How long can you wear the baggie? What about the water?


New Member
I was just wondering, (as I sit here at work with my baggie-bun) what is the longest time frame you should wear the baggie - how many hours? I have had mine on since last night. And how many days out of the week max? Previously I had only been doing the baggie 1x a week (for only 3 weeks), and only overnight - which I've already noticed "heavier", thicker ends... But I want to do it more during the winter.

I also see that some people don't use regular tap water in their moisture mix... Why is that?
NoNapNique said:
I was just wondering, (as I sit here at work with my baggie-bun) what is the longest time frame you should wear the baggie - how many hours? I have had mine on since last night. And how many days out of the week max? Previously I had only been doing the baggie 1x a week (for only 3 weeks), and only overnight - which I've already noticed "heavier", thicker ends... But I want to do it more during the winter.

I also see that some people don't use regular tap water in their moisture mix... Why is that?

You can do this everyday all day if you want. I've heard of ladies doing it 3x a week some 5x and wearing their hair down on the weekends. Of course you will wash your hair and condition ( what ever your regime) but this can be your usual style. As long as your hair is florishing with no negitives effects go for it. I like to air my bun out when I get home. Let it dry so I can see how it looks.
i'm not a baggie expert because i don't like to wear ponytails alot, i prefer to wear my hair down everyday. anyways, from my little experience, it all depends on how much you wet your concoction. If your baggie bun is soaking wet with water and conds, then i'd suggest you to wash it every 2 days. I had mines in for about 3-4 days and i noticed when i took out the bun it smelled a little funny. but when i do a bun with just a spritz of cond and alot of vaseline or oil, then i will leave it in for about 4-5 days. And i do use good ole' tap water with my concoctions....

I think it is okay to leave it in for 2-3 days. I too like to air dry it when I get home so I can see the ends. I use tap water for my baggie too.
I do the baggie method 24/7. The only time I dont do it is when Im in extensions and thats every 2 months. Ive been doing it like this for the past 3 years and my hair is fine.