How much water do you drink?

How much water a day?

  • 8oz/ 1 cup

    Votes: 18 4.1%
  • 16oz/ 2 cups

    Votes: 28 6.4%
  • 24oz/ 3 cups

    Votes: 45 10.3%
  • 32oz/ 4 cups

    Votes: 45 10.3%
  • 40oz or more: If more how much

    Votes: 255 58.5%
  • I don't drink water but I need to start

    Votes: 45 10.3%

  • Total voters
Before I do ANYTHING - I have 24 oz of water to start my day, then I'm slurping water all day long:lol: When I get too busy and don't get at least 64 0z I get leg cramps!!!
I drink it in crystal light form and sip a Dasani in between, so crytal light makes me thick I have juice, but my hair is still the same, my skin is fine, I still sip my sodas and gotta have that morning coffee, but you do fel better when you drink a good ice cold glass of water, at least I do. I have to have it ice cold, room temp is horrible. yuck!
Sly said:
1.5 Liters (6 cups/50.7 ounces) . . . pushing for 2 liters or more a day until I am green in the face:drunk2: .
Thanks for the conversion - I drink a 1.5 liter bottle of water everyday (or try to anyway).
I thought I was the bomb drinking 1 - 1.5 liter H2O a day and released I needed to drink at least 2 liters to make my 64 oz quota.

I can't wait to report to benefits of more water consumption. :)
I'm not sure how much water I drink I guess around 100oz a day. Before I eat breakfast I have already drunk two to three glasses of water. I walk around all day with a cup of water or a water bottle. I am constantly going to the fridge to refill.
I start off each morning with a gallon of spring or filtered water. Most days I can finish, but others not. On the not days, it's still pretty close to the bottom. When it's hot and I'm active, I end up drinking even more. I guess it balances out to a gallon a day that way.
Can it be harmful to drink too much water? I'm sure I heard this somewhere :cool: if so what are the potential 'risks'?

For about 2 weeks I was drinking 2 litres a day, something I've NEVER been able to do ever - especially as I'm also out & about but I came to find the best way for me to ensure I was getting at least 1.5 litres was to walk around with a 1.5 litre bottle of water - that helped alot. Now i'm sliping although I don't drink fizzy drinks anymore, just water & fruit juice not concentrated - the 100% pure type. The other types & fizzy drinks don't taste good to me no more; If I don't get a substantial amount of water now, I don't feel right either
I drink at least 32 oz a day. With all of my supplements and my daily Zyrtec, I can get quite dried out. I don't feel 100% unless I drink at least the 32oz.
As for it being harmful to drink too much, a friend of mine has a job with random drug testing. When his turn came up, he couldn't go and they told him if he didn't he was fired. Well, they kept making him drink water until his esophagus ruptured. He was in the hospital for several weeks and still hasn't fully recovered. I think this is uncommon and due to so many cups at one time. Isn't that crazy?!?!
Brownie518 said:
I drink at least 32 oz a day. With all of my supplements and my daily Zyrtec, I can get quite dried out. I don't feel 100% unless I drink at least the 32oz.
As for it being harmful to drink too much, a friend of mine has a job with random drug testing. When his turn came up, he couldn't go and they told him if he didn't he was fired. Well, they kept making him drink water until his esophagus ruptured. He was in the hospital for several weeks and still hasn't fully recovered. I think this is uncommon and due to so many cups at one time. Isn't that crazy?!?!

:eek: that is crazy.
I dont drink much plain water unfortunately. I used to drink about 160z a day but I realized the water I drank was not comming out of my body which can be a bad thing as my doctor told me. Some folks have to drink water with with a bit of sugar in it because in some people I guess they way their kidneys are they back up . I guess that is me according to my doc. I know if you intake too much water and it isnt comming out you can die from over hydration of your cells.
Usually, i get an average of 50-60 oz a day but lately i've been getting around 70-80 oz. I think during the summertime, we tend to drink more water. I'm trying to maintain between 60-70 oz a day so i can intake half my body weight in water.
2 liters for me also, i think that's about 68oz.
I always buy .5L bottles and make sure I drink 4 each day. I've been working out 5x a week so I really have to drink a lot of water... I really see a difference in my nails and skin, not sure about my hair yet though.
roughly around 2liters. I have a 24oz cup that I fill up around 3times at work then I constantly drink water bottles while Im at home.
Divine Inspiration said:
I drink 2 liters per day which is half my weight in oz.

Water is EXTREMELY important to healthy hair growth. No moisturizer, leave-in, or vitamin is as good for our hair as plain old WATER. We have to hydrate our hair from the inside out.

If you drank half your weight in oz for just a few weeks, I'm sure you'd see a dramatic difference in growth & the condition of the new growth.

I think some of the ladies here who have issues with stretching would be better off if they increased their water intake...I certainly was.

Water is a woman's beauty's the key to healthy skin, hair, and nails as well as maintaining a healthy weight and keeping energy levels up.

I drink a little less than half my body weight in oz per day. Your post just encouraged me to up my water intake a little more. I have a 28 oz water jar that I keep filled and I drink two of those at work and now I'll try to finish one at home. That should do it.
I try to drink at least 3-4 20oz. bottles a day. In addition, I try to drink at least a cup full with my lunch and dinner meal.
I usually drink 54 ounces thereabouts, but I have done 72 today already. Last summer, I drank about 80 ounces a day for a good three months and did wonderful things for my body, skin and hair. I am trying to get back to that.