How many times has YOUR hair broken off?


New Member
I saw this thread topic on BHM and thought it would be interesting here as well.

How many times has your hair significantly broken off?
For me it happened 3 times.

1. MY BSL hair had broken off to shoulder length due to sleeping with cotton scarves and pillows. I almost cried and it was just one section in the back. I went to the hairdresser and she relaxed it and cut my hair to SL. My hair has never been this short in my entire life.:perplexed

2. I didn't know how to properly take care of relaxed hair and then the back of my hair only just broke off again.:nono:

3. This Feb I ripped through my several weeks post relaxer NG hair with a wide tooth comb everyday as for fearing that it would matt. Caused me breakage yet again and I am still recovering. But it has grown back nicely.

I learned a lot about my hair during these 3 incidents. I learned that my hair hates cotton anything, my NG cant handle rough combing I now only finger comb, and I need to pay special attention to my back or kitchen area as it has a coarser texture and needs extra attention.

What about you?
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Just once.

In college when I started the BC pill, Ortho Tri Cyclen. :nono:

I didn't cut it. I just stopped taking the pill and let it grow back. It hurt because it was the LONGEST my hair had ever been.
Many times...cant even remember when but I know bad relaxer applications (from myself & stylists) daily combing and frequent heat usage (2x a wk smh)...all these things lead to severe breakage.

I am now apl...the longest I have ever been and although I am not breakage free I have not experienced bad breakage in a long time, thank God & lhcf :)
Too many times to count, really.

Sometimes from relaxers. Sometimes from braids. Sometimes from being an uncared for natural.

Honestly, you can't even breathe in my hair's direction for fear it might break from the breeze!
When I was relaxed? Chile please...I thought that's what *all* hair it was normal to grow some then break. But now that I'm natural, and far more educated about my hair? No more "breaking off" for me :grin:
Last year and out of nowhere and the only reasoning I have for it is stress, it was coming out til the point I tugged a lil and it came out and I went to get my hair done and my hair tangled so bad for some reason and I been using the same conditioner and shampoo and the dumb a$$ lady laughing talking about "omg its coming out like you got cancer" I mean she was laughing hysterically. Who does that? I figured it was stress and now I was stressing about not stressing smh. But after wards I had flyaways and one part when split down the middle you saw one part that was so shorter than the other. Or I was just shedding ALOT!
My hair has always been fine, and thus always fragile, but the worst breakage by far was almost a year into my natural HHJ. I went to my normal stylist to get my hair dyed bright red. Long story short she triple processed my hair, then flat ironed it. When she flat ironed it, it was well past APL. She then proceeded to "trim" my hair, and through subsequent breakage throughout the next month or two, my hair went to above SL.

I think this breakage was (mentally) worse than the rest because my hair was actually HEALTHY, then did a complete 180 in the span of a few hours. When I washed my hair for the first time after the dye and saw all the flyaways, I almost cried. I had NO flyaways at that time, something that I had never been able to say during my adult life.

However, that experience solidified something for me. I now know, without a doubt, that no one is going to care for or about your hair as much as you. I haven't been back to a stylist since, and my hair, scalp, and pockets are thanking me for it.
I had this happen once in my life. It happened gradually after a relaxer when I was 18 I think. Ended up with about 2 inches left at my hairline and some single strands that were longer. The sides broke severely as well. The rest of my hair was not so bad, still was normal length but still, devastating :nono:. I had no idea how to care for my hair then.
Oh and when I was 15 after my first relaxer my midback hair gradually broke and by 16 I ended up with shorter hair than I'd had and then had it cut to almost shoulder :nono:. Prior to the cut, you could see whitish splits all over the place.
1992 - after a date with the crimping iron. My APL hair was up to shoulder length in weeks.

1994 - after getting my hair highlighted. It improved slightly after a henna treatment.

1995-2002 - after years of flat ironing with a 400+ degree iron and pressing combs.
early 2000s around my nape. I only had flat ironed hair and would go to the hairdresser every 1-2 weeks. She never DCed. And I think she pulled the relaxer through, and it may have been Lye.

mid 2000s- I was getting roller sets all the time, my hair got fuller for 2 years, then broke off. I never had a trim. Also I never moisturized and was told to do so with heat protectant. Also, I think I had several protein treatments and perhaps they made my hair more stiff. It took 4 months to break around the nape. Then we cut it to chin length and I got a lot of compliments. Also I tried to use a curling iron and it was one of those felt barrel ones- I believe those suck the moisture from your hair. I try to remember what happened so it doesn't happen again. 1) No moisture 2) No trims 3) Curling iron 4) Not DCing enough 5) possibly too much protein.
early 2000s around my nape. I only had flat ironed hair and would go to the hairdresser every 1-2 weeks. She never DCed. And I think she pulled the relaxer through, and it may have been Lye.

mid 2000s- I was getting roller sets all the time, my hair got fuller for 2 years, then broke off. I never had a trim. Also I never moisturized and was told to do so with heat protectant. Also, I think I had several protein treatments and perhaps they made my hair more stiff. It took 4 months to break around the nape. Then we cut it to chin length and I got a lot of compliments. Also I tried to use a curling iron and it was one of those felt barrel ones- I believe those suck the moisture from your hair. I try to remember what happened so it doesn't happen again. 1) No moisture 2) No trims 3) Curling iron 4) Not DCing enough 5) possibly too much protein.

I have a phobia of ALL curling irons. Funny I use a flat iron all the time but I stay the hell away from curling irons. It's just best to limit heat on the ends especially and that's where the curling iron is going and staying for extended periods. If you want waves and curls, Caruso rollers are a safer alternative.
I always thought my breakage was shedding. I would wake up with tons of little hairs on my pillowcase. I cant say what time this was but around 2005-2008.

This was minor compared to me having a little bald spot at the crown of my head in early 2010. I used a super strength relaxer, I didn't mean to buy it but I wasn't going back to return it...The little hair there was so brittle/dry and I had to oil it frequently otherwise it would itch really bad! Thankfully it has grown in, no more relaxers for me!!!
Since I been natural this time around and practice much healthier technics, my hair hasn't broken off at all. When relaxed as a kid it broke off all the time.
How many times has your hair significantly broken off?
Once in hg school I put way to much heat on my hair broke off to between el and sl so afterwards i cut it really short and for awhile I had this dry patch that constantly broke off that finally grew out this past yr because I learned how to take care of it.
I've never had breakage, even when I had color in my hair. I've had my nape burnt off with a curling iron twice (not by me), but that's it.