I got my first inch in a month!!!

Valerie - I just visited 'Charlies' in Shepherds Bush and they hadn't heard of it

LondonDiva - is there any chance that I can ask you to get me some Surge too please (beg)? I don't live anywhere near SE and SW London and I NEED THAT INCH A MONTH (*shaking hysterically*)
I'll see what i can do. I went to Juliet's last night it was ALL gone clean off the shelf. It was pradalover, she did it. But when I get some I'll let you know and send some your way.
LondonDiva - Thank you!!!!!!!

Pradalover - best watch yer back girl, as I might just be lurking in some corner waiting to jump you for your surge stash
I just checked my hair and i have 1/2 inch of new (gray) growth in the front where my braids were too tight and i had lost hair ... the surge does work. I put in the braids on 12/30/03 three weeks later i have a1/2 inch where was bald
at this rate i should have those 6 ins by december
Congrats, londondiva,

I gotta ask though,is surge decreasing your hair rate of shedding post shampoos. This seems to be my biggest problem as my post-shampoo shedding is substantial. sigh! Right now, I Have only been using Surge 1x a week after shampooing. However, now I am going to step it up and try to use it nightly before I go to bed.
YEAH LD!!! Hopefully when I get my SURGE, You all will hear of my good results. I'll keep yall posted. HAPPY SURGING EVERYBODY!!!

Congratulations on your 1"! After reading your post, I dragged my daughter with me to Walgreen Drug Store in search of Surge. I found it at the 2nd Walgreen in our town. I'm starting today for a month to see how much growth I get. I'll settle for 1/2". Feb. 18th will tell the story.

Much continued success to you!!!
me and my mom started surge on jan 29 yesterday and im doing wgo on my hair and it works wonderful and already i feel a difference in my hair and it is great!! alot thicker and a great detangler i cant wait to see where it takes me and my moms hair !!yeah to surge!! oh yeah its surge 14 hair revitalizer.
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Congrats, LD, I'm glad yr hair is thriving. I thought it was the ORS products making my hair grow, maybe Surge helped it. This is a q I have for the Board. I lightly texturized my hair, bc u can still see my coils. My one beef is that my hair in the back is growing more quickly than my sides. It's not Surge's fault, yeah, but now I need help w/ styling ideas. My twa is more like a medium fro w/ thin sides. :eek: :ohwell:
simplyhair said:
Which surge is everyone buying? Walgreens.com has at least 4 different formulas.

It's Surge 14 hair revitalizer a spray in orange bottle. :lol:
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When i get my weave I think I'm going to get back on this religiously. Seeing an old thread I've started is a reminder about what worked and what didn't
I thnk that's great!! Congrats!! One question though, where do you buy Surge ? , and is it similar product to MTG? I have haerd of people using the 2 products together. I think one girls scalp broke out from doing this.

Don't Shop at Asian Beuaty Supply Stores. Visit http://www.youtube.com/watch? Aron Ranen's Black Hair Documentery to see how the Monopoly is being built to shut Blacks out of the MULTI BILLION $$$ Black Hair Care Industry. then visit http://www.BOBSA.org for more information on how YOU can help keep the Black Hiar care Industry in the Black community:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)