How does one prevent breakage/excessive shedding airdrying natural hair?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!!!!

2+ years post relaxer, I'm trying to air dry. Each attempt has gotten progressively better but my hair still sheds and breaks more when I don't straighten it (via rollerset & flatiron). The shedding is various lengths (with the bulb of course) and the breakage varies from 2 inches to some as short as this line __

wash, dc & braidout = massive shedding and breakage

wash, dc & bun = shedding and breakage but a huge bun when it finally dries

wash, condition & band = neater hair, yet still the breakage and shedding. Hair felt softest doing this.

when I rollerset & then flatiron, I can wrap my hair at night and wear various styles throughout the week with zero breakage and normal shedding (starts around day 3 or 4 after a wash)

shampoo - monoi (nx wash will try chocolat)
condish - ag linseed mixed with aloe vera juice
dc - racioppi
oils - coconut, grapeseed

I've mini chopped once and trim when needed.

All suggestions greatly appreciated.
I would suggest going back to straightening with rollerset & flatiron if it gives you less shedding and breakage than airdrying. Airdrying relaxed hair did not work for me either.