How much conditioner are YOU using?

How much conditioner?

  • pea size amount

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nickel amount

    Votes: 3 0.6%
  • half dollar amount

    Votes: 76 14.6%
  • more than a palm full

    Votes: 443 84.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That just wouldn't work for me. :nono: I have very thick waistlength hair and a lot of its texlaxed, so I end up using a lot of conditioner. I clarify regularly so that there is no buildup. The only time I don't have to use so much conditioner is when I am freshly relaxed.
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My hair is extremely porous and thick. I have to run water over it for a while before its even feels wet. Its take a lot of conditioner in order to apply it fully throughout my hair, and i mostly just concentrate on the ends. I think i use 3 palmfuls.
Maybe this has already been stated - I didn't read through all of the pages but I would think that possibly this so-called expert was talking about a different type of hair. Maybe if you have type 1 hair w/a naturally oily scalp, then this might apply. Just my thoughts...:ohwell:
A quarter size, per section, is about right for pre-poo or deep conditioning. I use 6 sections.

I use about a quarter size of leave-in for my entire head if I'm planning to wear it straight.

I use less than a quarter for oil or serum.
Maybe this has already been stated - I didn't read through all of the pages but I would think that possibly this so-called expert was talking about a different type of hair. Maybe if you have type 1 hair w/a naturally oily scalp, then this might apply. Just my thoughts...:ohwell:
I came across this info in a black hair mag .The info is for textured hair.The info was supplied by JoJo Lanier of Terry's Place Salon in Detroit,MI.:yep:
LOL I was looking for the globs and globs option....:grin: I usually put about a handful when I'm going to DC then after I put even more in so that I can detangle without any snags

I guess thats wasting to an extent but my hair seems to like it

ETA: when I say handful its a heaping handful
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I think an ORS pak is about 3 oz. If I do an oil rinse after I shampoo, I only use 1 pak. If I skip the oil rinse, I use two paks.
A nickel amount? HA!!! My hair drowns in conditioner! I'm heavy handed in everything I use. A nickel amount would condition my hands only :lachen:
My hair would laugh at a nickle size amount of conditioner. I am really heavy handed with conditioners just to make sure my hair is covered especially my new growth.
nickel my ass!

For cowashes w/ liquidy conditioners I use about 1.5 to 2 palm-fulls!

for deep conditioners that are thick and mayonaissey I use a LOT... i mean A LOT!!!
I use 1/2 a bottle of VO5 and about 1/4 bottle of CON of the other expensive stuff. The large bottle of MNT last about one and 1/2 weeks.
I came across this info in a black hair mag .The info is for textured hair.The info was supplied by JoJo Lanier of Terry's Place Salon in Detroit,MI.:yep:

Is there a picture of her hair in the article? I really want to see how using such a minuscule amount of conditioner is beneficial for ones hair. :ohwell:
I use A LOT because I have dense natural hair and it is easy to detangle when I use a lot.

If I am using Aubrey's Conditioners I can use a lot less.
An expert huh?:rolleyes:

If I had a nickel for every piece of advice or recommendation an expert has given me about my hair.....:rolleyes:

Would love to know if this expert would recommend this same nickel size amount if he had hair like mine. :nono: I bet he would change that recommendation with a quickness!:yep:
My hair would laugh at me if I came at with a nickel sized amount of conditioner :lol:
I know, right? But we have to keep in mind that pretty much all mainstream hair "tips" "guides" "manuals" blah blah blah are written for white women. A dime or nickel-sized amount of conditioner my ***. :rolleyes: I use roughly 12 oz for each wash (I deep condition every wash and my mix is 12 oz cond, 6 oz shea butter, 6 oz oil, and a few extras. I use it all in one deep conditioning session.). My hair is natural and almost two feet long, and "spare the conditioner and spoil the hair" is my mantra.
A nickle size is a joke. I mean. that wouldn't do ANYTHING for my hair. Think about it like this, with really curly coily hair, you are going to have to use more than is suggested. I have to SEE my conditioner! I use like two handfuls, the conditioner I have is very heavy so I dont have to use as much as if I were using VO5 or something like that, which is what I used to use and I used to get about three handfuls at least with that.
I am so glad to know I am not the only who uses that much! My hair is soooo thick right now. If I didn't use that amount and tried to detangle, I would lose half the hair growing out of my scalp.
Is there a picture of her hair in the article? I really want to see how using such a minuscule amount of conditioner is beneficial for ones hair. :ohwell:
I searched his name and found his myspace.haha67.jpgNot to be rude,but maybe he shouldn't follow his own advice.:perplexed
I am a little heavy handed.
Reasonbeing is thast even when I section my hair, it'll only feel as if it's scratched the surface of things and nothing else. :ohwell:
I was reading in an article from an expert on hair care and it said you should only be using about a nickel sized amount of conditioner after shampooing:ohwell:

How much are you all using?

eta:It said "you don't want to overuse conditioner...when you use an excessive amount of conditioner,you can't wash it all off the hair.It falls to the scalp and creates a dry scalp problem"

This was in a "winter manual"

well i had a "dry scalp problem" back when i was relaxed and didn't use a ton of conditioner... only washed and conditioned my hair "properly" once or twice a week. now i co-wash almost every day, which i guarantee they'd say is "an excessive amount of conditioner" and my dry scalp problem has disappeared.

go figure :look:
I use way more than a palm full. I like to see that every single hair is coated. I onced used a whole 8.5oz bottle of redken conditioner DCing on dry hair. :ohwell: I am trying to cut back, because I have seen good results using less product.
This thread is interesting. :scratchch I currently use WAY more that a nickle-sized amount of conditioner, yet I only use a nickle-sized amount of leave-in and a pea-sized amount of oil/serum.

When I wash my hair again (on Saturday), I will try using much less conditioner (maybe two nickle-sized amounts :look:) and see how my hair does. Great thread!
My hair would laugh at me if I came at with a nickel sized amount of conditioner :lol:

I use alot of conditioner. I would say the equivalent of 1.5-2oz each wash.

OKAY!!! :lol: I couldn't possibly use a nickel or dime or whatever for this bra strap hair lol.