How I got 2 inches of growth in one month...

ekomba said:
eggs and boca meat (21g protein) for breakfast with one soy protein shake (mind you the pp protein shake i was taking twice a day was very potent lotta l-cysteine and amino acids ), i used to feel so stuff after the breakfast it was not the regular eggs but the organic ones with added b complex vitamins if i took more than 2 i would get sick very potent.lotta chicken or turkey burger or fish for lunch (salmon or salmon stuffed with shrimp or tilapia) with organic veggies (baby field greens, organic plum tomatoes, lotta avocado and my own dressing: organic mustard with EVOO and balsamic vinegar salt pepper), dinner lamb with a puree of yams or baked flounder with baked potato and sour cream chives and cheese and vitamins in the morning normally for snacks i used to always snack on carrots and tuna

WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! I'm stuffed just reading this! I'm going to take a chance and ask if you know something I can take that increases appetites? I'm lucky if I eat decent 3-square meals a day. I'm terrible with my eating habits (not right and not enough)...
Justicewifey said:
WOOOOOHOOOOO!!! I'm stuffed just reading this! I'm going to take a chance and ask if you know something I can take that increases appetites? I'm lucky if I eat decent 3-square meals a day. I'm terrible with my eating habits (not right and not enough)...

in fact it depends if you trying to lose weight or gain weight because if you take anything fibrous like lotta fiber like beans veggies fruits whole grains nuts and seeds its good for you but it make you full like a sensation of being full so you retain the food longer like its harder to chew thus you can lose weight because you dont feel hungry but if you take starchy carbs and breads and anything loaded with sugar you just get a high and drop and is tempted to eat more . in fact the natural way to increase your appetite so u dont have to rely on pills to do that is to eat your last meal like around 6-7 i notice that usually i have to force myself to eat in the morning as i m never hungry i take my breakfast at 12pm cause i m not hungry before and end up eating late dinner at 11pm sometimes 1am but if u eat the last meal and dont overdo it and keep it light trust me you will wake up famished and will eat during the day and as the night approach u will be fuller and will still lose the weight as you burn it more throughout of the day instead of the food sitting in your stomack and waking up full and not taking any breakfast you can also try exercise it increases appetite
ekomba said:
in fact it depends if you trying to lose weight or gain weight because if you take anything fibrous like lotta fiber like beans veggies fruits whole grains nuts and seeds its good for you but it make you full like a sensation of being full so you retain the food longer like its harder to chew thus you can lose weight because you dont feel hungry but if you take starchy carbs and breads and anything loaded with sugar you just get a high and drop and is tempted to eat more . in fact the natural way to increase your appetite so u dont have to rely on pills to do that is to eat your last meal like around 6-7 i notice that usually i have to force myself to eat in the morning as i m never hungry i take my breakfast at 12pm cause i m not hungry before and end up eating late dinner at 11pm sometimes 1am but if u eat the last meal and dont overdo it and keep it light trust me you will wake up famished and will eat during the day and as the night approach u will be fuller and will still lose the weight as you burn it more throughout of the day instead of the food sitting in your stomack and waking up full and not taking any breakfast you can also try exercise it increases appetite

Thanks again Ekomba... I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I'm going to PM you.
Jazz Angel: 7 miles a day, whoa are you training for a marathon?
Ive been on a high protein diet and I also consume carbs found in fruits and veggies, the pounds have been shedding off like crazy. I combine the diet w/ mary windsor pilates and running a mile every other day. If its just for weight loss dont you think you might be overdoing it a tad bit, that and along w/ the fact that you should rest your muscles a day in between workouts.[/

You don't need to rest between runs. I use to run 9 miles everyday and I felt great. If you are weight lifting then you need to rest only the body parts that you exercised.
czyfaith77 said:
Sweet Nic,

When they speak of protein are they talking of animal or plant (like soy) protein. I couldn't imagine plant protein doing this much damage to the body

I AGREE that plant protein is not as damaging as animal protein but still has to be consumed with moderation. in regards to animal protein damaging the body thats one thing i m trying to change and one of the reasons i m trying to switch to free range or organic meat but its so expansive. i know an excellent company that sells free range poultry and meat online LOBEL'S they well known i always joke when i make it i will only order from them ahha so i advise and recommend anyone eating a diet loaded in animal protein not only to take enzymes but to try to incorporate more organic meat or try to lower their consumption in favor of more vegetal protein to avoid damaging their body. i know as for me i love meat so much i cant give it up i tried before so i m trying to go organic whenever i can. You wonder how animal protein is damaging the body? simple i had read in a holistic health book-and it was what made me switch sometimes to organic whenever i can cause its hard- i had read that and i quote "in regards to pork. it is illegal to feed raw garbage to hogs. however processed (cooked) garbage is legal. this cooked garbage is so-called animal feed food and causes anemia,ulcers and systemic disorders (dis-ease in the entire pig). Antibiotics such as copper sulfate (a poison) are fed to hogs to increase their growth. copper sulfate causes nerve and brain damage, senility and decreases the life span.the same cancer-causing chemicals that are in the animal are eaten by the consumer of the animal flesh. Giving animals inoculations makes the consumer believe the cancerous and dis-eased hogs are safe. Pork has never been graded. the ratio of fat to meat (grading) is solely controled by the pig industry, not the federal government. Fat is the storage place for high concentrations of estrogen, steroids, chemicals, preservatives and other non specified chemicals. pigs are being cloned and genetically modified causing them to have new strains of diseases that cannot be killed or treated. the pig eaters eat new diseases

chicken: chicken feed has poisonous arsenic (to speed growth),antibiotics, growth hormones,steroids, tranquilizers, anti-infective agents,aspirin,stilbestrol (causes birth defects) and pesticides. these chemical poisonous drugs get into the chicken flesh and are eaten by the consumer. the FDA approves these chemicals and more.USDA does not detect all contamination and diseases of fowls. in fact, they found one out of five birds are unfit for human consumption and yet they pass state inspections. chickens are filthy garbage eating birds. they are pigs with feathers. Synthetic urea (a chemical found in urine) is used as a protein substitute because it is cheap and partially eliminates the need for expansive soy beans. in others they feed the animals unsterilized urine. Meat packers use meat tenderizers so that the tough, stringy flesh of old bulls,cows pigs,lambs and chickens can be sold as high quality meat. synthetic cancerous pesticides are fed to animals in order to keep the manure free of flies. pesticides are internelly injected to kill worms that are in the animal. once eaten, they interfere with digestion. DDT-like chemicals are used and it has been proven by the Texas Research Foundation in 1950 that meat is contaminated and rendered unsafe due to pesticides such as DDT and chemicals of similar molecular structure. Cancer-causing drugs are put in animal feed to increase the animal's size The FDA approved the use of stilbestrol in 1955. it was scientifically proven to cause cancer by the International Union against cancer in 1956. additionally, antibiotics are given to food animals. this causes bacteria to develop a resistance to drugs in man and makes the prescribing of medications for infections a questionable therapeutic value. tranquilizers are given to animals to increase growth and its is given to cows to increase milk production. they also increase the effect of stilbestrol and antibiotics aside from being harmful to man. notwithstandinf, the FDA approved their use and has allowed doubling of the use of many of them. Ironically stilbestrol (a hormone) is used to cause sterile cows to produce milk and to sterilize bulls. people who eat this hormone , combined will develop reproductive problems and have children with birth defects. the effect of this hormone, combined with other chemicals has dangerous repercussions. The FDA has approved the use of cancer-causing chemicals such as sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, sodium ascorbate and a complete list of these would fill an entire book. Bulletin #4 of the federal government proves that these chemicals are cancerous. many cancerous and AIDS causing chemicals are used to just give a good red color to meat and hide the spoiled smell and taste. Boston's Children's foundation has scientifically proven that the meat industries's chemicals cause degenerative disease, cancer, AIDS and produce abnormal growths. yet the use of these synthetic chemicals continues with the federal government's approval
Fish and seafood get the same chemicals in them via fish feed and seafood fed used by the fishery farms and the chemicalized ice that they are packed in for shipment. many chemicals are used at the fisheries (seafood farms) and they use chemically polluted water. The eating of the dead corpses of animals is an ethical, religious, moral, ecological, humanitarian and economical issue. However, the question of should u eat meat or should u not eat meat has to be answered by each individual
Running 7 miles a day is excellent for weight loss and/or maintenance as long as she isn't pushing herself too hard for too long of a duration. Typically it is ok for the body to participate in some sort of cardio exercise on a daily basis. If you are pumping iron it is wise to give the worked muscle a day to rest so it can repair itself and build up bulk and tone.

Go girl, I currently only have time to run 3 miles a day but am pushing to run further on weekends when time allows!

I think with that type of mileage you should experience overall health improvement, good heart rate, pulse and cholesterol levels. Other positive responses to the health are healthy skin, hair and nails.

mscolwhite said:
Jazz Angel: 7 miles a day, whoa are you training for a marathon?
Ive been on a high protein diet and I also consume carbs found in fruits and veggies, the pounds have been shedding off like crazy. I combine the diet w/ mary windsor pilates and running a mile every other day. If its just for weight loss dont you think you might be overdoing it a tad bit, that and along w/ the fact that you should rest your muscles a day in between workouts.[/

You don't need to rest between runs. I use to run 9 miles everyday and I felt great. If you are weight lifting then you need to rest only the body parts that you exercised.
Congradulations on your New Growth. Were you taking vitamins during that month too or just after and got 1 1/2 inch of growth? What is your current regimen? Do you wear a protective style?
I am getting similar progress after increasing myt protein, including the whey shake.

I just got a relaxer 2.5 weeks ago and I have about 1/2-3/4 inch of new growth.

I have never seen anything like this and I find it hard to believe. I keep thinking, "may I was just underprocessed the last time."
ekomba said:
I AGREE that plant protein is not as damaging as animal protein but still has to be consumed with moderation. in regards to animal protein damaging the body thats one thing i m trying to change and one of the reasons i m trying to switch to free range or organic meat but its so expansive. i know an excellent company that sells free range poultry and meat online LOBEL'S they well known i always joke when i make it i will only order from them ahha so i advise and recommend anyone eating a diet loaded in animal protein not only to take enzymes but to try to incorporate more organic meat or try to lower their consumption in favor of more vegetal protein to avoid damaging their body. i know as for me i love meat so much i cant give it up i tried before so i m trying to go organic whenever i can. You wonder how animal protein is damaging the body? simple i had read in a holistic health book-and it was what made me switch sometimes to organic whenever i can cause its hard- i had read that and i quote "in regards to pork. it is illegal to feed raw garbage to hogs. however processed (cooked) garbage is legal. this cooked garbage is so-called animal feed food and causes anemia,ulcers and systemic disorders (dis-ease in the entire pig). Antibiotics such as copper sulfate (a poison) are fed to hogs to increase their growth. copper sulfate causes nerve and brain damage, senility and decreases the life span.the same cancer-causing chemicals that are in the animal are eaten by the consumer of the animal flesh. Giving animals inoculations makes the consumer believe the cancerous and dis-eased hogs are safe. Pork has never been graded. the ratio of fat to meat (grading) is solely controled by the pig industry, not the federal government. Fat is the storage place for high concentrations of estrogen, steroids, chemicals, preservatives and other non specified chemicals. pigs are being cloned and genetically modified causing them to have new strains of diseases that cannot be killed or treated. the pig eaters eat new diseases

chicken: chicken feed has poisonous arsenic (to speed growth),antibiotics, growth hormones,steroids, tranquilizers, anti-infective agents,aspirin,stilbestrol (causes birth defects) and pesticides. these chemical poisonous drugs get into the chicken flesh and are eaten by the consumer. the FDA approves these chemicals and more.USDA does not detect all contamination and diseases of fowls. in fact, they found one out of five birds are unfit for human consumption and yet they pass state inspections. chickens are filthy garbage eating birds. they are pigs with feathers. Synthetic urea (a chemical found in urine) is used as a protein substitute because it is cheap and partially eliminates the need for expansive soy beans. in others they feed the animals unsterilized urine. Meat packers use meat tenderizers so that the tough, stringy flesh of old bulls,cows pigs,lambs and chickens can be sold as high quality meat. synthetic cancerous pesticides are fed to animals in order to keep the manure free of flies. pesticides are internelly injected to kill worms that are in the animal. once eaten, they interfere with digestion. DDT-like chemicals are used and it has been proven by the Texas Research Foundation in 1950 that meat is contaminated and rendered unsafe due to pesticides such as DDT and chemicals of similar molecular structure. Cancer-causing drugs are put in animal feed to increase the animal's size The FDA approved the use of stilbestrol in 1955. it was scientifically proven to cause cancer by the International Union against cancer in 1956. additionally, antibiotics are given to food animals. this causes bacteria to develop a resistance to drugs in man and makes the prescribing of medications for infections a questionable therapeutic value. tranquilizers are given to animals to increase growth and its is given to cows to increase milk production. they also increase the effect of stilbestrol and antibiotics aside from being harmful to man. notwithstandinf, the FDA approved their use and has allowed doubling of the use of many of them. Ironically stilbestrol (a hormone) is used to cause sterile cows to produce milk and to sterilize bulls. people who eat this hormone , combined will develop reproductive problems and have children with birth defects. the effect of this hormone, combined with other chemicals has dangerous repercussions. The FDA has approved the use of cancer-causing chemicals such as sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, sodium ascorbate and a complete list of these would fill an entire book. Bulletin #4 of the federal government proves that these chemicals are cancerous. many cancerous and AIDS causing chemicals are used to just give a good red color to meat and hide the spoiled smell and taste. Boston's Children's foundation has scientifically proven that the meat industries's chemicals cause degenerative disease, cancer, AIDS and produce abnormal growths. yet the use of these synthetic chemicals continues with the federal government's approval
Fish and seafood get the same chemicals in them via fish feed and seafood fed used by the fishery farms and the chemicalized ice that they are packed in for shipment. many chemicals are used at the fisheries (seafood farms) and they use chemically polluted water. The eating of the dead corpses of animals is an ethical, religious, moral, ecological, humanitarian and economical issue. However, the question of should u eat meat or should u not eat meat has to be answered by each individual
No wonder why some of my foreign born friends will not eat American meat. The icing on the cake is that this yr, 2006, the meat industry will be introducing cloned meat into supermarkets. YES I SAID CLONED and it WILL NOT be marked. This is according to ABC World News about two weeks ago. Isn't this sad. I am now introducing more tofu and beans into my diet but havent gotten rid of seafood.
Isis said:
You mentioned eating fresh fish and canned tuna. Several years ago, I started a new job and met a black coworker with almost waist-length beautiful, relaxed hair. She always wore it down straight. Her hair type (looking back) seemed to be 4A and I had many good, close-up looks at her hair. I approached her shyly and asked how she grew her hair so long. She replied that she ate one can of salmon everyday, no matter what. She showed me her can (the salmon was the ordinary inexpensive kind) and I saw her eat her salmon out of the can during her lunch breaks everyday, and nothing else. She didn't miss a day.

I am going to try this. I love salmon. She didn't mix it wit mayo or relish or nothing!?! *shuddering* :lick:
CantBeCopied said:
Isis said:
You mentioned eating fresh fish and canned tuna. Several years ago, I started a new job and met a black coworker with almost waist-length beautiful, relaxed hair. She always wore it down straight. Her hair type (looking back) seemed to be 4A and I had many good, close-up looks at her hair. I approached her shyly and asked how she grew her hair so long. She replied that she ate one can of salmon everyday, no matter what. She showed me her can (the salmon was the ordinary inexpensive kind) and I saw her eat her salmon out of the can during her lunch breaks everyday, and nothing else. She didn't miss a day.

I am going to try this. I love salmon. She didn't mix it wit mayo or relish or nothing!?! *shuddering* :lick:
CantbeCopied, Starkist has salmon in pouches now. It is boneless, skinless, and no water. It is fillet into smaller pieces. Its about $2 per pouch but the best salmon in the world is Wild Alaskaan. Sometimes you have to ask the fish guy if it is wild or farm raised. Most cans will be marked Wild, if it is so. hth
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Re: How I got 2 inches of growth in one month...
CantBeCopied said:
Originally Posted by Isis
You mentioned eating fresh fish and canned tuna. Several years ago, I started a new job and met a black coworker with almost waist-length beautiful, relaxed hair. She always wore it down straight. Her hair type (looking back) seemed to be 4A and I had many good, close-up looks at her hair. I approached her shyly and asked how she grew her hair so long. She replied that she ate one can of salmon everyday, no matter what. She showed me her can (the salmon was the ordinary inexpensive kind) and I saw her eat her salmon out of the can during her lunch breaks everyday, and nothing else. She didn't miss a day.

I am going to try this. I love salmon. She didn't mix it wit mayo or relish or nothing!?! *shuddering* :lick:

CantbeCopied, Starkist has salmon in pouches now. It is boneless, skinless, and no water. It is fillet into smaller pieces. Its about $2 per pouch but the best salmon in the world is Wild Alaskaan. Sometimes you have to ask the fish guy if it is wild or farm raised. Most cans will be marked Wild, if it is so. hth

foxybrownsugar said:
CantBeCopied said:
CantbeCopied, Starkist has salmon in pouches now. It is boneless, skinless, and no water. It is fillet into smaller pieces. Its about $2 per pouch but the best salmon in the world is Wild Alaskaan. Sometimes you have to ask the fish guy if it is wild or farm raised. Most cans will be marked Wild, if it is so. hth

Yes, she ate it directly from the can. On Oprah yesterday, she had an expert say Wild Alaskan salmon canned or fresh, is the best to eat of all fish, for health, longevity and to stay youthful.
foxybrownsugar said:
CantBeCopied said:
CantbeCopied, Starkist has salmon in pouches now. It is boneless, skinless, and no water. It is fillet into smaller pieces. Its about $2 per pouch but the best salmon in the world is Wild Alaskaan. Sometimes you have to ask the fish guy if it is wild or farm raised. Most cans will be marked Wild, if it is so. hth

Isis said:
Yes, she ate it directly from the can. On Oprah yesterday, she had an expert say Wild Alaskan salmon canned or fresh, is the best to eat of all fish, for health, longevity and to stay youthful.

Wild Alaskan. I need to find that in cans if I am going to be eating it daily, It will have to be convenient. We should have a 60-day FISH challenge! I am going to make my 10 year old daughter do this too. She is armpit length when pressed. :look:
I'm down for a challenge! I usually eat fish 1x a week and I supplement with salmon oil(which i'm almost out of). I'm going to increase my fish to 3x a week and supplement the rest of the days. I also will be eating tofu, beans and organic eggs.
foxybrownsugar said:
I'm down for a challenge! I usually eat fish 1x a week and I supplement with salmon oil(which i'm almost out of). I'm going to increase my fish to 3x a week and supplement the rest of the days. I also will be eating tofu, beans and organic eggs.

I'm DOWN. I'm doing 15grams of Salmon (either in a can or in a pouch) 4-5 days a week; black beans and rice 4 days a week; and 2 boiled eggs 2-3 days a week.
Have any of you ladies checked out the fish at ? Their products include berries and tuna to Wild Alaskan Salmon(canned, frozen etc) and even salmon fish oil supplements. Their products are backed by people like Dr. Perricone(sp?). I'm not gonna lie the products are expensive(at least for me). I'm trying to save up now so I can at least give it a try. Check the site out if you get a chance...they give lots of good info on the benefits of salmon etc. HTH :)
pearlygurl said:
Have any of you ladies checked out the fish at ? Their products include berries and tuna to Wild Alaskan Salmon(canned, frozen etc) and even salmon fish oil supplements. Their products are backed by people like Dr. Perricone(sp?). I'm not gonna lie the products are expensive(at least for me). I'm trying to save up now so I can at least give it a try. Check the site out if you get a chance...they give lots of good info on the benefits of salmon etc. HTH :)
WHOA! Those prices are very high but thanks for looking out. I already do whole strawberrry, whole raspberry, whole banana, and apple or guava juice smoothies in the mornings I think i'm going to add blueberries into the mix. I know one thing even if my hair doesnt grow my skin will be glowing and I will be regular.:grin:
I've been doing the wild alaskan salmon (chicken of the sea pouch) daily. 15g protein. Plus, doing black beans/rice, and boiled eggs more often than I used to (from "never" to "3-4 times a week"). It's going pretty well. Not bad. The salmon is about 1.39/pack in my area.
Thanks SVT.

About the canned salmon, do you eat it raw out of the can or do you heat it up first before eating it??? How does raw salmon taste???
I've been using Isopure Zero Carb for years. I used to bodybuild and I use it as a protein supplement in my shakes and in pudding, apple sauce, yorgurt..etc.

I don't use large amounts of protein unless I am very active. Your muscles will use up the protein and your body will burn it for fuel. I would not recommend high protein diets for couch potatos. It will put a strain on the kidneys. Those of us getting or moves on and drinking a lot of water will be super shape for having a high protein intake. I will do another thread about this in diet and exercise.

I only take about 20 - 30 grams in one serving because your body can only process that much at one time (once every 3 hours if you are getting ready for a competition). That is why most fitness / bodybuilders eat 6 small meals per day to keep their bodies consitantly supplied with protein.

Our bodies can not create amino acids on its own, so that is why we have to add protein in our bodies through foods, or supplements.

One thing to note when you are on a high protein diet is to drink tons of water. I have been doing this on and off for years and I am extreemly healthy, and in excellent shape, according to my most recently physical, and my doctor. (She asks me for advice when regarding training! LOL)

I use Isopure Zero Carb because I can't tolerate milk, I'm lactose intollerant. Isopure dose not caue gas or bloating as some protein powders can fore me (that ain't cute). It is 100% pure whey protein isolate, that means it has all the fat and carbs and lactose filtered out. Only one scoop (25 grams) at a time is needed although they recommend 2 (that would be for a big 230lb man who is weight lifting every day)

Isopure Creamy Vanilla 3 lbs
Manufacturer's Description:
The elite protein elixir. 2 SCOOPS = 50 grams of 100% pure ion exchange whey protein isolate. No fat, no lactose. Glutamine enriched. But with zero carbs. And sweetened with aspartame-free SucraloseTM, the only zero calorie sweetener made from sugar.

This product has the complete amino profile, I just started back using it myself since I'm back into my workouts, and hair growing kick. I'll monitor my results and let you know. I know my nails are growing fast and strong again so that lets me know when I'm on the money with my supplements. When I stop taking my ALLONE, my fingernails fall apart! Split tear, grow slow...I"ve been doing the ALLONE / Isopure combo for about a month now and my nails are growing like weeds! I got so much new growth some of you know I have been panicing because don't know how to handle my hair when I'm working out and it's natural :eek: I'm all nappy headed up in the Taekwondo class!! It's actually a good thing, but I have to figure out how to manage it because I'm not getting a relaxer (I'm thinking of doing the textlax thing)
This site has it for the cheapest in the Universe (trust me I searched high and low) the best deal is the 7.5 lbs, I get it and split it with a friend. Price it in GNC's and other supplement shops, you'll get sticker shock:lol: Allstar will ship all 7.5 lbs and anything else you order for $4.95. Deal of the centry....that's why I keep pubbing them up I NEED them to stay in business!!! :lachen: :lachen:

3 lbs.

7.5 lbs

Ingredient (2 SCOOPS) Amount % Daily Value**
Total Fat 0 0
Cholesterol 5mg 2
Sodium 320mg 15
Potassium 750mg 20
Total Carbohydrate 0
Protein 50g

Ion Exchange Whey Protein Isolate, maltodextrin, Vitamin, Mineral, and Amino Acid Blend (dicalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate, chromium [amino acid chelate], sodium chloride, zinc sulphate, molybdenum [amino acid chelate], selenium [amino acid chelate], biotin, niacin, copper [amino acid chelate], potassium iodide, d-calcium pantothenate, silicon dioxide, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin K-1, manganese sulphate, folic acid, vitamin D-3, pyridoxine HCL, L-glutamine, taurine thiamin HCL, riboflavin, vitamin B-12), cocoa, xanthan gum, natural and artificial flavor, acesulfame K, sucralose
gn1g said:
I keep hearing this secret, protein is the way to go.

egg/protein challange anyone?

I'm in, well I was already in, I got a tiny head start but I know this works!! It falls in line with my workouts and everything, the whole healthy lifestyle thing.

I'm going for my Yellow belt test next Saturday ya'll ~~ !!! :eek: At age 44! You go me!

:lol: :lol:
CantBeCopied said:
Isis said:
You mentioned eating fresh fish and canned tuna. Several years ago, I started a new job and met a black coworker with almost waist-length beautiful, relaxed hair. She always wore it down straight. Her hair type (looking back) seemed to be 4A and I had many good, close-up looks at her hair. I approached her shyly and asked how she grew her hair so long. She replied that she ate one can of salmon everyday, no matter what. She showed me her can (the salmon was the ordinary inexpensive kind) and I saw her eat her salmon out of the can during her lunch breaks everyday, and nothing else. She didn't miss a day.

I am going to try this. I love salmon. She didn't mix it wit mayo or relish or nothing!?! *shuddering* :lick:
My dad is 72, he looks 55, he used to eat tuna every single day for his used to drive me and my sisters CRAZY because he had us make it for him!! Oh my gosh....I remember the recipe to a T, he liked sweet pickle juice in it....anywho....we are all triping over ourselves now trying to get some tuna, because my dad is so healthy active and ALIVE, handsome, diesease free.... he has also always been a supplement nut...etc, etc

ETA, he has most of his hair, just some thinning at the temples, and he just stopped coloring it last year so it's pretty much gray with some specks of black in it... but he still has it!