How long should you wait for love?


New Member
How long before you fell in love or said I love you? How long before he fell in love with you or said that he loves you?

I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months and I really think we should be in love by now. I think I love him but can't tell until I knwo he loves me because I really don't want to get hurt again!
I don't think you can rush love. Although I was in love with my bf probably for a while, it took me being comfortable (ok, and him saying it first :blush:) for me to say those words 'I love you.' The timing has to be right.

To answer your question, I realized I was in love with him around 6 months of courting and he said 'I love you' on our 6 month anniversary and I said it back :giggle:

The only other man that has said those words to me told me at about 2 months but we had known each other for several years.
How long before you fell in love or said I love you? How long before he fell in love with you or said that he loves you?

I've been with my boyfriend for 5 months and I really think we should be in love by now. I think I love him but can't tell until I knwo he loves me because I really don't want to get hurt again!
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ok cool so I should be expecting those 3 magic words next month; It's our 6 months in March! lol, I am joking but it would be nice.
I hate the L word and how people throw it around. Even if I'm in love I'm less likely to say it... I do like hearing it, but only when it's really true and I'm skeptical when it comes to deciding that. I say 6 months is the best time, but in different cases... with my boyfriend it might be sooner, we were best friends before we got together and we've known each other over 2 years so I think love is in the air pretty fast...
How long before you fell in love or said I love you? How long before he fell in love with you or said that he loves you?

Fell in love 6/7 months into. Didn't actual say it till month 10. Oh and I said it first.
Its a long distance relationship and summer is when I see him least so thats probably why the gap. Plus I wanted to be absolutely sure before spilling my heart out to him since it was my first time to with anyone.
I know people who've dated for 8-9 months and never fell in love. I guess that's why they broke up. You can't rush things. If someone is sitting around waiting for love I think that's when they end up getting hurt the most. Because they just wanna be in love they will take it regards of who and how they treat them.

So my advice, Take you time!
:nicethread: and right on time :yep: I think for me I'm just taking it slow. I haven't been a serious/exclusive relationship for at least ten years. So far so good though and the more I think about it we are so much alike..