How important is cooking in your relationship?

I guess it's of medium importance. I didn't cook at all when we were dating, my husband cooked or we ordered or went out to eat. He still cooks most of the time, or we'll cook together, but I'm trying to do more meals on my own. I learned a lot watching him, and I don't think I've really made a bad meal yet. I just ask a lot of questions about amounts because he doesn't measure anything, but he usually tells me to just eyeball it and use my best judgment. It's worked so far.
Cooking is very important in our relationship. We are both AA and my husband can cook simple stuff but since we have lived together and got married I don't think he cooked dinner more than 10 times (3 years living together 1 year married).

His language of love is service and he feels home cooked meals are an expression of love. Which is fine cause I do like to cook but when I am working too I get tired and I will have a Mexican standoff with this man no problem. Meaning we just aren't eating tonight unless you make something or go get some fast food. Its almost always fast food. Lol!

As far as improving cooking practice practice practice and watch cooking shows to get inspired. I do enjoy cooking with a nice glass of wine and slowly making a delicious meal like lasagna from scratch, enchiladas, quesodillas, baked chicken, crispy wings, whatever else I can think up.

Op- I think your FH was rude. Unless you asked for feedback. My DH never tells me if the food was bad but usually if I eat it and notice it doesn't taste good I will ask and then he will be brutally honest. Also I usually ask for feed back so I will know if I messed up along the way. But if I don't ask I don't wanna know lol!!
Cooking isn't really important to us. We both work out and only eat certain things for fitness reasons, so we would just as soon have a bag of broccoli and go to bed. He's a good cook though and does experiment with low cal versions of mainstream dishes when I find him recipes. Lol. We are getting married next year and I said "are you going to have a problem with me inviting my parents over every Sunday?" And he said "no, but they will. You don't cook on sunday!" Lol
It's not that important, but I'm a good cook and so is DH. At the moment he cooks more than I do because I'm too busy, but we alternate on who cooks more. If I cook something that DH doesn't like, he's very careful about how he addresses it because he knows I'm quick to go on strike.
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I enjoy cooking and trying new things. My SO cooks and sometimes takes over on a dish I've started. I'm definitely more versatile in the kitchen.

I like honest and constructive feedback. Otherwise you will be not be getting any plates of food.

I don't think cooking is very important in our relationship.
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Just today my DH told me my food was lacking something and continued to further season it himself :lol:. So it's important and I need to up my game. I've been downloading recipes from the divas can cook website and am gonna try one of them soon.
I'm not much of a cook but I'm trying to do better. Last night I cooked a meal and FH was not too pleased. He ate it but basically said the rice was not presentable and the turkey was not made with enough sauce. Then went on to say he's ok but if we have guest over once we are married he wants me to present the meals better than I have. Then he comments on how I never
cook and if I don't practice I'll never be as good as I want to be. Honestly I want to become a better cook but I just don't have time to practice all the time. He says it's ok but it's like he is longing for some bomb food from me and I've yet to produce. Lol. Funny thing is he can cook really well and has taught me some tricks but I can do it well one day and the next it's a flop. Smh


Follow this woman's recipes ( and report back. My guess is that your hubby will be doing some happy dances and singing your praises.

I personally consider myself a great cook and I think the thing that helps is cooking dishes that I myself want and love. If I don't like something I likely won't cook it it. Kinda selfish, but cooking can be consuming.
It's important in our relationship. We love to cook together but I'd say SO cooks most of the time. We're both good cooks in our own right but have completely different styles. He likes to follow recipes to the T and I like to free style more.

OP crock pots are awesome for making delicious meals and don't require much work.

I understand your FH wanting you to be a good cook but he sure could tell you in a nicer way. As long as you're making an effort, he shouldn't be so hard on you.
Cooking is very important in my relationship. The first year we were together I never had time to cook, because I worked nights as a bartender. Dh and his mom (she's italian and can cook her butt off) used to tease me about not being able to cook. It really hurt my feelings :(

Well last year I had a career change and I began working days. This gave me time to cook daily. Im talking breakfast before work, lunch sometimes and dinner/dessert. He loves my cooking and it makes me feel so good :yep: He can cook too, so if I need a break he takes over in the kitchen
If after the second meal he has some overly critical ish to say I would never cook again. Im all about criticism but in an appreciative way. The way you described the situation was just plain rude. Did he enjoy anything about the meal? sheesh.

I also feel if food is that important in a relationship one should make sure that their mate loves cooking and genuinely enjoys it. Im very neutral about it. So in my situation if Im dating someone and they make a huge emphasis on food and how they want a home cooked meal every single wont last long unless he enjoys doing all the cooking. Now cleaning, maintaining, and making a home feel like home (besides cooking :look:)? Yes yes and yes. I love it.
Not much. My SO doesn't cook and is unwilling to learn so he doesn't get much opinion. I meal prep so I usually cook in several batches at a time and he can pick what he wants.

I do make a mental note of a recipe he likes if he compliments something.
Ooo, OP you are a nice woman. Lol I probably would leave the pots and pans out for him when guests are expected to come over. I tell them from the very beginning not to expect cooking from me......but I love a man that cooks. I'd be like "Here, I bought you some chicken. Get it crackin' !"

Then one day, I'm feeling some kind of way and decide to scrap something up. You better enjoy it and love it, even if its burned. Lol That stuff was made with love.
It is not that important because he married me not for my cooking alone. He cooks when I'm tired or tied up. I love cooking and he helps with laundry/taking the trash out & most of the bills. And when we are both tired especially with the kids, we eat out. Any relationship should be with love and cooking should not be a priority. Only if your partner is upfront about it being so.
Not important because i rarely cook. I am a good cook i just hate it because i make my meals from scratch so it takes lots of time and cleaning which he does afterwards. Every once in a while he'll request my chicken noodle soup or jollof rice and if im in a good mood or i want something, i make it.
We like cooking together , He likes cooking for me ...

I don't particularly like cooking ... though I perfected all his favourite dishes when we were dating ... meh

But my favourite is cooking together ... I love it!!!
Not very. He cooks for me and he's great at it and never asks me to cook for him. He would like it occasionally though.

Only reason I haven't cooked for him yet is we have different types of diets and he's a bit of a food snob. I may make him ribs at some point.