How long have you been on LHCF?

I started lurking in September 08, but didn't get serious until my join date.
lol, I can't believe it's almost time to renew again.
I've been a member since March 2011 i don't know why my "Join Date" says December 2010.

edited to get the dates correct.
Came onboard in '06 and was a very active relaxed and transitioning kindof gal, cut it, grew it out, now just lurking around. I come out every now and again :)
I Found this site in 2004 when I was going bald cut all the perm grew it all back very slowly and in Nov 2010 got a BKT and now I am going bald again I'm the same freaking spot. So I will be on the hair side more
Joined in Jan 2009
Actually started getting serious (reading labels/became DIYer/ect) in Jan 2010:)
Not long enuff, but once I found LHCF I lurked for about a day before joining.. there was just wayyy too much good hair info to NOT get the full effect :lachen:

check the date----------> :look:
Since 2006, I have learned a a member I post but I'm still a big lurker. Started out relaxed, transitioned to natural and back to relaxed lol. I need to get some ideas for my hair regimen but I'm too busy lurking and posting in the other forums now (makeup, fitness) lol
For about 14 months. I joined when I decided to transition. I cant believe I've been here that long. It feels like Ive only been here a few weeks. :lol:
July 2004 I believe. The board was still free back then. It became a paying site the next month. $5.00 or something like that. I've seen it all :lol:.
since 2004. i just like all things hair related. didn't really have a goal in mind. i loved the length of my hair at the time and a hairstylist that took really good care of it. now i'm doing the natural thing and it's different world.
Lets see... It says 2007, but I signed up and never came back.

Then I revisited my hair journey in Oct 2010 and actually paid & been an active member ever since. :yep:
Let's see. I have been here since 2002. Before that we (LHCF) were on Yahoo and we got too big for them so we moved here from there. Before that I lurked on several other boards, which no longer exist.

So it's really longer then 9 years since I was on LHCF back in the Yahoo days.
Lurked since Dec 07, when I was home for Christmas break and googled how to Rollerset my hair. I was styling challenged. I found Pokahontas' page, which had a link here. It was around the Curlformers craze. I finally joined (paid) in 09 when I decided to transition.
Joined in late 2007 my membership expired so I got a new account with a new screen name. Things have changed a lot, seems like the members have gotten younger.

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Whenever it was that the old Creme of Nature got discontinued (in my hood), Google brought me this way, and I'd pop in for product reviews every now and then... until I realized how crazy it can be up in here & started lurking around the start of last year.

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Wow, I've been here since Spet 08, on and off, three years in Sept, still on my journey, gain lots of growth and experience lots of set backs, so now I'm just hoping for growth and mini set backs....
I would do Google searches or read other boards or blogs and would always find myself here. I probably lurked off and on 3 or 4 years, first as a natural then relaxed.

I signed up in November after having a relaxer and rinse that took me from 9-10 inches of hair to bald over almost half of my head. :nono:

I didn't pay until April of this year. I told DH how the site had a fee of $6.50 a year. He just stared wondering when I became so cheap. :lol:

So officially here for only 6 months.