how many times have you BC'd or transitioned to natural??


Well-Known Member
Once again i am tired lf relaxing and i want to transition to natural. This will be my second time, last time I made it to 6 months and gave up and as time passed i thought back to how my hair would have been if i woukd have kept going.

This time i plan on going all the way through with it.

Please share your experiences :)
I attempted and relaxed at 7 months. The 2nd time, I just big chopped. I have no patience for long transitions and I didn't want to deal with the two textures just to keep length.
I definitely understand that, i am texlaxed now so my hair acts more natural than relaxed if that makes sense. It tangles, its dry, hard to manage unless its damp, etc ... so I might as well become completely relaxer free. I have just come to terms that for me relaxing my hair is an interference as far as retaining length.
This is my second transition. Years ago I transitioned for 13 months and BCed, but texlaxed after a year. I thought it would be the best of both worlds and it was good for a few years, but it didn't last. Even though I stretched between relaxers, I had trouble maintaining the same curl pattern throughout. My curls got looser and looser and my hair was dry, highly porous and thinning on the ends. I knew I needed to start over and I wanted my hair to be as strong as possible. So that meant returning to my natural hair.

I'm happy with my decision and after almost 11 months of transitioning, my only regret is not starting sooner.
I definitely understand that, i am texlaxed now so my hair acts more natural than relaxed if that makes sense. It tangles, its dry, hard to manage unless its damp, etc ... so I might as well become completely relaxer free. I have just come to terms that for me relaxing my hair is an interference as far as retaining length.

This exactly. All the work of natural hair plus the maintenance of relaxed hair. Ugh.

I did gain a lot of length, but the eventual damage ate it up. I probably would have done better bone straight, but I prefer texture.
This exactly. All the work of natural hair plus the maintenance of relaxed hair. Ugh.

I did gain a lot of length, but the eventual damage ate it up. I probably would have done better bone straight, but I prefer texture.

Omg get out of my head! Lol... yes i feel your pain to the T!
This is my second transition. Years ago I transitioned for 13 months and BCed, but texlaxed after a year. I thought it would be the best of both worlds and it was good for a few years, but it didn't last. Even though I stretched between relaxers, I had trouble maintaining the same curl pattern throughout. My curls got looser and looser and my hair was dry, highly porous and thinning on the ends. I knew I needed to start over and I wanted my hair to be as strong as possible. So that meant returning to my natural hair.

I'm happy with my decision and after almost 11 months of transitioning, my only regret is not starting sooner.

Very encouraging!
Technically, I've never transitioned but I have been one year post more than once. Roughly 12.5 months post right now with no plans of relaxing before trying out the natural thing. I'm doing it now because if I do rerelax in the next year or two I will never be 12 months post again.
I transitioned once to being natural, and have done 2 big chops thereafter (7/2011 and 7/2014). When I went natural the first time I continued to get my hair flat ironed. First BC, I shaved my hair off and color and heat killed it. Due to this I got it cut into a tapered look last Saturday. I'm hoping to stay away from heat and color this time.
I know it's crazy, but I have probably BC'd at least 5 times!! Each time it was either relaxer damage or me being sick of transitioning. After awhile, neither worked for me.
I transitioned once when i was 11 years and knew nothing of healthy hair practices. I texturized at 20 years and when my hair started breaking and i fully relaxed; i got a very short layered cut at the salon and my hair grew back like weeds.

After a few years of relaxing i was stretching my relaxer 2010 and i got to 6 months post, my hair was damaged breaking and looked terrible. I BC on my birthday in 2010, my hair grew back again and i was APL natural, while i loved my natural hair i went back to relaxers last year November. I don't plan on BC'ing or transitioning anytime soon but i do appreciate the best that both worlds have offered me.
I transitioned once for 18 months and God willing I won't go thru that again. Good luck on your transition. It may be a little smoother for you the 2nd time around since you probably know more about hair care now than you did the first time around.
I have transitioned twice since 2007 and BC'd both times down to a TWA. I enjoyed my natural hair, totally loved it. But it is work intensive so I texlax for convenience. Also, there was the never-ending battle with SSKs. Oddly, my ends are healthier with a mild relaxer. I'm not cutting them off all the time due to knots. My hair is also thicker and heavier with a mild relaxer than my natural hair was straightened. Weird. I'm happy to have experienced my natural hair (never heat trained or stretched it constantly) and lived with it as an adult.

Happy hair growing, and I wish you a wonderful journey!
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This is my second time I'm trying to transition.

I fell off back in 2012/2013. I haven't had a relaxer since October of 2013.
I big chopped after transitioning for one year. I didn't know there was another option until I came to this board. Well I knew but the thought of not relaxing my hair hadn't ever crossed my mind until LHCF. I never liked my hair or was ever satisfied or comfortable with it until I went natural.
I've bc'd 3 times. The second time was due to color and heat damage.
I could only transition for a max of 4 months before I got tired and chopped off my hair.
I BC'd twice. The first time was in 2009 when I cut it down to about 2 inches. Then, when it grew to 4-5 inches I didn't know how to handle the SSKs, ended up heat damaging it to the point where it would stay straight even when I shampooed it. After a few months of nursing it back to health it never did come back right so I got a lot of it cut and put a texturizer in it. It grew nicely again, but I didn't want to do my own touch-up, so I went to my stylist. I specifically told her NOT to straighten it too much and that I had a texturizer. Lo and behold she gets it BONE straight. My hair started breaking and shedding for months! Finally, I said forget it I'm going natural again so in 2011, this time I got it shaved nearly bald! I've learned how to care for it a lot better now.

Haven't regretted it since.
This is my third time (1 yr post :rolleyes: ), but my first transition. Both other times, I waited about a month after my last relaxer and then chopped. I didn't know how to transition safely (without all my hair falling out).

I enjoyed chopping too Lucie, nobody ever expected for me to show up with no hair. And I rocked the heck out of it, too! :lol:
Honey Bee, yay!!!! LOL!!!! I don't usually find a woman that likes to BC. *WAVES ESTACTICALLY* I transitioned for about 4 months the first time and just had her shave it all off; pretty pointless. The second time I transitioned again just to have the stylist shave it all off. This time around I think I will just shave it off without bothering to transition, LOL!

OT: Will you be at the meet-up on Saturday? It would be nice to meet you. J, speaks highly of you. xo
@Honey Bee, yay!!!! LOL!!!! I don't usually find a woman that likes to BC. *WAVES ESTACTICALLY* I transitioned for about 4 months the first time and just had her shave it all off; pretty pointless.

OT: Will you be at the meet-up on Saturday? It would be nice to meet you. J, speaks highly of you. xo
Awww! :hug2: But I knew nothing of a meet up, let me find out y'all trynna keep stuff from me! :spank: :lol: (checking meet up forum now)
This will be my second successful transition and my third transition period. If I ever re-relax and decide to go natural I will be BC'ing and rocking the baldy. Ain't nobody got time for this EVER again.
I chopped my hair off in 2010 then ago a year or so of being natural I got a relaxer. Then came 2013 and I was 52 weeks pose relaxer and decided to cut and relax into bob. In 2013 I was 52 weeks post and decided to relax and get a bob. After 2 months of styling everyday (short bob) I had DH cut my hair off. A month later I shaved my head bald and I've been natural every since ( 14 months ). :) Sent from my iPhone 5s using LHCF

Eta- I like to change things up quite often. No real reason to cut and shave my head. No damaged hair or anything. I did it just because!
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