Gym and Relaxed hair...How do you do it?

When I exercise I usually put my hair up in a high bun so that it doesn't get in the way. After I exercise I usually co-wash my hair (because my hair gets really sweat and when it dries my scalp feels really itchy and I don't like that :nono:) . I've heard that you aren't supposed to exercise if you're about to get a relaxer, but I do and I haven't had any problems. I just wouldn't exercise the day of my relaxer, and if I did I would do it after the relaxer. If your planning on exercising outside in the hot sun I would either wear a loose fitting baseball hat to shield your hair from the sun's harmful rays or mix a little bit of sunscreen in with your hair moisturizier/leave-in spray. If swimming coat your hair with a layer of conditioner. I've heard that it helps combat the damage the chlorine may do to your hair.

P.S. Taking care of relaxed hair is pretty simple. Just make sure you deep condition it at least once a week, use a leave-in conditioner and coat with a natural oil, be gentle in how your combing/grooming it, and don't relax too frequently. Not all relaxed hair reacts the same way to the same products so you may have to go through a little bit of trial and error to find the right products that work for your hair type. Hope I helped.
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I'm relaxed and work out 6 days a week. I co-wash and bun every/every other day. You can't sweat a relaxer out. And co-washing doesn't make your relaxer revert either. I thought it did pre LHCF :look:
I'm relaxed and I work out three to five days a week (I work out at home). I usually co-wash after exerising and sport wash and go or wet bun. I have to wash because my scalp feels itchy and yucky after working out like someone else mentioned.
I exercise 5-6 days a week.

I bun 5 days most days. I let my hair dry after exercising before manipulating it, then at night I follow my routine as usual. Once a week between washings, I apply witch hazel to my scalp to get rid of some of the dirt. Otherwise I wash once a week.

The sweat really doesn't have any adverse affects on my hair as long as I cleanse well once a week. I wear my hair in buns because its the simplest route, and then on the weekends when I do not exercise, I wear my hair out.
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Bumping for more replies- my specific issue is, I go to the gym looking decent , bun all slicked, but by the end I look HAM- roots all puffy, a mess. Is there anything I can do? I get so hot, that I don't put a scarf on top.
Awesome topic, cuz I'm getting relaxed this Tuesday after six months, too!

I'll end up with a short bob cut. What do y'all recommend for short hair? Wraps? Co-washes?

When I was relaxed for a long time my hair was too short for a bun or ponytail so I would either tie a bandana around my hair and afterwards if I had time I would put a few satin covered sponge rollers in my hair. After I showered and got dressed I would take them out and most of the time it looked fine. I would use a little serum, comb out the curls with my fingers and I would go back to work.

If I didn't have a bandana, I would use the Goody Stayput Headbands. I didn't wrap my hair because my head sweats so much so my ends and hair would be covered in sweat. EWWH! So as long as my ends didn't get wet I could manage the roots either by blowing it out or using rollers after my workout and using some accessories if I needed it. (Esp after 6 weeks post relaxer)
I exercise in the evenings after work. So I would wrap my hair and leave it like that til the next morning, then I would use a curling iron to bump my ends in the morning. I worked ok.

But now I'm try to use less heat. I don't want to co-wash after every workout. I tried that before and it didn't turn out that great (I think I was doing it wrong though :look:). I might just try it again and then do a braid out on the days I exercise. :ohwell:
I put my hair up in a high bun. I wash once every 6 days. I use a fine Net as per divachyk to cover to keep it neat. Yes I sweat but I also blow dry and won't be able to wash it more than that :) Plus I don't want to. :)
I am not working out *hangs head in shame* BUT I've started co waashing/washing every day to every other day and my hair really likes it. I air dry with a satin headand with the back hanging down.
I decided that this week I'm going to workout hard for 45 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then the following week 45 minutes every MWF. Because I tend to sweat alot and can't stand an itchy scalp I will be co-washing after each workout. I'm not too excited about that especially next week when I'll be working out three days but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Same thing, a high bun or a high ponytail for my Zumba class, it's the only class that makes me sweat. I bought some dry shampoo and then flexirods and it's ready for next day. I've been going to Zumba 4 times a week and I want to add 2 weights classes to my schedule so basically I only have my hair down on Sunday afternoon and Monday during the day,then I was on Thursday night after Zumba,rollerset and have my hair down again on Friday when I mostly go out.
For my spin class I do a high bun with a satin scrunchie and gently tie a knee high around my edges (works like a headband but breatheable!) and cowash.

If I am wearing a straight style AND doing a low intensity workout (i.e., yoga) I will still tie the knee high around my edges, but instead of a bun I will just pin the sides back. I will still sweat in my head, but instead of concentrating the sweat in one place it moves throughout and is much more manageable. This way, I won't have to cowash and can just wrap it when I am done working out. By morning, my hair is fine.
Co-wash with WEN and put hair in a bun to dry. Its nice and wavy and ready to go the next day. Wash and DC and sit under the dryer once a week.
Co-wash with WEN and put hair in a bun to dry. Its nice and wavy and ready to go the next day. Wash and DC and sit under the dryer once a week.

Gaaa! WEN keeps getting mentioned everywhere! Ok, maybe I'll buy some for myself as a Christmas gift.......
Ok... finally went to the gym tonight so I'm gonna try detangling in the shower, drying a bit with a t-shirt, putting all my leave-ins in with oil to seal while it's still damp, comb thru, then put in 4 braids and go to bed (with my edges wrapped with a scarf).

I hope it works and I can avoid extra puffy ends! I also want to get as speedy as a I can with the whole process until its an in-and-out kinda thing.
Good thread bump..

Ok... finally went to the gym tonight so I'm gonna try detangling in the shower, drying a bit with a t-shirt, putting all my leave-ins in with oil to seal while it's still damp, comb thru, then put in 4 braids and go to bed (with my edges wrapped with a scarf).

I hope it works and I can avoid extra puffy ends! I also want to get as speedy as a I can with the whole process until its an in-and-out kinda thing.

The co-washing and air drying process has gotten better for me since this post. I can even wash my hair in the morning now since I started using the blow dryer on cool for a few minutes, speeds things up tremendously, plus the added benefit of shine and closing the cuticle.

Applying virgin coconut oil to my soaking wet hair before t-shirt drying keeps my ends from getting so puffy. After applying leave-ins and detangling with a wide tooth comb on mostly dry hair and using the cool blow dryer, I just keep smoothing in a downward motion with my hands - I can actually wear it straight like that if I don't want to bun and it looks fine.

Using the right products while damp makes a huge difference for me, I recently discovered GVP Silk Remedy (knock-off Chi Silk) as a last step for detangling and smoothing my ends.

I'm that much closer to the air-drying queen @sunnieb's level :lol:
I don't cowash post workout because I don't have that kind of time. Sistah gots ta' get to work. I cowash in the evening based on my hair needs.
It's pretty easy/simple for me. I workout several times a week...currently training and coaching a 1/2 marathon program. I wear ponytails or buns when I workout with a sweatband. After I get home, my hair is usually wet. I take the bun/ponytail down and then I moisturize and seal my hair with coconut oil or castor oil. Let it air dry down or in a loose pony for the evening and then put it in a loose bun or wear it out with a 100% silk bonnet and silk pillowcase. In the morning, I bun as my protective style about 90% of the time for work. I think you have to come to the realization that if you really want to workout hard, your hair can't look like you left the salon every day or be worn down nicely. Buns work for me cause I get to load up on moisturizers and oils and protect my ends. I don't co-wash, but do a wash and deep condition every Sat.