How much does age matter to you?


Well-Known Member
I know some of the ladies have dated much younger or older men but has it ever been a factor in the relationship? I used to be so obsessed with age but lately I've been open to dating younger. Recently someone from my past has resurfaced and he's about 5 years younger and back when we briefly dating I was so embarrassed of him and ended up dumping him. Now he's back and older but so am I and he wants for me to give the relationship a try again. I'm still not sure if I'm ok with the age difference. I always think I'm old even if people tell me I don't look over 25/26. I hurt that poor boy back then due to my insecurities but after seeing him the attraction is still there. He is more stable now and has a good job and car etc. he did not have anything when we dated, he was 22 and I 27. My cousins used to crack jokes that he was so young and that really annoyed me and i just could not deal with it. Now I'm faced with should I go out on a date with him and open that door again. Out of all the guys I ever dated this young man seemed to worship the ground I walked on but I treated him so bad because I was a confused mess. I was the immature one in the relationship despite being older.

Sidenote: I know I was just recently in a complex situation with someone else but that person is out of my life. Moving on.
There is something about an older man though....but age is becoming less and less important to me. I don't usually date younger but if I was available, I'd be open to the idea. kangs and fools come in all ages. Dating older exclusively doesn't assure a thing.
There is something about an older man though....but age is becoming less and less important to me. I don't usually date younger but if I was available, I'd be open to the idea. kangs and fools come in all ages. Dating older exclusively doesn't assure a thing.

Yes and I also feel like a damsel in distress when I date older but I like that. They take control and I always feel protected. When I date young I usually become the leader and they don't object. I like to be challenged a little. This guy was a softy. Now he's like he will lay down the rules and the things I used to get away with wont fly, lol. I'm not really buying it but I will try to be more respectable than before.
I'm starting to like MUCH older men, and I define much older as in 9 to 10 years older than me (no Daddy issues, my daddy was my world lol RIP). I can't get down with the youngins and it is just probably me being stereotypical because the older guys play games too but youngins that date older women seem to all have a certain mindset that I am not attracted to. It is like the ones I run across on dating sites want a mature woman, yet they aren't fully mature themselves. They actually seem more immature than the ones their age that don't seek out older women if that makes sense.

And most youngins look YOUNG to me. Make me feel like I am robbing the cradle...I like the grown and sexy look that a man with some age to him has.
A few years ago I wouldn't even think to date a guy more than 1-2 years younger or older than me. Now, as I get older I've started to broaden my spectrum when it comes to age. I still have a cut off age for both younger and older men though.

As of now, I will consider dating someone 2-3 years younger or up to 5 years older than me, but that's about it. Since I'm still in my late 20s I feel that a lot of younger men may still not be mature enough to give me what I want as far as commitment goes (although I am sure that there are a few special cases) and I'm not heavily attracted to older men.
foolishness knows no number.

maturity knows no age.

sure, due to societal mores it may be hard, but if dude isn't going the benjamin button route while you look like the old lady chasing jack nicholson in the shining...go for it!
5 years difference is nothing within reason, of course--I mean, you dont want to be a 20 year old dating a 15yo...:look:

I've dated 5 years younger to 12 years older. Depends on the dynamics between you and the man. Its an issue if you make it one.
No more than 5 years younger. I like older men because I love feeling protected and cared for. The older men that I've dated usually assume that role naturally. Most young men just want to reap financial benefits from older women...on the sly. I haven't experienced this, but I've seen it...and heard of this.

I don't want to EVER be called a cougar, so no younger than 5 years. I hate the term "cougar". It must've been a man who thought that one up.
I like older men. My ex-husband is 16 months younger than me and I hated that. I like at least a 5 year + age gap. And that can go up to 12/13 older than me. Maturity varies from man to man but I am not interested in younger men.
There is something about an older man though....but age is becoming less and less important to me. I don't usually date younger but if I was available, I'd be open to the idea. kangs and fools come in all ages. Dating older exclusively doesn't assure a thing.
This is true too... my older friends say the same thing, or they'll say the men that are 40+ don't want date them but want younger women.

I like the grown and sexy look that a man with some age to him has.
Yeppp, but not much older than me though... 30s is fine. But I just ummmm when I see man that looks like a grown man, has the confidence of a grown man, dresses like a grown man (not an old man :look:), intelligent, assertive, wise -- all that goodness rolled together.
I prefer men my age give or take a year or two. I find that I have more in common with men my age. However, I would date a man older, up to 7 or 8 years. I don't like younger men because they expect certain things from you financially, etc. They expect you to provide for them and I ain't got time for that. I like strong, protective, independent men. I find that attractive.
Thanks to lhcf all i can ever stand to entertain is older men. I would have never seen myself with a man more than 5 yrs older. I have been enlighten. Anything under a year is pushing it. I saw this chocolatey man the other day with salt and pepper hair and i was just :lick: lol my so now is 9 years older than me.
I wouldn't date younger, especially if I was over 30. Unlikely that their timelines will match up with yours. If you want to have children, your window is closing quickly and that's not an issue that he will be able to empathize with easily.
I'm 37 and the youngest I would go is 35. But I'm willing to date a man up to 10 years older than me.

The problem I'm having is that most men who are approaching 40 or over it. Really only want to date late 20s and early 30s type of women.

Another problem is that most of the men I see that are over 40 LOOK over 40!!
I always liked older men (40+) ,they seem to be more settled with their lives ,know exactly what they want and how to talk to women .They re also able to compromise and overall have more knowledge in every area :grin: There are exceptions of course wacth out for the 40 something men wearing hood/baggy clothes /baseball hats using slang alot
I was in a relationship with a man 15 years older than me ,he treated me like a queen ,literally gave me everything on every level ,Unfortanetly I wasnt ready to get married or have children so we split up .I felt so bad breaking his heart ,he literally was crying begging to start a family .I was only 24 but was wise enough to know it would have been the wrong move .
Sometimes the right person for you might come at the wrong time .

DH is 36 and I m 32 . Not much difference
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Right person, wrong time...story of my love life!

But having dated 10+ my senior (men in their 40s), they don't always know what they want, are set in their ways and may not want to have children or get married...ever.
My luck...
I'm 29 and my boyfriend is 32. If I wasn't with him, I would only go one year younger (28) or five years older (34). I still have an age hangup. I still feel like late 30s and 40+ is too old for me.

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I prefer no older than 5 years my senior but I'll give an older guy a chance. The only thing is I get turned off by older men who only seek out younger women. I don't like the fact that an older woman loses value in some men's eyes because of their age. Also, I've seen teen and 20-something stand-up dads and 50-something deadbeats. The older a man is, the more I expect of him and the less tolerant I am of his foolishness.
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I'm with someone 10 years older, but sometimes I wish he was 5 years older or my age. I've always been worried about his age, but it's more just being bothered that I'll potentially miss out on years with him when we're old depending on how things go health wise.

I would agree that guys older than 30 know exactly what they want which is nice. Especially since I'm coming up to my ideal child bearing age. I don't have time for dating a younger man who isn't in that space yet. -_- A younger man for me would be early 20s:perplexed. Don't think it would be a good match at this point.
Right person, wrong time...story of my love life!

But having dated 10+ my senior (men in their 40s), they don't always know what they want, are set in their ways and may not want to have children or get married...ever.
My luck...

That s very true . A friend of mine is 45 successful martial arts teacher,he s still single because he refuses to compromise on anything ,he wants a woman who leaves him alone and has alot of hobbies so she won't be around him or expect much time from him lol .(whats the point of having a partner )
He s also so picky and difficult ,I personally would never date him ,his cockiness and entitlement would turn me off .I never understood how he had so many women even liking him .
He s perfect as a friend ,doesnt talk too much ,gives you advice ,and leaves you alone when you ask for space .lol