How Many Times are you DCing per week?

How often do you Deep Condition

  • Monthly

    Votes: 16 3.0%
  • Once every 2 weeks

    Votes: 34 6.4%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 277 52.5%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 192 36.4%
  • More than 3 times a week

    Votes: 9 1.7%

  • Total voters
I used to DC my hair every other day, and cowash the days in between. However, I think that I can get away with just DCing once a week and cowashing the non DC days.

I think this will be beneficial in regards to me not manipulating my hair so much and also not using up as much of my products. I use Qhemet's AOHC every night as my leave in as well.
When I first started my haircare journey, I was a bit too DC-happy...I would wash and rollerset 2-3x a week! But I was experimenting with new products and trying to learn how to rollerset properly. Now that I have it down, and have my staples, I only wash and DC 1x a week
I Deep Condition once per week and Always with Heat. i.e. Steamer, Heat Cap or Dryer. IMO: Anything more frequent would be too much manipulation for My hair.:yep:
It depends on how I'm wearing my hair.
2x/wk if I'm bunning it (gets dry easily)
1x/wk if I'm braided up (or else my braids get frizzie faster)
Now that my hair is in a good protein/moisture balance i'm finding it easier to DC once a week but my hair is more manageable if I DC 2x/wk. I enjoy DCing its very relaxing.
I deep condition at least 2-3x times a week depending on my schedule. But 2x a week is the minimum; once a week was not cutting it.
I wash and DC every 8-9 days or whenever I feel my hair is dirty. In between, I always spray my hair to keep it moisturized. My conditionner is filled with protein so I don't really worry about protein moisture balance.
1-2 times a depends. I do overnight deep conditions on dry hair and shampoo so I don't have to hop in and out of the shower. They work much better! No greasy icky hair!
Hi Ladies, I'm still in the trail and error stage of my hair journey and I'm trying to figure this out.

How often do you typically DC per week?

I just got a new hooded dryer a a couple of weeks ago and I think I'm getting too "DC Happy". I find myself DCing 3-4 times a week - alternating between Protein and Moisture treatments.

Is there such a thing as too Much DCing?

I put leave in conditioner in my hair every morning and condition wash every 3-4 days. I only deep condition after a texturizer or a henna treatment so it's just once a month for me. Your hair looks fabulous by the way so I say whatever you are doing keep it up girl!!!
I've been DCing about 2 times a month in the last couple of months. I decided to transition using braids so I DC whenever I wash them. Which is every other week. I'm really hoping to increase it to every week.
During the warm weather mos I shampoo/dc twice a week...cold weather once a week. I never shampoo without dc...NEVER.
3 times a week; no heat, but for 2-4 hours twice a week. One time is an overnight with Wen Re-Moist.
generally twice a month, but lately I've been doing it every friday (for last 4 weeks) because my hair was dry and needed a boost. its recovered and im bumping it back down to twice a month again
I think I voted for 2-3 times per week last year. I just want to say that I have since changed that to once a week to every 10 days depending on whether or not I am wearing braids or not. Lately I have been wearing braids more often than not so and will continue to do so perhaps for another year at least, so my wash and DC frequency will remain this way for a while yet. When I am no longer wearing braids, I might increase the frequency to every 5 days, maybe. I think I'm starting to like this low manipulation regimen a lot.
I said once every 2 weeks because I'm only doing it w/ heat that often. I thought when you girls say DC you automatically mean w/ heat. I actually do it weekly with just a plastic cap w/o heat. I'm going to bump it up to 1-2 times a week and start bunning again.