How important is the title to you?

whether you need a title or dont need a title. if you are with a guy for a while and he wont give you the title then you need to question if the relationship will every go anywhere.
My guy was in a rush to be exclusive.
He knew I was seeing other medical doctors when we started dating.
He wanted me to cut them off entirely and focus on him alone.
I started getting close with a male friend. Eventualy we started spending more time with each other and feelings developed and the amount of time we spend together was like we were in a rlp. He said he wasn't ready for a rlp. So I knew I couldn't let things keep going the way they were. I wasnt gonna keep spending time with him like we were together when he didnt want to take to the next level. So I said let's just be friends. I am glad I didnt settle. The old me would have stuck around but acting like a couple when he didnt want to be one really didnt sit well me at all. Bottom line I want someone who WANTS to be with me. I felt I deserved that.

Now I heard someone say that she doesnt need a title. She knows she doesnt wanna deal with anyone else, he's the only man for her she has everything she needs so doesn't see the need for the title. And this had me like :huh: They have been dealing with each other for a year.

I really can't fathom spending time with a man, sleeping with him, making plans for the future and NOT getting a title.

If you want something enough, you'll claim it. If you want something bad enough, would you not want to say ok this is mine??

What are your thoughts?

I think the bolded says it all.