How I got an inch in a month & why I won't do it


New Member
How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it


Yep, that's right I Started taking a ton of vits on June 1. I mean all the usual suspects -- multi, b-5, B-complex, biotin, MSM, calcium, flaxseed, etc,etc. You name it, I took it, amino acids all that stuff. ( If I was at home I could list them all) Anyway, I decided to go a lil further and got some Shen-min.

My new growth started coming in about 10 days later and at 2 weeks it was coming in real fast. Great!

Then I got my period 2 weeks early and it hasn't stopped since. I got my period the first Sunday in June and it has yet to stop. Some days heavy and some days almost nothing but every day there was/is some. I eventually saw a doc at the end of June who did a very thorough exam, found nothing "wrong" and put me on the patch.

I must say that it finally looks like it's almost over as last night there was minimal bleeding and this morning it was faint. Can you imagine how weak I have been feeling? One good thing, my insomnia is gone. I fall asleep real fast now-a-days!

I am so over taking vits for my hair. Now, I know a lot of you ladies take a lot of vits and it's all good but this was just my experience that I wanted to share. Just to say proceed with caution add them slowly and if you notice a change for the worse -- stop.

I don't know what did it to me because some people had similar problems with biotin and some with MSM, adding Shen-min to the mix could have made it worse, who knows. After my doc did a sonagram and found nothing, I decided it had to be the vits and stopped taking them.

Of course my hairdresser was like whoa when she saw my new growth, even suggesting that maybe we touched it up earlier than we thought we did, but I have my credit card statement LOL.

Happy hair growing to us all but I am taking a break, well not really. From now any hair growth aid I use will be topical. I'm not digesting for hair growth.

Oh, and I was on a Atkins for most of the time also!
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

girl it seems liek u over did it on the vits, I hope you will feel better, MY regards
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Oh my, I'm glad you're doing better Dbjay, did you tell you doctor all the vitamins you were taking? Or did you just get checked out.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

The fainting may be due to low iron levels, are u taking any iron supplements...lots of women neglect this important mineral.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I cant take a lot of vitamins either. I had the same problem with msm (no fainting though) and I stopped. Its just not that serious........:)
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

That is crazy!

When I first started taking vitamins, my period would come a couple days early or a couple days late but nothing drastic.

I'm taking a break from vitamins right now. I'm going to soon start taking Freeda biotin. If it doesn't work after a month or so, then I'm going to stop and try something else. No more taking loads of vitamins.

Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do

Skegee -- I just wanted to stop bleeding so I went to the doc.

Ann -- I always took vits but not as much as I started taking June 1.

Alli -- I never fainted, just felt real weak and slept a lot.

TripleP -- no shock.

MsKibibi -- thanks much.

And Buffalosoldier, no kidding it's not that serious!!! I'm so done with that.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I had to stop too. I was feeling "unwell." Thankfully there waas no withdrawal from stopping taking all that stuff. Bonjour
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I've limited my vitamin regimen due to stories like this. I keep it at a multi vitamin, 2000-3000mg of Evening Primrose Oil for my skin and period ( haha
) and 3000mgs of biotin. I don't take the Biotin while I'm on my period from fear of having it for ten days. I have enough issues with my mentrual cycle, I don't need it to last any longer than it needs to!
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Congrats on all the growth but nothing is worse than bleeding all the time. I hope you find something that works for you!! I am almost certain that it was the vits. You may have been taking too high of a dose. Sometimes decreasing doses can help combat the side effects. Especially the MSM, I was taking 4000mgs a day and bleeding for 8 or nine days out of the month. My periods went back to normal when I decreased the dose to 1000mg a day. Good Luck!
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I had a similar bleeding problem 1.5 yrs ago when I was taking Sulphat MSM ONLY. I went to the GYN and nothing was wrong, she put me on the pill. I somehow felt that it was the MSM, b/c it hadn't happened before that. I stopped taking the Sulfur MSM.

Ironically, now I just started vits again for my hair, but I'm on the NuvaRing since I got married, so my period is controlled by that. Hopefully, I won't have any problems with vits this time. I was careful in selecting my MSM this time, I got some without Sulfur or Sulphate.

So far so good. I'll pray that I won't start constatnly bleeding again. If so, I know that I'll eliminate the MSM.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I'm so sorry to hear about allt his, debyjay.
Glad your feeling better though.
I know you don't want to go back on this all-out regimen, but even if you just took a multi, your overall body/health would probably thank you for it.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I get mine every 21 days for 7 days is from the msm so i go one month on msm with the patch and one month off msm without the patch.
This may be too much info... but I have no other cause to use birth controll. (I wish I did)
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I'm so sorry to hear this! But I totally understand because nothing is more important than your overall health. So continue to do what you did before without the vitamins and your hair will continue to thrive.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I had problems with vitamins too. When I took 1000 mg of MSM I was on my period for most of a month. I figured out that my body can't tolerate MSM, because even when I took a smaller dose, it still messed with my cycle.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Wow ... you guys. I just started reading this thread. I have had my period since May 17th! It had stopped a little, but there was sitll spotting. Since May, I have had to wear some kind of feminine protection. I haven't taken the MSM in about 1.5 weeks though. I was taking cysteine too.

I've had GYN problems for awhile now, so it could be related to something else. But they have put me on BC pills to try to see if that controls the bleeding and pelvic pain. To think ... that a simple supplement could be causing the bleeding, hmmmmmm!!!!
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

dang, you guys take large dosages...glad vits hasnt done all this bleeding to me, im still at my 2-3 days...yeah you heavy bleeders can all hate me now

but i hope you find something that works for you, all that bleeding and fainting cannot be good. and i swear doctors never find anything "wrong". good luck and lay off the vits, 1 inch isnt worth all the trouble
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

honeydrop215 said:...
im still at my 2-3 days...yeah you heavy bleeders can all hate me now

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not liking you right now ... lol ... ONLY 2-3 days
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Sorry to hear that you were feeling that way. I'm glad you're doing better.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

when i first started taking my vitamins my cycle was off for a few days. But it re-regulated itself within a couple of months. It usually only lasts three days anyways. I take biotin, evening primrose oil, msm, vitamin e, super b-complex, l-lysine, flax powder, ultra nourishair by gnc, multi-oil formula by gnc. I have been on my vitamin regimine since Jan. with no problems.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

But anywho, i hope you feel better. Did you increase your iron intake because that most certainly will cause you to bleed and bleed. That's why i don't take iron.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

If she was on Atkins she may have been getting a ton of iron.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Sorry ya'll had all those problems, I've never had any bad reactions from any of these vitamins. My periods are still 4-5 days long.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

Wow! First i like to introduce myself and say hi to you all... im a newbie here who has been surfing the forum for quite sometime now and i must say that all of you have truly inspired me to find other ways to care for my hair other than the convientional mainstream ways! over the past 6 years i have gone from hair that was past mid back, to chin length hair, back to braids, then to bra strap length to breakage, and these are amounts that i have never experienced before. So in desperation i turned to the net and found this forum and i am forever greatful for finding all of you!!!

So after reading tons and tons of posts i took some advice and started the CON washes, using surge, and taking more vitamins (etc, etc.,), incuding msm, biotin, increase dosage of Omega 3's - and i also have become a PJ!!! (i must say though that i am extremely jealous of the amount of different products that are accessible to many of you and not to me due to my location! ) Any how, what i mean to be saying is that i have been experiencing the same thing with my period being prolonged (as is this post!) and i thought about asking if anyone has experienced this too. Now that i know its not just me and my past complications, im wondering if i should stop taking msm (started taking it for about 3wks and then add biotin to my regimin) or should i lower dosages ~ not that it is very high. Any suggestions out there?

Thanks a lot once again and sorry for the long post
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do

Guys, thanks for all your concern. I think the patch helped.

Ballet bun, Wow! May 17th!!! And I was sure I held the record for longest period. I think mine has finally stopped. I haven't seen anything since yesterday -- woohoo I guess. Maybe you could look into the patch. Good luck girlie.