How long does it take you to witness new growth post relaxer

How long does it take you to witnes new growth post relaxer?

  • 1 week post relaxer

    Votes: 24 4.9%
  • 2 weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 115 23.7%
  • 3 weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 127 26.2%
  • 4 weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 129 26.6%
  • 5 weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 41 8.5%
  • 6 weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 42 8.7%
  • 7+ weeks post relaxer

    Votes: 28 5.8%

  • Total voters
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How is everyone seeing new growth so quickly? I had to be at least 8 weeks post so see noticeable difference...:perplexed
How is everyone seeing new growth so quickly? I had to be at least 8 weeks post so see noticeable difference...:perplexed

Well, for the longest time, I didn't realize that I had new growth so early on. What I did notice was that after 2 weeks, my hair didn't lay as flat to my scalp as it did when I got a fresh relaxer. I simply thought that my hair just "poofed" up more after a certain amount of time.

In the past year, I've realized that my hair grows, on average, about 1/2 an inch per month. This means that after 2 weeks, I should have about 1/4 of an inch. So, I decided to test out my theory after my most recent relaxer. At 2 weeks post, I checked the straightest parts of my hair and sure enough, I had about 1/4 inch of new growth.
3-4 weeks.

Being natural for 2 years has helped me recognise new growth. Before i honestly thought my hair had 'sweated out' the relaxer but now i know what my true texture is i can see exactly how fast my hair is growing now.

Also, knowing how tangly my natural hair is i don't think its a good idea for me to stretch too long - it will start breaking (i know cus i tried to transition but couldnt so did the BC instead).
Maybe I'm weird but I never look for growth wave patterns in my hair, I simply feel it first then look later and that's usually at 7 weeks and beyond. I have been an avid relaxer stretcher for the past year and a half now so I try not to pay attention to the look of my new growth too early after a relaxer. I wait until after 7 weeks - I think it's a mental thing though to prepare me to do my usual stretch of 12 + weeks of relaxer stretching to make it seemingly easy to do:yep:.
I notice a little new growth within 2 weeks. Somewhere around week 4, I go from noticing a few waves/curls at the roots to :afro: seemingly overnight.
I tend to think that a relaxer stunts your growth for a little while... you should be able to feel some sort of ng if your hair grows daily, right? But after a relaxer it can take weeks...
My hair grows ridiculously slow

6 weeks.... And that's WITH growth aids! :cry3:
I "notice" the new growth 3 weeks after a relaxer and that's if I just leave it alone and let it dry loose. If I rollerset or put into a bun to airdry, then it takes maybe 4-5 weeks to notice. I feel like my hair grows 'straight'ish to about a 1/4 inch and then the curl/wave forms after that point, causing me to 'notice' it, lol. I hope that made sense.
usually 4 weeks but this time since im using BT I think I saw some newgrowth in 3 weeks. :eek:

Im on my 5th week right now and the top of my head looks almost like a nest lol. :lol:

this is so true....i never get any growth until my 4-5 week...i used some bt and 2 weeks later...boom NEW GROWTH!!! :spinning:
1-2 weeks but this is only at the very nappy textured area of my head (the front edges) i don't notice the looser textured area's until 3-4 weeks post.
I think if a person is witnessing new growth at 2 weeks or before 5 weeks then the hair has to be under processed or the relaxers not strong enough. My friend has long hair and is always getting her hair relaxed at like 4 weeks, her stylist under processes her hair on purpose so that she keeps coming back for relaxers fast.

even with "fast hair growth" i think you should witness new growth at the 6 week mark at least.
i start to notice a the new growth in my hair after like three weeks.iot starts to get kinky and a little hard to com there...but, then tahts when WGO comes in handy.
Between 2 to 3 weeks, closer to 3 weeks. Then it waves out of control for the next 5-7 weeks until I get it relaxed.
For me, its about a month or a month and a half before I start noticing. I never relax bone straight so a few waves here and there never scare me. I think about two months in is when I really realize that new growth is kickin in.

I'm not one to notice when 1/12 of an inch of new growth starts to appear.
It takes me a month, but it depends how bone straight or straight my hair is......and sometimes the products I use can leave the relaxer effect longer so I can stretch longer, It would be safe to say a month(4 weeks).
I start seeing new growth around 3 weeks post touch up that's also when I style my hair in buns and other protective styles.
I see growth after about 3 weeks since I have been co-washing a few times a week. Before co-washing, I would notice it after about 4-5 weeks.
Prior to my last relaxer, I would see new growth by at least the 3rd week. This go-round I didn't see any ng until about the 6th week.