How do your friends feel about natural hair?

So, far it's been good. I've had people who couldn't see why I'd cut off "all that pretty hair". My mom makes cracks on me every once in a while, but mostly what I get is "it suits you"... if anything.
People dig the napps. They were surprised at first. Now I get a few questions here and there. They LOVE when I shingle my hair. LOL
my very best friend has dreads and she did the big chop about 3 years ago before i even knew anything about proper hair care. so she loves natural hair and was very supportive when i chopped my hair off. my SO loves my natural hair and always comments on it.
Mine are very supportive. We are all on the natural hair kick in my bible study group, with the exception of my sister who says when she dies make sure they put a relaxer in her head if she needs one! LOL

Anyway, everyone has been very supportive. No stupid remarks have come my way, but my friends know not to get it twisted live and let live. What is good for one may not be good for the other and we respect that.
My friends LOVE it. Especially my non-black friends. They think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

And my white adoptive family thinks natural hair is the bees knees. My mom thinks every styles looks amazing, even my Celie braids that stick out every which way.

eta: I do have one black friend that asks me when I'm going to comb my hair every single time I see her. I just tell her that combing is the reason she doesn't have any hair and maybe she needs to do what I'm doing. LOL. But she still says it every time.

I have found this to be true as well. They also have the tendency to have wandering hands and try to stick their hands in my hair...that's where the fun and games end. LOL. My friends/family all love my natural hair and every time I event mentioning texturizing or doing something they say, "Um, no." However, some of the same friends are not so supportive of other friends I have with natural hair so I am willing to admit that it may have something to do with having a somewhat defined (4a) curl. *shrugs* All I can do is encourage them to see beauty in all of us.
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Most of my friends really have an appreciation for natural hair. A lot of them have either done the bc recently, or want to go natural...
Co sighing on the supportive family and friends tip - though by "supportive" I mean I have not gotten any negative comments. Many of my friends back home have natural hair, and the ones who don't haven't said anything inappropriate.

I'll update when we move and I am around everyone on a regular basis....:look:

My friends are very supportive and compliment my hair often. I even inspired two to transition.