
Hair Coach
I love long hair. I have grown my hair to beyond shoulder length at least three times in my life. I mainly wore short bob cuts. Now I am ready to take my hair growth to the max and stop listening to others who say "you can't do it".
I know I can.
How many times have you???
- Beyond shoulder length... all of my life (except my 1 "Halle style" cut during my senior yr in college
- Beyond bottom bs.... countless times, but then i'd just cut it back up to my shoulders or a lil past it.
- To my waist, never...but soon
Peachtree, your hair must grow like a chia pet. It is so long, strong and healthy!

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Thanks luv

Girl, the funny part about it is I wasn't trying to let it grow longer, thus the reason why I kept it cut up to my shoulders. No regime, fried, dyed, & gelled it to the side... but, it still got longer (& quite healthy too).

Now, that I am intentionally letting it grow longer, it's taking it's own darn sweet time... to the point that I'm on vitamins (9 wks now). I never took vits before, nor ate healthy for that matter.... GO FIGURE
:D Chia pet

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, I know
Now that I think about it, isn't there a "tree" chia pet? Hey, it goes along with my "Peachtree" handle
This is the second time, and this is the longest my hair has ever been.

I had my hair long a few years back (around bottom of bra strap or so).
This is my first time growing my hair long. (other than when I had a curl back in the 80's!
) It's never grown much beyond my ears before.
My second time. First time I grew my hair to almost waist. I didn't appreciate my hair then. I was young and naive trying to follow every trend. But now, I'm going all the way to waist length, no cutting this time.
I grew my hair to bra-strap while in high school, and past bra-strap while in college. Both times I had to cut it short because of damage & not style preference. I like long hair, so I'm growing it out a third time and this time it's for good. (I have better haircare habits now).
This is my first time in my life that my hair has been past my ears. So this is my first time so I hope I get to shoulder length then bra strap. And get my hair healthy.
I have had close to waist lenght twice in the past, but since I didn't know how to take care of my ends, I usually cut my hair back to bra-trap or mid-back. I didn't like the tons of split ends I had, I really didn't know how to maintain healthy ends.
This is the fourth time I've grown mine out past my shoulders. I think it was mostly due to stylist who didn't relax my hair properly. I hope this will be it and I don't have to cut it again!

:D Chia pet

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, I know
Now that I think about it, isn't there a "tree" chia pet? Hey, it goes along with my "Peachtree" handle

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Chia Tree

Perfect for your Peachtree handle! ! !
This is probably my 4th time when i was little mymomkept my hair at mid-back length..but me being foolish then i would purposely sabotage it by puttin gum and caked up mud in my hair
...if i only i could go back in time n strangle myself........
This will be the second time that I have grown my hair long. This first time it was bra strap length. This time around, I want to grow it out to 26 inches...
This will be my second time, I was so stupid when I was in 10th grade, I wanted a bob. I think I cried when I got my hair cut. Anyway...never again. Doggonnit, my hair is going to be mid-back length and I will only get regular trims to maintain the shape!!
I have always had my hair short. From 2000-2002, I grew it the longest it had ever been to shoulder length. Then last September, I had it all shaved off. Now, I'm on the growing bandwagon for good! My problem is patience!!
This is the first time I am letting my hair grow out, I normally just have a short bob, but I cut it really short last spring and it is taking its sweet time growing back
This will be my 3rd time to bra strap+, not counting when i was a kid. My hair has been ear length, chin length, and this other hairstyle where it was short and layered on top and shoulder length in the back.