How Long Have You Been Shedding?

Sorry, but i just had to bump this thread.

First to update, I stated that I used the neem oil and was hopeful but after going through half a bottle of STINKY GARLICY-ONIONY neem oil, it didn't work for me. I also went to the doc and got tested. My hormones are off (estrogen & such) but the doc said that shouldn't cause the type of shedding I was having ( i don't believe that). I'm still shedding a lot and my hair is starting to thin. So now I'm trying herbs & berries to get my hormones together. And i'm going to move on to my next experiment and try the coffee & tea rinses.

luvmesomehair, did the nu-gro work for you? Does anybody else have any other suggestions?

ETA: i have tried the garlic products, pills, oils....that didn't work for me either...I used all of these for several months and nada :(
I have been shedding heavily for the past 2 months but I am currently 5 months postpartum. I have assumed its totally a hormonal thing b/c while I was pregnant I did not shed at all. So my hair is thinning, basically losing the length I gained while pregnant.!
I have been shedding heavily for the past 2 months but I am currently 5 months postpartum. I have assumed its totally a hormonal thing b/c while I was pregnant I did not shed at all. So my hair is thinning, basically losing the length I gained while pregnant.!

I didn't have any pp shedding, it started way after that. my dd was about 1 1/2 when mines started. you might have luck with the garlic, it seems like a lot of pp shedders did.