How do you take care of your hair if you execise regularly ??

I put my hair up (i.e., ponytail) and co-wash every other day. This may not work for you if you use heat. I only use heat on special occasions and wear a bun or wig 100% of the time.

Hopefully someone else will chime in and there are a lot of other posts out there regarding this, but if you're anything like me finding them is a chore.
Keep my hair in a pony or bun while exercising and I not wear a headband to keep my edges from frizzing since I'm transitioning. My reggie stays the same tho and I only wash twice a week. I keep my hair in the pony until it fully dries and sweat has never harmed my hair or made it smell.

ETA: When I ran track in highschool, the girls would just wrap their hair and then unwrap when it was dry.
I fake bun, so after I work out I take it off and rinse my hair in the shower (sometimes I just rinse my hairline). I keep liquid leave in, a small thing of EVOO, and some cream for my edges in my locker. I work out 3-4 times a week and wash my hair (at home) about every third day. Because I bun I can leave my hair wet in the bun.
I don't wear my hair "down" other than after I rollerset it to stretch my ng a bit. I co-wash twice per week and normally wear a pony with the tail tucked or styled with the ends protected or braids or flat twists.

If I'm wearing braids or flat twists I dilute my co-wash conditioner a bit more and wear a stocking cap to minimize hair movement and rinse well.

i got lucky. i don't sweat in my scalp, so my hair is mostly unaffected.
if it's straight, i make a high ponytail and wear a headband. it stays bone straight.
if its in a natural style (twistout, braidout) i make a puff and it stays in the style due to the styling foam or gel i use to set.
Lots of JBCO and then 2-strand twists. Cover with a scarf. "oil rinse" afterwards or co-wash. Keeps my hair silky.
Thank you for all of the responses ! I've never co-washed my hair... Will the same conditioner I use for my weekly wash be sufficient or should I use a particular conditioner ? Thanks again!
I run track, so I exercise and sweat vigorously 5 days a week. I'm transitioning so I have about 4-5 inches of NG, and my hair barely fits into a ponytail unless straightened. I'm also studying abroad in London.. so when it isn't raining during my practices, its humid. You guys can imagine what I look like every day...
Co-wash after the workout. Wet bun with a front swoop bang which I blow dry (takes 30 seconds). Classic look, easy to do.
i tie my hair up in a high bun&i just put on a headband or a sweatband
when i work out i do cardio for 1hr and then i lift weights so im constantly sweating.if i end up sweat a whole lot then when i take a shower i just co-wash my hair&put it in 2 braids after