How long do you think it'll take for you to reach your goal?

How long before you reach your goal?

  • 1-2 years

    Votes: 190 53.5%
  • 3-4 years

    Votes: 108 30.4%
  • 5+ years

    Votes: 24 6.8%
  • I have no idea

    Votes: 33 9.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
I think it's going to take about 3 years to reach my ultimate goal which is full, healthy BSL. I started off N/EL and it's been 10 months since I started my healthy hair journey. I'm closing in towards SL now, hopefully I'll be there by the end of this year. I started off with dry, broken off hair and I have varying lengths all over my head. Next year I'm going to start trimming to even it out. Anyhoo, how long do you ladies think it'll take you to get where you want to be
I should be there by next August - my three year anniversary. I plan to be a full blunt MBL by then - I'm wrapping it up at that length.
My goal is a thick hip length...if I can keep the scissors out of my head - I should reach hip length by next summer. I plan on then dusting monthly until I have a thick hemline. Who knows how long that'll take??? So, I put 1-2 years, because I have layers to trim off.
I'm thinking 3-4 yrs for me.

I'll reach my first goal of APL 2010, but my ultimate goal is WL 2012.
My goal is WL. I hope to make a new length goal every 6 months. I went from bottom of EL to the top of SL in 4 months but I gave myself 6. I should be full SL in mid-Nov and I hope to make APL by next May and BSL by next Nov. I plan on doing it using a no heat reggie and alt. bunning and twistouts and NO TRIMS!
It will take me about 2.5 more years. I plan to get to MBL-WL straightened. I am almost at BSL now but I am transitioning and I have about 3 inches of new growth. So, It will take a while. My ultimate goal is to be MBL with my hair unstraightened. But that will take a couple more years. So maybe 6 years in total.
All I want is full BSB or MBL hari! Thats it! It feels like its taking forever! I hope to be there before Dec 2010
3-4 years for me! I want to be BSL Unstreched and shrinkage is a motha!

Hopefully by the end of next year I will be full shoulder length unstreched!
I couldn't vote. You don't have a 6 - 12 months option. I am currently brushing BSL curly/dry. My goal is MBL curly/dry hair so I'm thinking that would be TL stretched. So I should be there in 6 months. That should be only 3" maximum.

If I'm TL stretched and it doesn't reach MBL that will be fine. There is absolutely NO WAY I want hair longer than TL. :nono::nono:
Well i chose 1 year...because i pretty sure i'll be at my goal length in a few months....but i want to maintain it and have full...more evened out i chose a year.
For me... I prefer to set short term goals or milestone markers... whatever you want to call them...

I'm currently transitioning so within the next year... my goal is to have a full, natural curly puff....oh and a hairful of healthy hair... I'll work on length later.:grin:

Taking it one goal at a time....okay maybe 2 or three..LOL
My goal is MBL...hopefully I'll be there by March 2010 (my birthday)...So I would hope for full mbl in another year:look:
I'm between SL and APL, my goal length is BSL. I'm giving myself till the end of next year to get it, and I think I can make it.
APL curly is my goal. Right now, I'm I guess shoulder curly. With my shrinkage, it seems like a looong way to go to me. I have no idea how long it's going to take. I'm trying not to obsess, but y'all know it's hard!!
I set short term goals. Right now I am aiming for sl while curly and dry by June 2010. I did my BC June this year so I think that's appropriate amount of time...
My goal is Full MBL. I should be there by Dec 2010. I'll be full BSL by April 2010, and I give myself 8 months to get from FULL BSL to FULL MBL. I'm short so they are like 1-2 inches apart
I have 2 more years to get to waist length. Hopefully I’m there by July 2011. I should be BSL by July 2010.

Right now I’m at 6 inches from my nape and I need 12 more for waist length.
Since I started my hair journey all over again in January this year which include tratnsitioning to texlaxed hair, I'd say my ultimate hair goals will take at least 4 years to get there, maybe 5 years if I factor in trims and tiny setbacks, etc.

I am currently back at neck length hair and I wish to get to full BSL hair again. I achieved BSL in December of 2008 but because I have fine hair I want a thicker textured head of hair, hence my reason for transitioning.

I do not intend to relax again until I have at least 8-10 inches of new growth hair on my head and I have about 4 inches right now.
i would say 2.5 years to get to BSL. I'm neck length now and if i keep my regimen i believe i can get there
Like 5 years. And that's really just a dream considering I don't really know how long my growth phase is. But I figure 5 years is enough time to get there. I bet if I was consistent with working out, improving my diet, and protecting my hair I'd get there A LOT sooner.

But, I want even hip length hair stretched...which equals a BAA with shrinkage. I just want my fro to be so big it blocks people's view and a bun as big as saucer. And I want my twistouts/braidouts to hang.
I am not one of those wishing for mid back I will be happy with BSL as I cannot deal with my hair being APL sometimes so I dont think I could manage going past MBL with my natural tangle prone hair.
My goal is to be Full MBL, or grazing it, by Dec. long as I don't have any setbacks :crossfingers:
I have about 8-9 inches to WL, maybe 10 to a solid, full WL (I'm tall). I sincerely hope it's only 1-2 years. I think my hair will grow about 4in per year w/o any help. I could probably get more with supplements, vits, protein, etc.

Anyway, I don't know how long my growth phase is, so hopefully it's long enough to get me there. But just being full BSL would make me happy, too, and I'm definitely aiming for August 2010 for that...less than 1 year!
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My goal is full BSL with thick ends...

I'm thinking maybe 2 years, but I don't know. My hair grows pretty fast.