
New Member
I was talking to my friend the other day and the conversation just happened to cross on hair. /images/graemlins/weird.gif Well she told me that she believes that everyone's hair can only grow about so much, therefore if you are black and you have shoulder length hair, that is all you are expected to see in your whole life time. Mind you this girl is black and has shoulder lenght hair. I never used to think this but I want to prove her wrong especially since Im new to the forum. I was going to send her to this website and tell her that it is possible but I think I want to prove her wrong when my hair grows beyond she thinks my hair could grow. What do you all think? /images/graemlins/littleangel2.gif
This website is proof that black hair can grow past shoulder length! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I say go for it! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
When taken care of properly, hair can grow to its full potential. What is the full potential? No one can say for certain what a person's or a group of people's potential is.

I read where a lot of women want to prove somebody wrong. This is their impetus for growing their hair. I think that type of thinking is draining. They're using their energies in an attempt to gain someone's approval, to change someone's mind, to be the focus, eventually, of someone's attention.

Doubtful, negative, ignorant people can throw up all sorts of blocks to new thinking. How much time are you willing to invest and how much BS are you willing to take from someone in order to change their thoughts?

Grow your hair to please yourself. Let the excitement of learning to better care for yourself spur you on. It's a much more sustaining energy than hoping and wishing you can change someone's perceptions.
You get an award for that one SVT. You are so right, don't live your life trying to prove something to someone else, live your life satisfying yourself first and only. /images/graemlins/look.gif
Hi Shari /images/graemlins/wave.gif,

I agree with SVT's points, and I know how easy it is to fall into this type of thinking. People do it everday with all sorts of things- education, weight loss, job promotions, the list goes on.

As with any objective, choose a goal and timeframe that is realistic (there are so many beautiful people and heads of hair on this board that can serve as great examples for you). Your journey should be fun so that you don't kill yourself in the process!

I've heard that the length of your hair also depends on genetics (although I'm not so sure), but if you take the best possible care of your hair, and eat the right foods, you should definitely reach your maximum potential!
I think really and truly, you get grow your hair very long, but it depends on so many things, genetics to come into, but then you can overcome genetics, I think you have to stop limiting yourself. You have to eat properly, plenty of exercise, visualisation, positive thoughts, joining supports groups, don't discuss your plans with people who don't believe you can achieve your long hair growth, this is very important. Start with small goals, I want to get to shoulder length. Once you get to shoulder, next step bra length, waist length etc, taillength and so on. Inspirational pictures help, to change your mind set. Also you have to go to people who know how to look after your hair, or better still do it yourself, because you will love it and care it. Have patience, it may be simple, but ask from guidance for the universe. If possible, protective styling helps, and on this board, you get a lot of practical advice and there are a lot of ladies, who never had long hair when they were children, have bralength, waist and tailbone length, so although I would say genetics have a part to play, maybe only a small part. Your determination and your mindset, plays a bigger part. Go for your length and don't worry about what people say.
Welcome to the board Shariracquel.
Please do not believe anything you have heard about black women's potential to grow hair...this board is proof that we can grow our hair as long as we please or at least healthy, thick and beautiful /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Good luck on your journey!
after reading what you said SVT, im in total agreement! i guess she really doesnt have to show off the LHCF to prove anything! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thank ya'll for your comments. I believe the same thing too, I did not let what she said to make me have any doubts what so ever. I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about that particular subject, but here is another question - if you did not discover this board would you think so also because remember she has not seen this. Also has your perception on what you see as long hair changed since you joined the board. I used to think I had a lot of hair, but compared to some of the women and children on here, I have a long way to go, Im working at it though. Well that's just another thought for ya's. Take care!!! /images/graemlins/littleangel2.gif
remember wen ppl thought ear lenght for a black person was long?
then it was neck lenght
now its shoulder lenght..
soon brastrap length may be the norm...
next thing u know well all be known for our waist length hair :)