How does your DH/SO prefer you to look?

As long as he can hit it, he don't really care:lachen:

Don't get me wrong, he loves it when I'm glamed up because he loves to show me off, but he don't like me that way all the time. He loves it when I all sleepy eyed and just waking up, but not all the time. He loves it when I'm just bumming around the house, but not all the time. He can even get reved up when I'm working out, but, not all the time.

He's a variety kind of man. He likes that I'm a chameleon, which works for both of us.

I only wear eyeliner and mascara and a little tinted lip gloss. DH met me this way and says he likes it this way. He says he doesn't like a lot of makeup which is good because I don't like wearing a lot.
My SO likes to see me as I dress ususally. Feminine, dresses, skirts, and natural make up. He likes my hair to be in loose curls and bangs (which is how I had it when we first met, i've changed up so much since then, but he doesn't really mind) Really, if I didn't do any of the above he would still love me the same. One thing that I KNOW he would prefer. Modest apparel. I'm very modest to begin with, thats something else that attracted him to me.