Exercise Hair

  • What is the state of your hair? Relaxed
  • What time of day and week do you work out? Mornings and evenings whenever I can fit it in
  • Where do you work out? (Home, gym, outdoors) Home, Gym and outside. I have to switch it up or else I get bored.
  • Does your routine make you sweat a lot? If so, or if not, what is it? I sweat alot. It's sooo annoying.
  • What do you do to your hair immediately before and after exercising? Now I wash or rinse after I exercise.
  • Anything else? I decided to sacrifice my hair for my health. I was becoming overwhelmed with my hair and how to make it look presentable after a hard sweaty workout. What had previously worked for me (wash, twist, twist out repeat) was no longer looking good or lasting me the full week. I ended up getting a tapered cut that is easy to wash and wear daily and I am loving it.
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