How do your friends feel about natural hair?

My family HATES it. Some of my friends like it but tell me i have that "good" hair and I can do that. My uncle told me to put a perm on it or use the hot comb. He said, "you are too pretty to be walking around with your hair looking like that, I heard all the natural talk in the seventies and I said the sane thing then, black women need to straighten their hair!" Sad thing is, he was so serious.
I have a total of 2 friends :) both wear their hair relaxed. One never comments unless my hair is str8 & the other is soooo curious about becoming a napptural (yeah I said it!) but scared. Someday she'll take the plunge but she ain't ready (mentally) to handle the thick nappilicious hair that we know she's got going on under her weekly vistis to the salon and MONTHLY touchups!

My family LOVES, PREFERS, ADVOCATES natural hair. Not too many women in family have relaxers...those that do waver back and forth between a relaxer & natural every few years. My cousin in Antigua permed her beyond waist length napps earlier this year & began to transition immediately. She hates the flat lifeless look that is hers with a perm.

My Granny relaxed her hair ONE time in the 50's...& I was still hearing about her horrible experience in the 70's (when I was born) & beyond! IT was really traumatizing for her.
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Most of my friends are cool with it. :yep: Some of them are natural themselves. My mom wasn't too keen on it at first but she's gotten used to it now. My brother and dad don't really care either way. My roommate is natural and has been for 10+ years.
I get the same comments, you CAN go natural, look at your hair, that ain't for everybody. Huh? I get quite a few compliments. My friends/co-workers envy me and want to transition, as well. My cousin has taken the plunge.

Though, my older sis mentioned when I was going on tv that I needed to get a natural wig so my hair wouldn't have that 'ole half poofy/half straight look(reversion) ;-( ~~~She wears blonde wigs habitually. This same sis also stated when someone told me my natural bun was pretty, "Yeah, that's if it's like that all the way through and not just in the front...."

When I flat ironed my hair for a funeral, my other sis stated, "Oh, that's my girl, oh yeah, she's back!"

My mom contends that I never should have 'permed' my hair a long time ago because my hair didn't need it.
She mentioned last week as a result of wearing my hair curled (it was poofy and big), "Now ain't nothin at all wrong with your hair like that." (like she was defending me) Yesterday, my hair was curled on the ends (2 week flat iron) and back with a headband, and she commented, "You're hair is pretty today."

LOL ~ I just do what I do the way I do it.

So you be the judge. I think they are coming along.
All of my friends and associates are relaxed. They are very supportive and encouraging. Never heard any of them make negative comments about naturals since I've known them. My family has also been very supportive, but many of them are natural or transitioning too.

My issue is always with strangers making snide remarks depending on my hairstyle. I get tired of having to check random people for commenting on my hair.
My asian friend loved my natural hair becuase her hair was so straight. I get mix reviews. Men tend to like my natural hair straight. Women tend to prefer it coily. My family is very supportive now. At first they were not feeling my hair. My grandpa said are you going African now?
I'm relaxed, however, I LOOOVVVVVEEE natural hair. I live vicariously through my dd and my friends that are natural or transitioning.
Wow, some of y'alls friends... :nono: I guess this is why I only have a few true friends :lachen:

Only a few family members had issues with me BCing and going natural. Friends, however... all of them have loved it. Both those I knew back when I was relaxed, and those I met after BCing have said my natural hair suits me better.

I'm glad I'm nearing 30 and have weeded the baddies outta my life! :yep:
I love natural hair! Right now I'm relaxed, but I'm about 14 weeks post and feel no urgency to touch up, so we'll see... :lol:

I have one friend who is natural and her hair is lovely, but she never wears it in its natural state unless it's in a bun... Her waves are beautiful... She's inspired me.

My mom is transitioning right now with weaves. She wore them while she was relaxed (she loves them) and then figured, "Why keep relaxing?" I'm happy for her.

I have one (former) friend who said that she got her first relaxer at age 3 ( :eek: ) and looks at people with natural hair, sneers, and says, "She needs a perm." She's relatively small minded, though, so I wouldn't expect anything else from her.

The rest of my friends think it's cool, but they are afraid to go natrual themselves. :ohwell:
My friends are very supportive. They think my hair is beautiful. I get compliments all the time.
Well when I used to do twist outs in the summer my grandmother said "why do you make your hair ugly like that" I can only imagine what she would say if I ever went natural. The older generation doesn't like it at all and think its not neat and blah blah blah.

My friends mainly wear weaves ( bad ones at that sadly) so I never ask them about what they think of certain styles.
Well I just typed a full paragraphed then I pushed a button and it got erased. So I'll just say my family is mostly natural and don't have negative feelings about natural hair. I have one friend who is Puerto Rican who admires that fact that I'm natural and makes it her business to make positive comments when I get a new hair style. She has lots of African American friends and witnesses the negativity towards black hair. She thinks its cool I feel free not to fit the status quo.....
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At this point, most of my GOOD friends are natural or transitioning. Most of us opt for straighter styles though, so it's all good! Our biggest discussions are being a natural that straightens vs. a natural that's happy and nappy.

It seems that going natural is the hot thing here in Chi. I meet SO many people who are transitioninig here now, whereas about 5 years ago, it was largely taboo.
My friends LOVE it. Especially my non-black friends. They think it's the best thing since sliced bread.

And my white adoptive family thinks natural hair is the bees knees. My mom thinks every styles looks amazing, even my Celie braids that stick out every which way.

eta: I do have one black friend that asks me when I'm going to comb my hair every single time I see her. I just tell her that combing is the reason she doesn't have any hair and maybe she needs to do what I'm doing. LOL. But she still says it every time.

Your post brightened my morning by make me smile and actually laughing out loud...thanks!

Mom at initial BC: OH...WOW.. Well, it will grow back...
DAD at 7 month after BC: That is not a good look on you. You need to a relaxer. You look like you are on welfare.
DH: Stares at words all night. Still tells me "I hate that afro."
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My friends are actually very supportive of it. Both of my close female friends have gone natural. One went back to relaxing, but the other did her BC several years ago and has been natural ever since. My SO loves it, and when I called my dad (he's like my best friend:yawn:) he was all excited about me cutting that "chemical crap" out of my hair. :lachen:

this is sweet
my friends are all natural BUT they wear weaves alllllll the time. they never wear their real hair out and they are really negative about my new growth....even though i'm relaxed i'm about 5 months post now and never straighten...i just use a headband to smooth the front out. they think straight hair is the only way to be and natural hair is not even told me that i couldnt go out with them with my hair "like that"
I've had nothing but support from family and friends.

I've yet to get a negative comment from anyone about my natural hair.

I only get negative comments when I straighten my hair, most people have gotten used to me with curly hair, and when I straighten it, they'll make a comment that it looks better curly.
Well, I transitioned for a year so I can't call it a big chop. When I had the relaxed ends cut out I had about 5 to 6 inches of new growth. I caught a lot of flack during the transition, esp. from DH because he has always been very vocal about the fact that he prefers my hair straight. My SIL was fit to be tied. She even said she would keep a jar of Hawaiian Silky in her purse in case I ever had a weak moment. I literally thought she was gonna try to tie me down and perm my hair while I slept.

But when I came from the beauty shop my mom was thrilled to see that I could have the best of all worlds and loved how thick, bouncy, shiny, and full of life it was.

I think DH was holding his breath and expecting the absolute worst but he breathed a sigh of relief (until I started rocking puffs, twists, and twist outs :rolleyes:). When he starts to look like he's about to stroke out, I'll straighten it and wear it like that for about 2 weeks or so. I completed my transition on 2/28/09 and have only straightened twice so life has been pretty tough for him :lachen:.

Now my SIL after seeing how fast my hair has grown, in addition to being so thick, soft, and luscious said really quietly last weekend "Uh, I'm kinda thinking about stretching my perms out for a while..." :blush: I was like "Say what?" But she was quick to say "Now don't get all excited cause I don't know about all that natural stuff, I'm just saying for now..." So I'll just keep doing me and letting her see all the possibilities and eventually she will come over to the dark side.:lachen:

I only have about 4 friends (2 of which are members here - Hey GodsGrace, hey ElizaBlue!) but all 4 of them love my hair so even if I wasn't in love with it myself I have an awesome support group.

My aunt who's been natural for maybe 2 years now called this morning and bless her heart she still doesn't know what to do with her hair other than wet it and let it curl up (she's a 3b/c). She told me she went to Walmart to get her hair flat ironed because when she did it it didn't come out too well. I immediately inquired what she was doing with it, as in what products was she using to get it smooth, etc. She replied "Nothing". She's not even using a conditioner!!!! :blush: Well, you know Info went into overdrive right?:lachen:
I have been natural for 11 years and it has all been positive. If someone didn't like my hair I never knew about it. I can't believe some of your ladies friends and family. I have had total strangers walk up to me and compliment my hair in all of it's 4b, fuzzy twist glory.
Almost all of the females have tried to give transitioning a try but most quit after 4-5 months. None of the males have had anything to say about it either way
My friends love my hair. Girl, if they didn't, then my love for it has rubbed off coz no one can tell me nuffin about my hair. My coworkers (non-white) keep telling me that they wish their hair could do all the things mine can. My Spanish friend actually tells me she's a hater coz her hair just hangs while mine can do anything.

I think I'm the only hair crazy fool in my posse so we rarely discuss other people's hair when out and about. (Truth be told, I'm not thinking about anyone's hair coz mine's the sh**...according to me anyway. :rofl: ) The only time I take the focus off myself and allow myself to notice other hair is on this forum. :sekret:
I can count on my fingers how many friends I have. But a couple of them are naturals. Honestly, my friends are way too educated to look down on or think anything degrading about natural hair. My ghetto behind family is another story...
I'm going to pray for us as Black people. How can someone feel good about themselves after making a statement like that :nono: How can we be "too dark" for what God put on our heads. lil_xelle please let those comments go in one ear and out the other.

I've convinced almost all of my friends to go natural and every last one of them is happy with the decision so far.

Thank you (i wish the "Thanks" button was back) but yeah i just let it go because i feel that if i let it get to me then it'll stop me from doing what makes me happy. I don't mind what people say because i realized that insults can show insecurities. :yep:
Thanks I really appreciate that
^^ Lil Xelle, I love your avi:

And your siggy and caption is hilarious! :rofl:

Hersey Kiss...
the new style This is my '09 goal :look:
My friends...Love natural hair on me. But only one of them is a natural.
The rest of them feel that they don't have the hair patience and styling gifts that I have and therefore could never attempt to be naturals.
Thank you (i wish the "Thanks" button was back) but yeah i just let it go because i feel that if i let it get to me then it'll stop me from doing what makes me happy. I don't mind what people say because i realized that insults can show insecurities. :yep:
Thanks I really appreciate that

Good for you for realizing that insults show people's own insecurities.
Everyone loves my hair for the most part. I do have one hater friend. If someone gives me a compliment she will make some snide remark. You know how those jealous people do!! My family is a mixed bunch. I think I may have a few younger cousins that get relaxers I think??
I'm transitioning (again) and I get mixed reactions. When I first started I had a friend that was HORRIBLE to me about my decision even though she's natural!! She said black people don't have good hair and my hair would be nappy yada yada yada (did I mention that SHE'S black too?!)... so i'm like wtf omg osn!!! well it's some time later and no one says anything to me about it... i let my thickness and length speak for itself...the haters can keep it moving...