How forward is TOO FORWARD?


New Member
So yesterday afternoon, my bff where I currently live was like let's go across the border into Texas and go window shopping/shopping...(Where we live, there's not much to do and Texas is only 45 minutes away)...I was like okay cool...So we're in the mall chillin, and we walk past Express...Well there is this extra cute guy working inside...we were going to just leave, but my bff's like lets go inside...Mind you, we weren't going to do anything but oogle ole boy...But she makes this big production out of saying what shirts she liked, and dresses, and skirts...on and on and on...mind you, buddy is standing up front...there's NO ONE ELSE in the store but us (as customers)...So she asks him for help, to find a "pretend" shirt...he smiles (and he is extra gorgeous by the way) and tries to help her find the "pretend" shirt...he cant (cause it doesn't exist lol)...he gets another worker involved, a chick we know, because we were in that Express like a couple weeks before...We eventually hip her to the bff was just making up ish to get him to talk to her...she thinks it's funny, but tells us homeboy is bff lights up and is like "give him my card"...I was like wow...really? The other chick looks as surprised as I do, and she actually asked her was she serious...My bff pulls out her business card, and realizes her cell isn't on there (it's a recession lol)...she gets a pen and writes her cell number on the back...and hands it to the chick to give to her co-worker...In my head I'm thinking that's a pretty bold move...but will he respond to it? I know that everyone is different...Like I'm extra shy and she's not...I know I wouldn't have done it...but I was just wondering...How do guys think about ish like that? Do they appreciate chicks that are extra aggressive? And the move might have been "more" aggressive had my bff given the card to the guy HERSELF...What ya'll think?
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Girl I would and could not have done it. I have a friend who is very bold. She meet a very very fine tall chocolate brotha. We were all sitting and they had been chating as friends for a couple of months. So she comes out and asks him I am not in a relationship, I don't want ur money, I don't want kids nor am I trying to trap u, but I find u very attractive and want to know if u will be willing to service me on a as needed basis. I thought I would choke. He looked asked her was she serious she looks him in the eyes and says yes get back with me. They both exchanged medical reports of test aids, stds and so forth and they have been servicing eachother for about 2 months now. There is no love, no nothing. They both are very fun people they have a little contract where if either one starts to sleep withother people then they must let eachother know and they will decide if they wish to continue. They are both very picky and crazy funny about germs and stuff. I was so shocked. She doesn't discuss what they do (I have asked )but nothing nor does he
I gave my husband my number (at a bustop after a 20 minute conversation) because I wanted to talk to him again - but I also wanted him to initiate it.

:) 8 years later, I give my 'forward' self a high five over that on the regular.

If he doesn't initiate, he wasn't interested - but at least you made the effort, ya know?
That's crazy...I'm not that bold...But I guess sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do? BTW--that's not the first time my bff has done was the first time for me to witness in action...and there were different circumstances from what I understand...but it didn't end too well the first time...Dude was like crazy clingy and sorta weird...needless to say...she wishes she would have NEVER given him her card!
LOL Kiya...Sometimes it works out fabulously! And good for you! But does it matter if you had a convo? You knew you wanted to give ur husband your #, based off of the convo...
So she comes out and asks him I am not in a relationship, I don't want ur money, I don't want kids nor am I trying to trap u, but I find u very attractive and want to know if u will be willing to service me on a as needed basis.

:eek: I would have died. Seriously.

I really have to muster up the courage to try that. Cause this dry spell's been going on way do long. :lachen:
LOL Kiya...Sometimes it works out fabulously! And good for you! But does it matter if you had a convo? You knew you wanted to give ur husband your #, based off of the convo...

I've never met someone so damn fine that I wanted to give them my number solely based on their looks, alone. :look: That's just not how I roll. :lachen: Something inside their skull has to attract me, as well.
Depends on my mood...If I'm balanced or not (bipolar) If I'm on a high (manic) I have all kinds of confidence in the world and if there is something i want i go and get it...bold or not.

I don't ever recall when I'm balanced if I've ever done it but as i read your post I really didn't see what the problems wasn't bold to me, I call it going to get what you want.
:eek: I would have died. Seriously.

I really have to muster up the courage to try that. Cause this dry spell's been going on way do long. :lachen:

I was so ashamed now I will give it to him he is very attractive 6'6 278lb ex- military and keeps in shape, child a chest u could build a house on. I want to be noisy cause I want to know what they doing, where, how and u know what's it like...............Ya I am noisy:lachen:
I gave my husband my number (at a bustop after a 20 minute conversation) because I wanted to talk to him again - but I also wanted him to initiate it.

:) 8 years later, I give my 'forward' self a high five over that on the regular.

If he doesn't initiate, he wasn't interested - but at least you made the effort, ya know?

I'm thinking about doing this :look:
Incredible :shocked:

I don't think I was ever bold enough to ask for numbers when I was single... maybe, but I don't even remember. Most of the time I was given numbers when I didn't necessarily want them :nono:
Girl I would and could not have done it. I have a friend who is very bold. She meet a very very fine tall chocolate brotha. We were all sitting and they had been chating as friends for a couple of months. So she comes out and asks him I am not in a relationship, I don't want ur money, I don't want kids nor am I trying to trap u, but I find u very attractive and want to know if u will be willing to service me on a as needed basis. I thought I would choke. He looked asked her was she serious she looks him in the eyes and says yes get back with me. They both exchanged medical reports of test aids, stds and so forth and they have been servicing eachother for about 2 months now. There is no love, no nothing. They both are very fun people they have a little contract where if either one starts to sleep withother people then they must let eachother know and they will decide if they wish to continue. They are both very picky and crazy funny about germs and stuff. I was so shocked. She doesn't discuss what they do (I have asked )but nothing nor does he

I'm not a forward person, either, but in terms of this particular situation, I say: YOU GO, GIRL!!!! to your friend. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this situation. She's getting her grown-woman on in a very mature manner. She was straight-up & clear--that's the best part of it all.