Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Hi, Pooh,
How many sins are there?
How many sins are there?
That's neat that you posted these scriptures. These are some of the same scriptures I came across when studying the Bible.
I started to see a contrast in how God was toward people in the Old Testament vs the New Testament.
In the Old Testament, there was the Law. People had to give up sin offerings and different sacrifices to pay for their sins. God would forgive them over and over for backsliding, or when God got fed up, he would destroy them.
In the New Testament, God sends His Son Jesus, God in the flesh, to show us how to live perfect and sinless. In a way, it's like bringing God's people back to Him. He loved us so much that He came down on this Earth to dwell among us so we can see how to live right. By truly believing in Christ's birth, death, burial, and resurrection, we repent of sins, be dead to sins, and abide in Him. He took the punishment of our sins.
That's why we have so many people pointing out hypocrites. It's like how can you point out this person being a liar when you just got done gossipping about a friend? How can you talk bad about someone who aborts a child when you are stealing money from a family member? How can you talk about a homosexual going to hell when you are having sex with your unmarried girlfriend? And so on...
How can one go on sinning (let's say fornication), ask God for forgiveness, then 7 days later, do the same sin again and ask for forgiveness. That's the Old Testament way. Repentance is completely turning away from sin...going and sinning NO more. I don't know how else to get around that definition. It has been watered down to "feeling sorry for sins and trying not to sin again" but that's not what God has called us to do. He hates sin and we should hate sin too and avoid it at all cost by suffering in the flesh if we believe in Him.