT - don't detangle with running water. That will just rinse all your con out. Or you can poo/co-wash and sit under dryer with con for 30 min. and works just as well. I just like to use as a pre-poo on dry hair so I don't have to hop in and out of the shower.
Natural w/ 3bc and 4a hair. I detangle with my fingers first on dry hair. Then, it's plaited up in 6-8 loose braids. I take each braid down and detangle that way, then move onto the next.

It takes between 15-20min, and I'm not moving too fast either. I'm taking my time and I have minimal hair loss too.
I said 30-45 min because I get bored, my arms get tired and I detangle after I get out of the shower while I'm sitting in front of the T.V.
i'm natural 4 something, takes me 30-45 minutes to detangle because i detangle in 8 sections ( with a bone comb) while applying deep conditioner and have to twist each section once detangled.
when not applying deep con i take 15 minutes to detangle in sections, i only detangle 1 a week
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1. Hair is dry when sectioned off and braided. (my hair is straigtened when not in micros - probably should have mentioned that bad :look:)

2. Hair is kept braided durring shampooing and conditioning. I massage and work product in with fingers on the scalp and the braids are massaged as well with product. - Rinsing is the only thing that can really take time because I want to make sure I'm not leaving anything behind.

3. Braids are taken down when I'm ready to apply leave ins a section at a time. When I'm doing a deep condition I take the braids down but don't separte them as hair is saturated w/ the good stuff - I actually braid hair back up to wash out the deep con (again to prevent the tangles)

Hope that was a bit more of what you were looking for.

Attempted this last night and still hand tangles. :wallbash: It's obvious I did it wrong. My hair was coming undone (unbraided) while was a mess. I'm relaxed and maybe that's why the braids wouldn't stay in... you think?
^^I'm pretty sure the braids became undone because you are relaxed. You can put rubberbands or something at the end to keep them together if you want to try again. Washing in braids don't work for me because it still takes me the same amount of time to detangle.

So I tried detangling in the shower again ladies. It was a fail lol Maybe I could've done it but after 7 minutes of combing and not really getting far, I gave up. I can't stay in the shower too long or I start getting sick. That may have been one of the reasons I switched to detangling outside.
Like 10 mins in the shower with tons of condish... that's if I hadn't touch my hair for like a week plus... but daily only like 3 mins.