How does your DH/SO prefer you to look?


Well-Known Member
Does he like it when you are all dolled/glammed up or when you're simple and understated?

I don't wear much makeup (usually just powder, gloss and mascara) and as girly girl as I am, I am really a jeans and flip flops type of person. My husband seems to like me that way best. I feel the urge to get all dolled up when we have our date nights- I will wear more makeup than usual and a nice dress and heels. Funny thing is he thinks I look prettier sans makeup. Even though I feel kinda bare sometimes.:rolleyes:

So I was just wondering, what look does yours prefer on you?
It all depends on where we're going. He used to want me to be glammed up 24/7. Whether we were going out to eat or to the park with the dogs. More recently though, he's gotten it through his head that I'm going to have my days when I throw on some jeans and a shirt or some sweat pants and a sports bra and leave it at that. But overall, he prefers me glammed up. I oblige him most of the time. I like the look on his face when I get done up nicely and he first sets eyes on me.
I've never been glammed up for my man. Don't go to many occasions where I need to be glammed up except for one wedding reception (didn't even get real glammed up then). He never says anything one way or the other about my looks so I guess he doesn't mind how I look.
I only glam it on special occasions and even then I'm not all "made up". He appreciates my natural beauty (he met me bare faced with a little mascara and lip gloss) which is good because I refuse to walk around looking like a refined Tammy Faye.
:lachen:I think with my DH it's b/c he sees a lot of my friends with caked on makeup- waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much and he wants to see me. I am pretty light on the makeup. It may seem like a lot, but it's very little.

I only glam it on special occasions and even then I'm not all "made up". He appreciates my natural beauty (he met me bare faced with a little mascara and lip gloss) which is good because I refuse to walk around looking like a refined Tammy Faye.
He says glammed up, but he can deal with a "nice in-between." No sweatsuits for my DH...he hates it...I love it!
I guess my SO is the oddball here...he loves me all natural :)
As little make up as possible, hair down and curly, body hugging clothes - no need for glamour though. :gorgeous:
My DH likes me to look in-between...more of a casual look...but he knows when I wear jeans, I must have my heels on. :grin:
DH is not a fan of makeup, he is really picky about heavy perfume and a lot of makeup, and over the top dressing (brand names and such). His mother is a simple woman, so I think naturally he prefers such. I am a simple gal but I do enjoy wearing makeup which isn't a problem with him as long as I'm not looking too made up.

He met me in sweats and was attracted to me, so seeing me all glammed up is even better for him.

In his words - "just keep it simple and I'm all good"

As of right now he is getting used to my TWA since he got used to seeing long relaxed tresses.
My DH likes it all... natural, glammed-up or in between. I am a girly-girl that dresses for my mood. and he loves my versatility... but I must say that my attitude changes when I'm all glammed up... I become the temptress, so of coarse he loves that.
Well I just asked my df how he prefers me to look and he said away from him.:nono::lachen:(he is playing that darn Madden game and I just bothered him)I must try again later!:lachen::lachen:
No, you're not... :grin: my DH says I don't need makeup and he's not into any certain hair style. He likes a simple ponytail or when my hair is wavy (when I had a braidout but that was when I was relaxed). He doesn't think I should color my hair or really do anything to it. He was my biggest supporter in me going natural.

I guess my SO is the oddball here...he loves me all natural :)
As little make up as possible, hair down and curly, body hugging clothes - no need for glamour though. :gorgeous:
I think he likes it all. He's said that he likes when i dont wear makeup because he likes to know that i can be beautiful without it. He actually tells me i'm cute first thing (like for real, morning breath first thing) in the morning. But, he also says that when i do wear makeup, i wear it well. To me, makeup means a little blush, eyeshadow/mascara and tinted lipgloss, so i done wear a whole lot.

As for how i dress. I'm not a jeans/sweatpants and tshirt girl. I dont really wear heels, but i always like to look slightly better than casual. He says he likes all of my clothes so i think i'm doing ok in terms of that!
This is so weird. My husband likes me in workout clothes and a ponytail. I will have on sweats and shox, and he is all over me, but when I get really dressed, he doesn't touch me. It's like he thinks I am more approachable and sweet in sweats, but when I am dressed nicely, I seem "untouchable". I think that I look intimidating when I am dressed nicely(at least that is what people used to tell me when I was younger).
yoga pants & african print wrap skirts are a hit clothes-wise. make-up doesn't seem to make a huge difference. definite preference for natural hairstyles tho'.
My SO likes me simple...... not too much makeup...... when we go out I gotta be on point .... at home he likes my with tank and boyshorts (that's my preference really and he loves it)

Oh and stares at me with longing and pride when I'm dressed professionally.... like the take charge woman :lol:
He met me glammed and that's how he always sees me.

I agree with you and that is how I stay. Your man sees women at work who look nice and glamorous. Do you really think he wants to come home seeing you at your worst! My grandmother is 88 and stays glammed up to sit around the house all day--powder and red lipstick. Oh yeah, my granddaddy is dead, so she still looks the part. :yep:
Well, I think he'd prefer to see me naked. All the time.

Otherwise, he's pretty open. He's not into the "bummy" or alternative looks, but doesn't mind sweat suits, jeans, tees, tanks, etc. I can pretty much wear anything he doesn't deem "tacky" (LOL) and he'll like it. He also likes to see me dressed up for work. He's not into the glammed look on me though. I think he admires the look from afar on other women, but says I don't need it. I'll get dolled up for our dates and special events, but I think he'd tire of it if I did it daily.

We're pretty active couple who works out and fairly low key in our day to day. He also a fairly casual dresser most of the time, but knows how to get super dressed and considers himself pretty fashionable.

Oh, and he'd prefer I'd be naked with my hair down/loose (dislikes the buns and ponytails). All the time.
My boy toy likes my hair spiky and medium length or bouncey Farrah Foset look at medium length. He dosen't want my hair to grow any longer or get any shorter.
He likes me and compliments me either way.

It’s important for him to see the real me without any kind of ‘enchantments’. I embrace my natural beauty (no make-up, extensions, jewelry, fancy clothing etc) and so will any man I’m with. Heck I’m human! My hair is shaggy in the morning, I drool in my sleep and the blemish on my cheek will show without make-up- Its normal and he needs to appreciate it and get use to it. I do however like to getting glammed up as well- I prefer to look my best at appropriate times.
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I like being glammed up and I just started doing it more recently- thanks to the darn makeup board on this site! :rolleyes: NO really, I remember before I got married I told myself I don't want to be one of those girls that just lets herself go b/c she's married. So I do try to make myself look HOT for DH. He kinda prefers that surfer girl look but my @$% is too big for some of those board shorts he likes! And that was when I was way thinner! :lachen:
mine too! But they are so comfy!:yep:

My SO likes me simple...... not too much makeup...... when we go out I gotta be on point .... at home he likes my with tank and boyshorts (that's my preference really and he loves it)

Oh and stares at me with longing and pride when I'm dressed professionally.... like the take charge woman :lol:
When I get all glammed up its like he's scared and don't know what to do with it. He enjoys me dressed down and comfortable unless we are going out.
I guess my SO is the oddball here...he loves me all natural :)
As little make up as possible, hair down and curly, body hugging clothes - no need for glamour though. :gorgeous:

Mine is like that to but i wonder if he really likes me like that or if he trying to prevent me from looking attractive to others.