How Many Times are you DCing per week?

How often do you Deep Condition

  • Monthly

    Votes: 16 3.0%
  • Once every 2 weeks

    Votes: 34 6.4%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 277 52.5%
  • 2-3 times a week

    Votes: 192 36.4%
  • More than 3 times a week

    Votes: 9 1.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hi Ladies, I'm still in the trail and error stage of my hair journey and I'm trying to figure this out.

How often do you typically DC per week?

I just got a new hooded dryer a a couple of weeks ago and I think I'm getting too "DC Happy". I find myself DCing 3-4 times a week - alternating between Protein and Moisture treatments.

Is there such a thing as too Much DCing?
I must say that I haven't DC in about a month or two. I'm not proud of it, but ever since I've been co-washing twice a week I haven't had the need to DC. My hair still comes out so soft when I do blow dry and flat iron. I guess after the summer months are over I'll go back to DC.
I usually dc twice a week, sometimes three. There was a time when I dc'd every other day with no problems. I think as long as you're staying on top of the moisture/protein balance, there shouldn't be a problem :)
I deep condition twice a week: one day with my moisture (Keracare Humecto) and the other with protein (Cathy Howse's UBH Formula)

3-4 times a week might be a little excessive lol. I know that for both protein and moisture you need them only once a week.

If you're alternating, then I doubt you're seeing any negatives to it. But if you dc that much with just moisture, your hair gets soft and mushy-like. With protein, it gets hard and stiff.

If your hair is really damaged and you see breakage, you can continue, but once you start noticing it's healthier, reduce 1-2 times a week. That's what I did :)
I must say that I haven't DC in about a month or two. I'm not proud of it, but ever since I've been co-washing twice a week I haven't had the need to DC. My hair still comes out so soft when I do blow dry and flat iron. I guess after the summer months are over I'll go back to DC.

Really... I wouldn't have guessed cos your hair looks so lovely. I guess it goes to show co-washing really makes a difference too.
I usually dc twice a week, sometimes three. There was a time when I dc'd every other day with no problems. I think as long as you're staying on top of the moisture/protein balance, there shouldn't be a problem :)

Thanks Tiffers, you're always soo helpful. May i ask why you stopped DCing every other day since you had no problems? Or was it simply becoming too much work?
I DC 3xs per week, but I am in the DC challenge. For me it's fine. However, I don't do protein only moisture. I use protein very sparingly, maybe once every 6 weeks.
Thanks Tiffers, you're always soo helpful. May i ask why you stopped DCing every other day since you had no problems? Or was it simply becoming too much work?

Aw, thanks! :hug2:

I stopped dc'ing every other day, cause it got tiring (and HOT!) It seemed like I always had bag on my head! :lachen:
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I usually dc twice a week, sometimes three. There was a time when I dc'd every other day with no problems. I think as long as you're staying on top of the moisture/protein balance, there shouldn't be a problem :)

Ditto, especially at the bolded.

I generally do some type of DC everytime water hits my hair, so at least 3 times a week.
I don't DC that often. I co-wash everyday, and that really keeps my moisture level up. I know I am the odd ball here, but I only DC immediately after a relaxer.
normally its once a week but this past week i deep conditioned twoce over night and once with heat.
Like Caramela, I don't DC that often either, and I only co-wash once per week.:look: I do protein and moisturizing DC treatments every 8 weeks, following my relaxer touchup. I never use heat while DCing. I know, I'm unusual.
Can you define deep conditioning? What counts? I think people have different definitions. Depending on the definition I either never do it or I do it 1 times every 1-2 weeks.
twice a week with kenra mc or lustrasilk (moisture only; no breakage noticed). i am also in the DC challenge and i love what it has done for my hair.
I usually dc twice a week, sometimes three. There was a time when I dc'd every other day with no problems. I think as long as you're staying on top of the moisture/protein balance, there shouldn't be a problem :)
ITA. DC'ing is very beneficial. I only dc once a week but that because i only shampoo once a week, too. So typically i dc with every poo.:yep:
I deep condition twice a week: one day with my moisture (Keracare Humecto) and the other with protein (Cathy Howse's UBH Formula)

3-4 times a week might be a little excessive lol. I know that for both protein and moisture you need them only once a week.

If you're alternating, then I doubt you're seeing any negatives to it. But if you dc that much with just moisture, your hair gets soft and mushy-like. With protein, it gets hard and stiff.

If your hair is really damaged and you see breakage, you can continue, but once you start noticing it's healthier, reduce 1-2 times a week. That's what I did :)

Hmmm, I guess I may have to consider that. My hair is currently quite badly behaved so I guess I'll try to stick to 3 times @ the most for now. I'll try...
once a week with ors replenishing pack.
i co-wash during the week every other day or 2 times during the week and 2 on the weekend
I use to only DC once a week under the dyer. But now that I have a heating cap I DC 2 to 3 times a week. I guess I jus love feeling the heat on my scalp. Its kind of therapeutic.