Love Chronicles: A Clear Case Of Ignoring Obvious Red Flags And Playing Yourself

Not if you found out the man you love played you like a trick. I wouldn't need closure but I'd want to put my foot up his a$$. After being with someone for 20 years, that's how he acts? No ma'am.
Yeah but he moved to another state to get away from her. I assume he didn't give her a forwarding address :lol: and she found him anyway. That was his last resort cuz home girl was just not getting that he's just not that into her. Should he have waited 20 years to tell her? No but better late than never.

Some women just ain't go let go until there is literally a brick wall stopping them and even then.....
Girl, I know a dude who faked his own death to end a relationship with a woman who he had been living with for 20+ years and never married. He tried moving to a different state first but she found him. He put an obituary in the local paper and mailed a copy of it to her from his homeboys address.

Girl she found out that man wasn't dead and wanted to confront him because she 'needed closure'.

Literally have tears in my eyes. Lmaoooooo
^^^ I thought I was the only one laughing at this. So sad, but so hilarious at the same time. But back to the OP, I can't believe that he let her move into his house?! What was he thinking? He brought it on hissef, should have turned her back round from the jump. And I doubt that he wants the other woman either, because he would have cleared up this messy situation long time. 2 years of this, uh uh, he was glad to have a live-in-maid, etc., but now she's cramping his style. His gonna have to get a restraining order in any case to get rid of her. Keep us posted.
It is certainly not for us women to understand. But the players I know have shared this perspective with me. They just don't like to make us cry obviously not enough to stop the behavior (to your point of fleeting guilt). That's what I've learn at least. If there's more to it, I haven't seen it yet.
They make you leave but they keep coming back ...what's the point ? To pass time?
He wants his cake so he can eat it , too. Plus, he has no backbone. He wants the new girl but he's living with his EX. Does the new girl know this? He's a trickster because he won't kick her out. He wants a"good name." She needs help to move on with her life.
Girl, I know a dude who faked his own death to end a relationship with a woman who he had been living with for 20+ years and never married. He tried moving to a different state first but she found him. He put an obituary in the local paper and mailed a copy of it to her from his homeboys address.

Girl she found out that man wasn't dead and wanted to confront him because she 'needed closure'.

See of that makes no sense to me. Why couldn't he just man up and tell her its over? All that effort and rigmarole when he could have been straight with her and she would have gotten closure. That story is a damn shame all round.
See of that makes no sense to me. Why couldn't he just man up and tell her its over? All that effort and rigmarole when he could have been straight with her and she would have gotten closure. That story is a damn shame all round.

I don't believe he never told her it was over. This was my mothers friend so my knowledge of the situation is second hand but I imagine that even if he didn't just come out and say it was over, moving out of the house they shared for 20 years said it for him. If that still wasn't enough, him moving out of state without telling her should have been the ultimate 'he's done'.

I don't know if I would call the woman a stalker but it just kinda feels like she wants what she wants regardless of whether he wants any part of it.
I don't know where these people are from but it sounds like classic African phukery! Lol

From the begging of the parents, to the cousins hooking each other up, the interstate I-95 VA to NY back and forth, the sighting at the party, the weak dude who won't throw the girl out and hides in his room....keep us posted op! :lol:
Girl, I know a dude who faked his own death to end a relationship with a woman who he had been living with for 20+ years and never married. He tried moving to a different state first but she found him. He put an obituary in the local paper and mailed a copy of it to her from his homeboys address.

Girl she found out that man wasn't dead and wanted to confront him because she 'needed closure'.

I bet he had to fake his death because he couldn't break up with her. He faked his own death and she STILL FOUND HIM. Question is why did she continue to look after the obituary? Poor man ,no matter what he does, she always finds him LOL What she has for him is not love, that is stalkerish, Fatal attraction " I will not be ignored Dan" type stuff. LOL
I bet he had to fake his death because he couldn't break up with her. He faked his own death and she STILL FOUND HIM. Question is why did she continue to look after the obituary? Poor man ,no matter what he does, she always finds him LOL What she has for him is not love, that is stalkerish, Fatal attraction " I will not be ignored Dan" type stuff. LOL
The way he got busted after the fake death is somebody tagged her in a family reunion pic he was in on Facebook.

Yet another way social media keep people in trouble.
It's sad that this woman has wasted 8 years of her life and about to waste more time on someone who doesn't love her, doesn't want her and probably doesn't even like her that much.

She could move on. There's always someone else.
Lol, everything that you keep posting about this is making it funnier and funnier! Lmao, how old are these people? What did she do after she saw him in the pic on fb?
She was in her mid 50's and he was in his late 60's when the fake death happened. I don't think she found him again but she was crying on the phone to her friends about how she needed closure.