How Many Braids/Twists Do You Do?

How Many Braids/Twists Do You Do?

  • Less than 10

    Votes: 25 32.5%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 22 28.6%
  • 15-20

    Votes: 11 14.3%
  • 20-25

    Votes: 5 6.5%
  • 25-30

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • 30-35

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • 35-40

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • More than 40

    Votes: 9 11.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Last night I decided to braid my hair for a braid out today, but my hair doesn't want to seem to cooperate. I did about 34 braids, and this morning, they are all still wet. I know that if I tried to do less braids they would be even more wet this morning.

So I'm just wondering...when you all do braid/twist outs, can many do you usually do? Should I have done more? Just curious.

It just depends. If I am going straight to a twist out, I will do about 15 twists. But usually I wear the twists about a week and then do twist out and that's probably around 35-40 twists...though I've never counted
Thanks guys. I just feel like they take fooooreeeeeveeeer which is why I can't stand doing anything other than a wash n go.
I actually did my first braid out today, did abt 20 - 25 braids on dry hair using product

think I'll do less next time, only because it was too time consuming to take them down.

were these braids from freshly washed hair or dry hair with product
I actually did my first braid out today, did abt 20 - 25 braids on dry hair using product

think I'll do less next time, only because it was too time consuming to take them down.

were these braids from freshly washed hair or dry hair with product

Freshly washed...I did an indigo/kapur kachri treatment then DC'ed for a couple of hours, and I didn't feel like sleeping on my hair out and wet so I just braided it.
Hi EllePixie,
Sounds like you and I have the same problems with the hair being too wet to form a good pattern. What I started doing was braiding the hair while it is dry or slightly moist from condish, water + vaseline, or selected curling product. After I braid I spritz my hair liberally with water or leave-in condish before tying on my silk scarf and going to bed. If it is not bed time, I give my hair at least 4 hours to stay put so the hair will form the desired pattern. So, my hair is moist enough to form the desired look but not completely wet so that it can't be in the style I wanted. HTH:yep:. I'll try to upload some pics of a recent braid-out when I get home.

ETA: I voted less than 10. I prefer a more looser, wavy look b/c my hair is so thick until it doesn't look as nice if the curls are too small IMO. The smaller the curl the bigger my hair appears. I gots sum 'big 'ole hair' in it's normal state:drunk:.
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Hi EllePixie,
Sounds like you and I have the same problems with the hair being too wet to form a good pattern. What I started doing was braiding the hair while it is dry or slightly moist from condish, water + vaseline, or selected curling product. After I braid I spritz my hair liberally with water or leave-in condish before tying on my silk scarf and going to bed. If it is not bed time, I give my hair at least 4 hours to stay put so the hair will form the desired pattern. So, my hair is moist enough to form the desired look but not completely wet so that it can't be in the style I wanted. HTH:yep:. I'll try to upload some pics of a recent braid-out when I get home.

Thanks! I didn't take the braids down yet; I felt them and knew they were too wet so I'm just going to wear a hat if I go anywhere.

My thing hair is horrid to comb through after I have already styled it because it has some do you not apply any product and let air dry, then braid? I style my hair daily so usually I would have to cowash to wash out product.

Oh also, how long is your hair? I can't do 10 braids, they wouldn't stay. My braids looked like this (let me know if the pic doesn't show up). Where my hair is looser they were starting to unravel, but then they stayed.
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I voted 10 - 15, Elle. I divide my hair into 7 sections and each of those
sections get two braids or twists. Because I dry my hair a bit by wrapping
my hair in a t-shirt for a half hour my hair is dry by the next morning. My
siggy shows what it looks like after a few days.

However, when I twist my hair wet, I'm looking for a fuller more defined
look so it can take 28 - 30 twists. I still use the t-shirt to dry but only for
five or ten minutes because constantly dripping hair annoys me.

I'm thinking you're looking for the fuller, more defined look so you may
be on track with the number of twists you're using.

Maybe, just maybe, after your hair is all set, you could use a t-shirt to take
out some of the excess water and let the air dry it even more for an hour
or so before bedtime...
Freshly washed...I did an indigo/kapur kachri treatment then DC'ed for a couple of hours, and I didn't feel like sleeping on my hair out and wet so I just braided it.

ahh, OK I see u did much more braids than I did, but then yours were on wet hair and also when I do any ayurvedic treatment I find my hair takes longer to dry.

My hair has never dried overnight except if I do tons of twists :spinning:

This is how my hair came out this morning, didnt take pics of the braids I put in. They were bigger at the front but smaller at the back, I got better definition from the bigger braids ... go figure

when My hair gets longer I'll prolly just do like 6 big braids :grin:


I like 11 or 12. It takes a couple days to dry though.
I wash/cowash, twist, wear a headwrap over them the next day, twist out the day after.
I voted 10 - 15, Elle. I divide my hair into 7 sections and each of those
sections get two braids or twists. Because I dry my hair a bit by wrapping
my hair in a t-shirt for a half hour my hair is dry by the next morning. My
siggy shows what it looks like after a few days.

However, when I twist my hair wet, I'm looking for a fuller more defined
look so it can take 28 - 30 twists. I still use the t-shirt to dry but only for
five or ten minutes because constantly dripping hair annoys me.

I'm thinking you're looking for the fuller, more defined look so you may
be on track with the number of twists you're using.

Maybe, just maybe, after your hair is all set, you could use a t-shirt to take
out some of the excess water and let the air dry it even more for an hour
or so before bedtime...
Thank you! I will def use a tshirt to squeeze out excess water next time. Oh, and I think it takes longer to dry because I also wear a scarf on top to smooth down my roots/edges.
Thanks! I didn't take the braids down yet; I felt them and knew they were too wet so I'm just going to wear a hat if I go anywhere.

My thing hair is horrid to comb through after I have already styled it because it has some do you not apply any product and let air dry, then braid? I style my hair daily so usually I would have to cowash to wash out product.
I follow my regular styling processes and let my hair get about 50% dry if it is a CW/ shampoo day. If not, I spritz my hair with water or a leave-in condish to moisten it. On dry hair I slather on some of my cheapie condish used for CWs on to give the hair the right amount of moisture and to avoid possible breakage etc. Then I braid, spritz a little more, then seal.
Oh also, how long is your hair? I can't do 10 braids, they wouldn't stay. My braids looked like this (let me know if the pic doesn't show up). Where my hair is looser they were starting to unravel, but then they stayed.
My hair is a little past SL when not stretched and APL when stretched. I forgot to mention to get my braids to stay put, I use wrap snap and go rollers or some type of soft, covered hair rollers. This gives me a nice curl on my ends and keeps my hair from unraveling.:yep: My hair looks almost exactly like the picture you posted:yep:. Because I have layers, some parts of my hair do try to unravel. Sealing with the oil of choice or using that condish in the process gave me more 'hang'. The scarf helps too.:yep:
Your hair is very pretty BTW.
My hair is a little past SL when not stretched and APL when stretched. I forgot to mention to get my braids to stay put, I use wrap snap and go rollers or some type of soft, covered hair rollers. This gives me a nice curl on my ends and keeps my hair from unraveling.:yep: My hair looks almost exactly like the picture you posted:yep:. Because I have layers, some parts of my hair do try to unravel. Sealing with the oil of choice or using that condish in the process gave me more 'hang'. The scarf helps too.:yep:
Your hair is very pretty BTW.

Another great idea - last time to hold the style I used my snap rollers and it basically stretched my hair out and made it straight, but I will use the satin ones I have next time (I keep forgetting I have them).

And thank you!!!

Thanks ladies for all the awesome tips, you guys rock! :grouphug:
Thank you! I will def use a tshirt to squeeze out excess water next time. Oh, and I think it takes longer to dry because I also wear a scarf on top to smooth down my roots/edges.

O yea, I do that too, but only after squeezing the excess water out
with the t-shirt and letting the air dry it some.

I wear a scarf tied in the back and a bonnet on top of that. It seems
there is enough water/moisture to lay those roots/edges down.

Izzy might like it, lol
I do 6 braids for the result in my siggy pic. I kept them in for 7 hours. I can get away with 4 as well.
It really all depends. When my hair was shorter, I would do approximately 40 possibly more twists. Never really counted, but posted a couple of throwback pics in my album here. Also, as my hair grew longer, my total number of twists done grew shorter. A pic of the number of twists I do now are also located within this album.

Also, it all depends upon what type of twistout I would like to rock. If I want a full one that is well defined, I do a wet set with a high number of twists. If I want a TO that looks more like a blowout (stretched look) then I'll create a small number of fat twists.
I would like to first say I am in LOVE with you and Izzy. Seriously you're my fave blogger... Like ever.

So now that i've had my groupie moment... As far as braids go I tried them and my hair refused to dry as well. My app won't let me vote but I'm going to say 15-20 because Izzy is pretty thick. I'd also try t-shirt drying a little before adding product. That helps me when I do twists/set.

Edit: My Neo (inspired by Izzy) is super fine so I usually do about 10. In the morning it's usually dry enough to handle
I do 6 cornrows. If I do individual braids I'll do 20-25. For both I dry about 70% in braids. I re-braid or cornrow at that point
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I would like to first say I am in LOVE with you and Izzy. Seriously you're my fave blogger... Like ever.

So now that i've had my groupie moment... As far as braids go I tried them and my hair refused to dry as well. My app won't let me vote but I'm going to say 15-20 because Izzy is pretty thick. I'd also try t-shirt drying a little before adding product. That helps me when I do twists/set.

Edit: My Neo (inspired by Izzy) is super fine so I usually do about 10. In the morning it's usually dry enough to handle

Oh thank you! That was sweet, we love you back! :sneakyhug:

Next time I'm going to use my curlers and attempt 20 or less...30+ is too annoying to me...I'm lazy, what can I say.
Do you have a micro fiber towel? They are super absorbent and cheap on ebay. I do braidouts for the most part and before styling wrap the towel around my head for a while like half an hr or longer if am busy. My hair is pretty much the same length as yours and do max of 20 braids that dry overnight for a super defined look.
Do you have a micro fiber towel? They are super absorbent and cheap on ebay. I do braidouts for the most part and before styling wrap the towel around my head for a while like half an hr or longer if am busy. My hair is pretty much the same length as yours and do max of 20 braids that dry overnight for a super defined look.

I don't, I usually just use a tshirt to blot my hair if needed. I think some ladies were using the microfiber cloths they sell at Target/Walmart for wiping cars down...I need to go get some. Thanks!
I don't, I usually just use a tshirt to blot my hair if needed. I think some ladies were using the microfiber cloths they sell at Target/Walmart for wiping cars down...I need to go get some. Thanks!

I love my micro fiber cloth and use it for my wash n go too as it gives me less frizz than normal towels for some reason. They are defo worth a try
OP, I am with Winnetag. I would never expect a braid-out or twist-out to set in a day or overnight. Usually I would braid/twist in a way that I'm happy to wear as a style for a few days and rock that style for a spell, and then when I'm tired of it, I'd enjoy my braid-out or twist-out before I started the process all over again.

This way I am not constantly manipulating my hair and causing it stress...and it doesn't feel like it's a job or an unfinished task that is a "means" to something but rather part of the fun of enjoying my hair.
6 cornrows
or i divide my hair into 4, then make 2 braids per section. so 8 braids total
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Thanks guys. I just feel like they take fooooreeeeeveeeer which is why I can't stand doing anything other than a wash n go.

That's how I felt as well, so now I do dry twistouts because my hair takes forever and a day to dry and I end up having to blowdry or sit under the dryer in the morning which I don't always have time to do.
I flat twist and usually do about 10 to 12 twists.
SN: Keep in mind that the number of braids people give you is sometimes influenced by the length of their hair. when my hair was SL i couldn't do big braids b/c i need more length, plus my hair wouldn't hang correctly if the braids were too big.

If I want to wear my hair in a braid out the day after wash day I have to make sure my hair isn't too wet. I towel blot each section. I'll braid it about 16 braids. for the rest of the week I will do 6-8 as i want to stretch the braid out.

for twists, I will do about 40 b/c I keep them in for one to two weeks (with a touch up of about 15 twists after a couple of days to reduce frizziness). I don't really do twist outs.

another trick is to allow the hair to have sufficient exposure to air. 8 hours of damp hair being wrapped up may not be dry but if your hair gets a good 2 hours of air drying time in addition to overnight, it will make a difference IMO.
SN: Keep in mind that the number of braids people give you is sometimes influenced by the length of their hair. when my hair was SL i couldn't do big braids b/c i need more length, plus my hair wouldn't hang correctly if the braids were too big.

If I want to wear my hair in a braid out the day after wash day I have to make sure my hair isn't too wet. I towel blot each section. I'll braid it about 16 braids. for the rest of the week I will do 6-8 as i want to stretch the braid out.

for twists, I will do about 40 b/c I keep them in for one to two weeks (with a touch up of about 15 twists after a couple of days to reduce frizziness). I don't really do twist outs.

another trick is to allow the hair to have sufficient exposure to air. 8 hours of damp hair being wrapped up may not be dry but if your hair gets a good 2 hours of air drying time in addition to overnight, it will make a difference IMO.

Thanks, more great advice. I took my scarf off when I woke up while I work and they are already much drier. I might just keep the braids in and wear hats until I have someplace fun to go for the weekend. :yep: