How long was your hair as a child?

How long was your hair as a child?

  • practically bald

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • ear length

    Votes: 19 4.5%
  • chin length

    Votes: 30 7.1%
  • collar bone

    Votes: 22 5.2%
  • shoulder

    Votes: 75 17.8%
  • apl -- arm pit

    Votes: 121 28.7%
  • sl -- shoulder

    Votes: 23 5.5%
  • wl -- waist

    Votes: 27 6.4%
  • mb -- mid back

    Votes: 87 20.6%
  • tail bone or longer

    Votes: 15 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My hair was thick and stayed at the nape of my neck for most of my childhood. Then when i got my first relaxer, it fell off and since then, it's never been the same! It's only about 6 months ago that I truly started to understand how to take care of my hair and send it on the road to recovery. it's now close to SL and has been growing strong! :cool:
Neck length pretty much my entire childhood, my hair was relaxed by my mom when I was about 6 and she would comb the relaxer through my hair everytime so its just been downhill from there. Last year I finally got serious about my hair and I'm slowly inching to shoulder length
My hair was BSL as a child. I rarely wore it out so it was always protected. Always in plaits and trimmed regularly. It was THICK.
My hair was mid back. I was always the tall skinny one out of my cousins. We used to get our hair pressed 2Xs a month with a hot comb and braided. My cousin Teresa and I had the longest hair. She just cut her hair short recently because she has 3 kids and got tired of long hair. I just BCD recently to go natural. I think my hair grew more when I was getting it pressed, more than being relaxed. I am going to go back to basics, like grease my scalp, do scalp massages, and drink more water. My mom used to relax my hair every 4 weeks. It always stayed shoulder length, but no longer. I used heat everyday, so my hair looked "good" on the outside, but it really was suffering from the chemical and heat overdrive.
Maybe shoulder length or an inch shorter. I didn't relax until I was older. I wore huge afro puffs or afro ponytails or afro twists or afro cornrows all through teenagehood.
I *cringe* at the thought of my hair as a child. Mid-neck length, and dry as hell (!!!!) And to think that I used to "look up to" grease!!!
Mine was bra strap length up until about 4 years ago when I started shedding madly!! :(, dangit!! And that's what drove me here to LHCF ;)
My hair was about an inch past my shoulders until my mother got tired of holding me down to do my hair (it's not that she was heavy handed it's just that I had very dense 4b hair that was constantly tangled and I'd run from her when she brought out the comb and grease lol:lol: ) and finally relaxed my hair at about the age of 7, that when it stared to go down hill with major breakage. 3 years later I asked for jerri curl like hers which just completely killed my hair:( .
I was APL until I was 7 then my mom decised it would look cute in an ear length bob :mad: . I hated it then it grew from that to BSL and in 5th grade I cut 4 inches of b/c of dry uneven split ends ( I got picked on) I had no clue how to take care of my hair and neither did my mother so I was jacked up. Then in highschool I was BLS again and cut it into a chin length asymetrical bob. Grew it APL and got it cut again into a Chin length bob. What is it with me and bobs? I will never cut my hair again. I took my hair for granted and now I'd do anything for BSL again. WOE is ME:lachen:
My hair as a child was about APL stretched and incredibly thick...then I got gerhi curl (perm) at 10 and my hair grew to BSL but got so horribly thin. So for the preteens I started rocking braids...and then relaxed when I was 14. My hair was thicker but stayed at between SL and APL. Now that I'm natural again, my hair is the same thickness as when I was little and I don't think I will have a problem getting back to APL final goal is APL unstreteched:grin:

Note: I had been taking care of my natural hair for about a 6 months when my mother offered to braid my hair for me. She was like, "your hair is so soft...I don't remember it being this soft...even when I was doing it." :eek::eek::eek: Mind you, this is the same woman who has complained about the condition of my hair since she stopped doing it. I was all :grin::grin::grin:
I was close to bsl but not that long. I'd say probably two inches from BSL.
My hair was midback length until I was 10 when I took swim lessons and my mom decided to relax my hair. My since then has been from short (from damage and on purpose) to a few inches from brastrap. My natural texture is some soft loose waves with very tight waves that curl up very tightly.My hair is soft fine and thick at the same time. My mother never could properly manage my hair ( I get my texture from my dad's side) and I mastered my natural hair and am now working to master it relaxed
My hair was long enough to sit on at one point. I was lucky my mom was so crazy about moisturizing, oiling, and not letting me touch my hair until I was in high school (that's when I started messing up).
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Mine was about mid back, almost waist when straightened...back when my mother took care of it. When they let me go, I didn't know what to do it, it got shorter...when I went to a stylist, even shorter and more damaged and I had to get it cut to above my it APL!
Mine was shoulder length. My mother didn't start using kiddie kit on me until I started crying and pleading with her. That "just for me" commercial was like crack :mad: and then she gave me the kiddie kit and then came the breakage :( She didn't know how to take care of relaxed hair and neither did I! My moms always been natural :)
I was BSL. My mother washed my hair everyday, used Ultra Sheen, and I wore my hair parted down the center in two ponytails with ribbons tied to the ends...everyday. THEN I started doing my own hair against my mothers wishes when I was in junior high school. I survived it, but only because I started going to a stylist who understood my hair and did not use a pressing comb. It was nice and healthy and APL by this time-in high school-(breakage and resulting trims-cause I HAD to LOOK good)...Then I started cutting my hair in all kinds of assymetrical bobs and such...I even shaved my head on the side with the shaved parts on the side (dating myself I know)-I look back at the pictures and although my hair was healthy, I wonder WHAT in the WORLD was I thinking. I have two daughters with gorgeous hair, one at tail bone length and the youngest at mid back....THEY WILL NOT DO THEIR OWN HAIR UNTIL....NEVER!:D
i voted for mid back. it was that length until i cut it to my ears in 8th grade then i let it just grow until i was 21 or so to in between midback/waist. I cut it all off in 05. now it's APL pushing BSL

I love the stories of people who were "practically bald" or had very short and unhealthy hair when tehy were younger and then now have great healthy long locks!
Funny this post came up. I was asking my mom the other day how long my hair was before she relaxed it. I figured this would give me an idea of my length potential. I was too dissapointed when she said my plaits reached collarbone. I kept asking over and over hoping as if she did not understand me hoping for a mid-back answer. It never changed. Luckily, I am past collarbone and and inch away from BSL.

for most of my childhood
my hair was pretty short!

i did however, find a picture of myself at age 2
a couple years ago that i had never seen
and my hair was in a few medium lengthed natural twisted ponytails
i'm guessing stretched out, my hair would have been past shoulder length

i was surprised that my hair had ever been that long
because i was always so used to it being short and chewed off. haha.

that picture definitely inspired me!
i was like "wow...i can have long hair dangit! i had it before and didnt even know about it"
there arent too many pictures of me younger than, when i found that one, it excited me!

i do wish i had a picture of my hair out and down
i would have liked to see the actual length.
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Funny this post came up. I was asking my mom the other day how long my hair was before she relaxed it. I figured this would give me an idea of my length potential. I was too dissapointed when she said my plaits reached collarbone. I kept asking over and over hoping as if she did not understand me hoping for a mid-back answer. It never changed. Luckily, I am past collarbone and and inch away from BSL.

my hair twin
Tailb one length. My mother never let me cut my hair. One of my aunts did one summer when I was away on vacation and my mother did not speak to my Aunt for 5 years because of it. She still mad over 35 years later. G-d may forgive you but an African NEVER forgets lolol
I had tail bone length hair as a child. It was thick, curly-wavy and my momma kept it in pony tails(I hated that, she would never let me wear it down, lol). When I started doing my own hair in the 6th grade....well, came out from there :(
My hair at it's shortest was at shoulder length in high school and I once I got well into middle school....I didnt' think my hair could grow past bra strap(no more butt length hair since I was like 8 or 9!) Now I'm out to get back my childhood hair, if possible :)