How I got an inch in a month & why I won't do it

Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

I had the same problem when taking my Dr. Taub vitamins. They come in packages of six different pills to be taken per day. I was also taking GNC Nourishair at the same time. My period lasted a whole month before I stopped it by eliminating the vitamins. The by product from my period at that time had the scent of nothing but pure vitamins which was my signal to stop. From now on I will stick to a one day type multi-vitamin along with the GNC hair vitamins.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do

Wow...My period is so regular thatI know to the day when it's coming. I started taking EPO and biotin and my period ended up being 1 week late. Ladies I'm never late. Actually what happened was once I stoppped taking the EPO my period came because once I noticed I was late I stopped taking the vits. I know that EPO has an affect on your cycle hence fewer cramps and a swelling of the breasts.
Re: How I got an inch in a month & why I won\'t do it

You should have consulted a doctor/physician before taking all those vitamins and doing that Atkins diet.