Please clarify why don't you clarify?

You know, I think I'll stop doing this... I've never needed to, bar extreme cone-conditioners (Tresemmme). My hair has never felt that dry so soon after washing since I stopped using it.
OT: do sulfate poos remove -cones, which I rarely use but just curious. I remember reading the answer to this but can't recall if it was yes/no.

Now I clarify because I co-wash, use alot of gel, and have alot of chlorine in my water. There are times when my products seemingly stop working. When this happens I whip out my CP (clarifying poo), lather up once or twice (a little goes a looooooong way and it doesn't strip my hair) and voila.... I'm good. I had to find the right one for MY hair though. :look: I use Quantum Clarifying Shampoo because it clarifies and chelates (removes hard water deposits) and I :love: it.
+1 for Quantum.
I didn't clarify regularly until I started leaving condish in my hair and using shea butter, that tends to leave build up so I find that sometimes I just need to "strip" my hair of everything.
OT: do sulfate poos remove -cones, which I rarely use but just curious. I remember reading the answer to this but can't recall if it was yes/no.

+1 for Quantum.

I've heard that they do, but I can't just use a regular sulfate shampoo to remove silicones from my hair. I have to use a chelating shampoo. I tried to wash Sabino out of my hair with the V05 Kiwi Lime Squeeze Clarifying Shampoo, but it didn't work. I had to use the Kenra Clarifying Shampoo (chelating forumla).
OT: do sulfate poos remove -cones, which I rarely use but just curious. I remember reading the answer to this but can't recall if it was yes/no..

divachyk Yes, they do. I use John Frieda Serum when I straighten my hair and my hair didn't revert in the days I wore it straight thanks to the serum but the minute shampoo touched my hair reversion started immediately as the cones were removed. I even took a photo of the process happening :grin: