been told my hair cant grow long


New Member
In work today a co worker of mine who is from zimbabwe saw me with my hair down for the first time today and commented that my hair was long and if it was real. So shocked i replied yes and i said i didint think it was long to which he replied that my hair wont grow longer and i should be lucky how long it is already ( which is shoulder lenght) and it will start breaking off eventually beacuse black hair dont grow:eek: anyone else experienced these problems from dumb african guys like him?
Girl, it funny you say this because I have a friend from Zimbabwue and he absolutely adores my hair in all its stages as long as its mine. Please don't let this idiot ruin your opinion of other African men.
well YOU know that is not true just based off the hair on this board. The proof is in the pudding. When you reach your goals, just swing it in his direction and bat your
No not from a african person but I have from many african americans. They always tell me that I cant grow long hair because I have fine thin hair that has never been any longer than a couple of inches past shoulder length and that black peoples hair dosent grow long only if they are mixed. Your hair can be as long as you want it to be. HHG
aliciaq said:
In work today a co worker of mine who is from zimbabwe saw me with my hair down for the first time today and commented that my hair was long and if it was real. So shocked i replied yes and i said i didint think it was long to which he replied that my hair wont grow longer and i should be lucky how long it is already ( which is shoulder lenght) and it will start breaking off eventually beacuse black hair dont grow:eek: anyone else experienced these problems from dumb african guys like him?
alicia, you want me to come over there and kick some arse for you?
deniseloc said:
No not from a african person but I have from many african americans. They always tell me that I cant grow long hair because I have fine thin hair that has never been any longer than a couple of inches past shoulder length and that black peoples hair dosent grow long only if they are mixed. Your hair can be as long as you want it to be. HHG

Yeah, I hear this alot!
Just tell him, "You don't know what you're talking about" Then prove it to him, and in a couple of months when your hair has grown more inches, keep reminded him he said that. "Remember when you told me my hair wouldn't grow any longer, I told you you didn't know what you were talking about"
SvelteVelvet said:
Just tell him, "You don't know what you're talking about" Then prove it to him, and in a couple of months when your hair has grown more inches, keep reminded him he said that. "Remember when you told me my hair wouldn't grow any longer, I told you you didn't know what you were talking about"

Girl, she won't even have to say a thing. He is going to spit his coffee out all over his desk one day when she walks by swangin' it.
My sister told me that "we" don't have the hair gene!:eek: Not sure if she meant "we" as in all black people or my family only!
I've been told that (and I know tons of women have been told that), but since my hair really started growing in the last year my friends and family are dumbfounded :eek: :eek: when they see my progress pics, yes I share them every once in a while, mainly because it helps my hair business. And now they are asking me for advice, which I give them very willingly.

Just laugh it off!
Be happy. As your hair grows you're a walking inspiration to other black women and girls who've been feed the image that we can't grow healthy or long hair when in reality it's just a lack of hair education. And for Mr. Hair expert, his jaw will drop when you walk past with your healthy thick hair swinging hair (straight, texlaxed, natural or whatever).

I'd love to convert some non believers, but I feel like I don't dispel myths or inspire other black women IRL because of my complexion. It sounds silly, I know, but I feel like other black ppl see my complexion and assume I don't have "authentic" black hair. The assumption is made that I'm some light skinned chick with good hair. I've even had stylist who have seen my kinky arse roots argue with me about my hair type. I'm like, dude are you looking at the same got darn roots or are you blind? It's like, well she's light and has long hair, it can't be kinky even though I'm ripping through knots trying to do this touchup! I've never had anyone tell me I can't grow long hair or ask me if I'm wearing a weave, I want to be a myth buster too! :(

Anyway, ignore Mr. Junk in the head. He doesn't know anything about hair.
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Don't give someone the power to discourage you from trying. What credentials does she have that qualify her to say that (Ph.D's M.Ds, cosmetollogy lic. etc.) Keep doing what you're doing and show her what your hair can do.
SleekandBouncy said:
Be happy. As your hair grows you're a walking inspiration to other black women and girls who've been feed the image that we can't grow healthy or long hair when in reality it's just a lack of hair education. And for Mr. Hair expert, his jaw will drop when you walk past with your healthy thick hair swinging hair (straight, texlaxed, natural or whatever).

I'd love to convert some non believers, but I feel like I don't dispel myths or inspire other black women IRL because of my complexion. It sounds silly, I know, but I feel like other black ppl see my complexion and assume I don't have "authentic" black hair. The assumption is made that I'm some light skinned chick with good hair. I've even had stylist who have seen my kinky arse roots argue with me about my hair type. I'm like, dude are you looking at the same got darn roots or are you blind? It's like, well she's light and has long hair, it can't be kinky even though I'm ripping through knots trying to do this touchup! I've never had anyone tell me I can't grow long hair or ask me if I'm wearing a weave, I want to be a myth buster too! :(

Anyway, ignore Mr. Junk in the head. He doesn't know anything about hair.

Isn't that awful when people choose to think like that after you've told them otherwise? That's why I say some people will choose to hold on to their beliefs after seeing the truth with their own eyes. :cool:
RabiaElaine said:
I've been told that (and I know tons of women have been told that), but since my hair really started growing in the last year my friends and family are dumbfounded :eek: :eek: when they see my progress pics, yes I share them every once in a while, mainly because it helps my hair business. And now they are asking me for advice, which I give them very willingly.

Just laugh it off!

Same thing with me....a lot of my cousins and friends laughed in my face when I told them I was going to grow my hair to SL, then APL, and ultimately BSL. But now, especially recently, they all want to know how I'm doing it and are completely amazed that my hair grew out from ear length to SL so fast.
chica_canella said:
Isn't that awful when people choose to think like that after you've told them otherwise? That's why I say some people will choose to hold on to their beliefs after seeing the truth with their own eyes. :cool:

Exactly. In my case they actually saw for their own eyes that their assumptions were incorrect!

There's no point in fighting with these people because they will think what they want to think regardless. It's not like arguing something that you can provide statistics to back up. When people say that black women can't grow long hair there are two options, use yourself as an example to prove otherwise in which case the smart people will realize they were wrong or if you're not at your hair goal leave them to their ignorant thinking. Nothing else will ever change their minds. Some ppl need to think we can't grow long hair because they fear the solution would involve work they are unwilling to do and for others they like viewing only "certain" people as having the so called privilege of long hair. To both types I say kiss mah....

SleekandBouncy said:
Be happy. As your hair grows you're a walking inspiration to other black women and girls who've been feed the image that we can't grow healthy or long hair when in reality it's just a lack of hair education. And for Mr. Hair expert, his jaw will drop when you walk past with your healthy thick hair swinging hair (straight, texlaxed, natural or whatever).

I'd love to convert some non believers, but I feel like I don't dispel myths or inspire other black women IRL because of my complexion. It sounds silly, I know, but I feel like other black ppl see my complexion and assume I don't have "authentic" black hair. The assumption is made that I'm some light skinned chick with good hair. I've even had stylist who have seen my kinky arse roots argue with me about my hair type. I'm like, dude are you looking at the same got darn roots or are you blind? It's like, well she's light and has long hair, it can't be kinky even though I'm ripping through knots trying to do this touchup! I've never had anyone tell me I can't grow long hair or ask me if I'm wearing a weave, I want to be a myth buster too! :(

Anyway, ignore Mr. Junk in the head. He doesn't know anything about hair.

Man, this happens to me all the time!! :perplexed
aliciaq said:
In work today a co worker of mine who is from zimbabwe saw me with my hair down for the first time today and commented that my hair was long and if it was real. So shocked i replied yes and i said i didint think it was long to which he replied that my hair wont grow longer and i should be lucky how long it is already ( which is shoulder lenght) and it will start breaking off eventually beacuse black hair dont grow:eek: anyone else experienced these problems from dumb african guys like him?

See, I don't understand things like that especially coming from an african man. I have had five friends who are from Africa or their parents are from cities in Africa. I met 1 while in elementary. I met 2 in junior high. I met 1 in college and the other started working at the place I worked at. Each of these girls have long thick hair that is at least BSL if not longer. Their hair is so pretty and thick. Their mothers' and sisters' hair are the same too. I guess people feel that they can judge all books by the same cover.
SleekandBouncy said:
Exactly. In my case they actually saw for their own eyes that their assumptions were incorrect!

There's no point in fighting with these people because they will think what they want to think regardless. It's not like arguing something that you can provide statistics to back up. When people say that black women can't grow long hair there are two options, use yourself as an example to prove otherwise in which case the smart people will realize they were wrong or if you're not at your hair goal leave them to their ignorant thinking. Nothing else will ever change their minds. Some ppl need to think we can't grow long hair because they fear the solution would involve work they are unwilling to do and for others they like viewing only "certain" people as having the so called privilege of long hair. To both types I say kiss mah....


I feel similiar too. It's kind of like how a racists acts once he finds a person who doesn't fit his racist stereotype of how a hispanic/white/black person should act. I think I read that there are only two choices for them. Accept that their former beliefs are wrong which means that are no longer ignorant and have to change their whole thought pattern and behavior towards these groups of people. Or they can choose the easy way out and go into deep denial or say that person is the exception.

That is what some people will try to do. Say through denial, "Oh, they have white blood in them or got dat good hurr." :cool:
HoneyDew said:
Girl, she won't even have to say a thing. He is going to spit his coffee out all over his desk one day when she walks by swangin' it.

I know :lol: But that's just me, if someone tells me I can't do something in such a dignified manner as that man told her, I must defiantly prove them wrong and make sure I verbally express that so I see the looks on their faces. She could at least 'wait' until he mentions it like Him: "Is that all your hair?" Or "Wow your hair grew!" I'd at least say "Yeah, remember when you said it would grow past the length it was" Friendly and with a smile but at least getting my point across. I love killing the myths in people, because it stops them from discouraging and spreading the myth to others.
My brother says that to me!
"Your hair grows slow. It wont ever grow long."

Im like actually my hair used to be past my shoulders before I got a relaxer and cut it long time ago. He must not remember.

But anyways Ive been shoulder length for years. It was actually getting past my shoulders until I just had a relapse from self relaxing so I had to cut it chin length but Im taking care of my hair better. Now I know not to self relax ever again. :lol:

That is such a myth that black hair cant grow. It can if you take care of it.
SO many haters!
I even had someone think I wore a weave when I had shoulder length.:perplexed.
"Did you get your weave done?." They were white though.
It doesnt matter though because there are black people who are haters too. Haters everywhere.
CurliDiva said:
My sister told me that "we" don't have the hair gene!:eek: Not sure if she meant "we" as in all black people or my family only!

lol. Ive heard that also.
Also the,"Black hair dont move. Its stiff."
aliciaq said:
In work today a co worker of mine who is from zimbabwe saw me with my hair down for the first time today and commented that my hair was long and if it was real. So shocked i replied yes and i said i didint think it was long to which he replied that my hair wont grow longer and i should be lucky how long it is already ( which is shoulder lenght) and it will start breaking off eventually beacuse black hair dont grow:eek: anyone else experienced these problems from dumb african guys like him?

Don’t get mad, just tell him to pull that piece of lint you can’t reach out of your APL, BSL, or waistlength hair when the time comes. He won’t know what to say!
I wouldnt worry too much about this guy or anyone else. The usual pattern of discussion is:

short length: No comment, because that's the way black hair is suppose to be

Mediumish length: Wow you hair is growing ... be thankful, but it wont grow any longer, black hair dont grow long. It will soon break off cause only mix people have long hair and you are not mixed. You dont have good hair look how course it is.

Longer length: Wow your hair looks good. My hair cant grow as long as yours, your hair is long because you are mixed. OR you have always had good hair.

It makes me laugh when I hear these things but sometimes I want to slap people out of frustration. I get this from all sorts of people
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