How often do you detangle??

How often do you detangle?

  • Every day

    Votes: 29 14.1%
  • Every other day

    Votes: 18 8.7%
  • Every 2 days

    Votes: 9 4.4%
  • Every 3 days

    Votes: 17 8.3%
  • Every 4 days

    Votes: 14 6.8%
  • Every 5 days

    Votes: 3 1.5%
  • Every 6 days

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 79 38.3%
  • Longer than a week

    Votes: 36 17.5%

  • Total voters
Finger detangle almost daily. My relaxed ends like each other a little too much... Its crazy. My NG doesn't tangle but my relaxed ends do! If I dont detangle daily I will end up with dreads. Its just that serious.
I detangle everytime I wash...Normally, that is once a week- If I have a PS, it may be a little longer...
i detangle 2/3 times a week ,mainly on wash days with a large toothed comb or Denman.I try not to brush my hair when its curly as it could cause breakage and lose the curl pattern .When I go to work i smooth down the sides and put it in a bun .
I detangle once a week in the shower with my wide tooth comb. I now thinking about losing the comb and just detangle with my fingers. I'll see how that goes.
I detangled my hair today on dry hair before co-washing. I applied amla oil to my hair and used my fingers to remove shed hairs. Worked like a charm for me this time around.

I detangle 1x a week, sometimes less.
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I used to detangle every single day but I relized that was too much manipulation for my hair personally. Now I do it once a week before washing
If I am understanding detangling properly combing out from tip to roots, I detangle twice daily when I moisturizer and seal. I am relax so that may make the difference.
I Co wash everyday so Ima say every other day I use a comb.. Other days I use my fingers..
i used to detangle with my denman pretty much everday or every 2 days (when ever i cowashed), and i think that was 2 much manipulation, plus i heard some hair snaps on a few occasions! but i was watching nappychronicles on youtube and she said she detangles less and has more length retention and curl definition, and i've been trying that for the past few weeks, and detangling less and doing the shake n go (i get the best results from cowashing and then rinsing most of the conditioner out w/ cold water and then sealing with castor oil doing a light rinse again with cold water and air dry (dont touch until dry)...omg SOFT, MOIST defined curls for atleast 3 days) my curls are more defined and i think im retaining more i only detangle 1x a week, using my fingers (and usually it doesnt feel like it needs to be detangled because the water and conditioner smooth out any tangles or knots, but i still do it anyways)...even if i cowash midweek i dont detangle, and in the mornings when i dont wash i usually spritz or rinse w/ water and shake...when im wearing a puff then at night i spray my hair with water and put some shea butter on my edges and brush them w/ a soft brush and then put on a goody ouchless band and a scarf on the front...i just leave the back out and dont finger comb or anything
I didn't vote, b/c I detangle whenever I wash/cowash. This varies depending on my mood, and my hair.
I detangle the ends of my twists with my fingers around day 5 and I detangle with a comb and retwist around day ten. I still haven't found the perfect oils and routine to eliminate knotting but I'm workin' on it.
Everytime it gets wet in the shower. I use a wide toothed comb and stand under the showerhead with the water set at "jet massage". I'm completely detangled in about two minutes.
I detangle every other day, basically whenever I style my hair or I'm getting ready to wash and condition. I stick to that schedule whether I have just relaxed or am late into a 12-week stretch.
I've recently discovered that it takes me just as long to detangle no matter how frequently or infrequently I do it. So for the past few months, I've only been detangling once a month and I think I will keep up with this unless it starts to hinder my retention (which I don't see happening).
I detangle every other day after washing my hair. I make sure I have conditioner in it and that it feels soft. It's not bad anymore now that I can get the tangles out and lose no more than 5 hairs with each wash/detangle. There was a time I would have a comb FULL of hair after detangling..............AWFUL!!
I hate detangling.

I do it abt three times a week. Twice is just a gentle, lifting and tugging near the ends. The other time is full fledged shed hair removal, getting all up in the scalp crevices lol.


I hatehatehate detangling!

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Honestly, I only detangle my hair when it's wet. Methinks the only other time I comb my hair is when I take it out of a wrap. If I am pin-curling or doing something like a braidout, or ponytail, I don't detangle my hair between washes at all.
I keep the front and sides of my hair out since I wear a half wig. I detangle that about once a day with my fingers. Every other day or so I'll brush it, it depends on how I'm wearing it (straight or braid out).

The rest of my own hair is cornrowed. That hair is detangled like... every 2 - 4 weeks depending on how much I've co-washed or baggied my hair.

ETA: I'm texlaxed

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I detangle every time I take my install down or take out braids, or than that my hair is pretty manageable to comb out. I have noticed that since I have been detangling I have been losing less and less hair.
Every day. I never wear my hair out so it doesn't tangle but I always rake my jilbere through my hair when I co-wash.

Sent from my HTC EVO