How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christian"?


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
There has been much talk about the concept of sin. The bible says if you sin, you are of the devil and not born of God. However, the bible also says if you say you have no sin, you are a liar.

Then we get into the idea that Christians who make a practice of sinning or lifestyle of sinning or who commit wilful sin are not true Christians. However, isn't any sin that you do a wilful sin if you know for a fact that it's wrong and against God? Now, it's different if you did not know the sin was wrong to begin with. But once you find out it's wrong, you are not to do it again, correct?

Then people argue the fact that Christians can never stop sinning until they die. Well that means every Christian practices sin until they die if they don't stop sinning. Then we blame us committing sin on our flesh and on what Paul said in Romans 7. If that's the case, how do true Christians really distinguish themselves from sinners? "It's a heart matter"... well, the bible also says the heart can be deceiving.

And is there anyone here who can honestly say that they do not practice sin? If not, then what do you call the sin that you do commit? How do you make a distinction between practicing sin and just committing sin with full knowledge that it is wrong?
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

In the scripture in 1st John that says 8He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the committeth means having a lifestyle of or a continual doing....

Example the bible says that David was a man after God's own heart, but David did sleep with Batsheeba and had her husband killed. Now David was so into his sin, that he didnt acknowledge God on what was going on. Thats how blind sin can make you, but God did send a prophet to David and tell him what his wrong was..What made David that man of God was when God showed him his error, he didnt justify it or ignore, but he acknowledged it and REPENTED (turned away).The bible says the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truths..somethings we are ignorant of and God has to show us what pleases him...

Hebrews says ch.10

26For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
.....some people just dont know certain things, but when God shows us our error, which HE ALWAYS will, He expects you to turn from it....

I think where the misconception comes in is that we call sin this"stuff that I KNOW thats wrong or goes against God"..but sin is ANYTHING that goes against God..

Alot of times as Christians, as we are pressing to please God, we have to remember that just because we are tempted of something it doesnt mean u sin...The bible says Jesus was tempted in all areas yet without sin. Example, if you are in the grocery store and the clerk is really rude with you, your FLESH may say "Go off on her", but the spirit man may say "leave it alone" thats what seperates us from sinners, We dont go with what our flesh feels, but we go by what the word of God of says...and not our flesh..The sinner would have went off on her and wouldnt have cared, but the Christian's desire is to please God....know just because your flesh may have gotten upset, you didnt respond to it, therefore you havent sinned.

As for me, those things that I know God isnt pleased with I dont do those things. I am also growing in God so God is still showing me things I need to work on. Our walk with God isnt something that we just finish and we done with it, but its a continually thing that we are on and will be until we leave here.Christ didnt die for us to be bound in sin..He said "You shall know the truth and the truth shall you free" from what? SIN...the word made is a process that have to occur..alot of times people backslide because they can't survive the making process...1st Peter 4:1 "Suffer in the flesh and cease from sin"...You have to suffer to free..pain to be delievered...alot of times people give up on that part. Example, If someone has a problem with fornication(I was one)..I would go through "withdrawals" from it, physically in my body..but I to suffer through it because I wanted to please God...But some may say "Man enough with this! I need it now"...So people make us feel like we cant be free from sin because they have never seen someone actually suffer through their flesh and be delievered or they themselves have not experienced the delieverance of Christ, But I am one who has and can tell you, you can be free!!

I hope this explains it all..let me know if I missed something

one last scripture :look::look:

1st Peter 5 8-10
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

9Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 10But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

It is clear that all have sinned and fall short. No one is without sin. We all fall short but those that are in Christ have hope in Christ. This is why everyone that is born on earth needs a Savior. He is the Hope of Glory. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

If and when we sin, we are to run to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, He is able to give us strength and power to ovecome. This is not a license to remain in sin because we know or say no one is perfect.

Just thinking on this makes me worship and praise Him even the more. When we were without Hope, Christ died for us. Lets receive that hope and not despair.

When the born-again person experiences this, the truth of 1 John 2:1 has the effect, by the Spirit, of rescuing him from despair: “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

We are to put our hope in Christ, He will give us the victory.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

It is clear that all have sinned and fall short. No one is without sin. We all fall short but those that are in Christ have hope in Christ. This is why everyone that is born on earth needs a Savior. He is the Hope of Glory. The fullness of the Godhead dwells in Him. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

If and when we sin, we are to run to the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, He is able to give us strength and power to ovecome. This is not a license to remain in sin because we know or say no one is perfect.

Just thinking on this makes me worship and praise Him even the more. When we were without Hope, Christ died for us. Lets receive that hope and not despair.

When the born-again person experiences this, the truth of 1 John 2:1 has the effect, by the Spirit, of rescuing him from despair: “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

We are to put our hope in Christ, He will give us the victory.

It does say IF we sin....Paul was saying IF you sin you have a advocate with father...He never said WHEN you Paul was showing us it is possible to have a pure life before God.....

Can anyone name ONE sin we HAVE TO DO to stay Alive??????
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

It does say IF we sin....Paul was saying IF you sin you have a advocate with father...He never said WHEN you Paul was showing us it is possible to have a pure life before God.....

Can anyone name ONE sin we HAVE TO DO to stay Alive??????

I got it. There is no sin we need to stay alive.

For instances. If I get a bad attitude with someone. I feel that I have displeased God and should get that right. That is just how I am.

Sometimes I fuss at my kids a little too much, due to my own frustration. I dont sit and plan to do it but it happens. I feel I should get that right and repent before God and my kids. That is just me.

When I do fall short, I have hope in Christ.

I'm in no way saying someone should sin just coz. I hope that makes sense.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I got it. There is no sin we need to stay alive.

For instances. If I get a bad attitude with someone. I feel that I have displeased God and should get that right. That is just how I am.

Sometimes I fuss at my kids a little too much, due to my own frustration. I dont sit and plan to do it but it happens. I feel I should get that right and repent before God and my kids. That is just me.

When I do fall short, I have hope in Christ.

I'm in no way saying someone should sin just coz. I hope that makes sense.

Oh yes it does...completely....the ALL CAPS wasnt toward you, just generally asking...:drunk: But you r right, we have to hope in Christ, because if we just try do this thing on our own, it can become self righteouness..
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Y'all still not answering my questions. I've read those scriptures that you all have posted over and over and over again several times!!! Y'all are not making sense.

If we don't need sin to stay alive, then why do we continue to do it? We must all be of the devil. I don't know anyone that is free from committing sin.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Y'all still not answering my questions. I've read those scriptures that you all have posted over and over and over again several times!!! Y'all are not making sense.

If we don't need sin to stay alive, then why do we continue to do it? We must all be of the devil. I don't know anyone that is free from committing sin.

We are not of the devil if we are in Christ. The scripture tell us if we do sin Christ is our advocate. If we do sin, repent, turn to Christ. Christ is aware of our weaknessess. That is why He came. Trust in Him and His word.

If you do sin, don't live in hopelessness but turn your heart towards the Lord. You have to put your trust in the Lord and not in yourself.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Bottom line - we are told to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Phil 2

Think of practicing as a waton disregard for God's law with no conviction, no repentence.

The difference has always been in the individual's general attitude towards sin. The Christian sees his sin as a wicked body of death which he hates and from which he desires freedom (Romans 7). Think of "practice" like practicing a skill. I practice something because I love it. Such are the wicked with sin. A Christian will not glory in his sin and "practice" it.

If we are not making sense, look to His word and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you. He will.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Y'all still not answering my questions. I've read those scriptures that you all have posted over and over and over again several times!!! Y'all are not making sense.

If we don't need sin to stay alive, then why do we continue to do it? We must all be of the devil. I don't know anyone that is free from committing sin.

It's like looking at the word "the" and attempting to figure out visually how any meaning is attached to it. It's convention. Maybe this is the same as finding meaning in scripture. One can get tripped up by the strange appearance of it, the phonetics and then conventional meaning and semantics...and totally miss the point of it. :yep: Step back and see the whole picture???:yep::yep:
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

We are not of the devil if we are in Christ. The scripture tell us if we do sin Christ is our advocate. If we do sin, repent, turn to Christ. Christ is aware of our weaknessess. That is why He came. Trust in Him and His word.

If you do sin, don't live in hopelessness but turn your heart towards the Lord. You have to put your trust in the Lord and not in yourself.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Bottom line - we are told to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Phil 2

Think of practicing as a waton disregard for God's law with no conviction, no repentence.

The difference has always been in the individual's general attitude towards sin. The Christian sees his sin as a wicked body of death which he hates and from which he desires freedom (Romans 7). Think of "practice" like practicing a skill. I practice something because I love it. Such are the wicked with sin. A Christian will not glory in his sin and "practice" it.

If we are not making sense, look to His word and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you. He will.

How can one be in Christ if he continues to sin??? How can any of us claim to be in Christ if we sin every now and then??? Whether we have a remorseful hateful attitude toward sin or not... plus, do we really hate the sin we do if we keep doing it? I think not.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

How can one be in Christ if he continues to sin??? How can any of us claim to be in Christ if we sin every now and then??? Whether we have a remorseful hateful attitude toward sin or not... plus, do we really hate the sin we do if we keep doing it? I think not.

Put your trust in Christ.

Pray against the spirit of confusion that is coming against you. I believe the enemy wants you to see this as a hopeless situation, when Christ is your hope.

Spend more intimate time in prayer, the word, and worship. The Lord will speak to your heart and give you His peace.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

By no means am I saying sinning is ok, and as growing Christians I do believe you can have a clean life before God. I thought my first post cleared all this up. Just because you dont know or see anyone that doesnt have a lifestyle of sinning, does not mean they dont exist..

The bible says:
Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Luke 13:24
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

So you not about to find a whole bunch if people wanting to live this way....

And you are right, if someones has a way of life of sinning and has no mind to change, they are not in Christ..I never condoned "every now and then sinning", but you we can't just BOOM and be sinless...Its a process that God takes us through called santification. As God shows me the error of my ways I put them away...I dont justify anything

You are also right, we cant say hate sin and keep on doing it. The word repents means to TURN AWAY and stop doing..repent is a action word

I really dont know what else you want to be said..
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

When you realize who you TRULY are in Christ and how much HE LOVES YOU. You don’t want to do it because YOU LOVE HIM. We love HIM because HE loved us first. Your sins for your entire life is forgiven.

When you realize you are forgiven, you don’t worry about not thinking the wrong thing. The more you try not to think about the wrong thing, the more you will think about the wrong thing. Victory over our mental life does not come by focusing on a mental life. The more you don’t worry about it, you will have dominion. That will come when you KNOW your sins are forgiven.

This may be silly but……

What is the difference between a pig and a lamb. Visualize the pig being the sinner. The lamb is YOU :look: :giggle: The mud is sin.

When a pig falls in the mud, it wallows in it. It loves it. Rubs its own face in it.
When a lamb falls in the mud, the SPIRIT inside of you will make you feel uncomfortable. You know you shouldn’t be in it and will act to get out.

When I know I did something I make every attempt to not do it again but I don’t worry about it even though I want to. Yes…it’s a struggle fighting against the symptoms of sin but you will come to a point when you no longer desire to do it. When that happens, you have overcome that sin. You won’t be perfect but a work in progress.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Y'all still not answering my questions. I've read those scriptures that you all have posted over and over and over again several times!!! Y'all are not making sense.

If we don't need sin to stay alive, then why do we continue to do it? We must all be of the devil. I don't know anyone that is free from committing sin.

No, we are not evil but we're not righteous either. The only one that was ever righteous that ever walked this earth was Jesus because he was sinless. The rest of his are born sin. Even though a believer is born again, they still have the earthly body which stores the indwelling of the Holy Spirit but also our nature from birth. There is always going to be a battle in us, until we receive the glorified body. Until then, we're stuck in this corruptable body that is slaved to sin, sickness, and death.

So, you're read the scriptures given over and over again but have you asked the Holy Spirit for understanding. He's the only one that can help you understand his word. Let him continue to lead and guide you in to the truth. However, eventually you're going to have to not let your fears about sin get to you. I believe that Satan is working to try to get you to think that you're not saved because of sin. Don't fall for his tricks. Just trust God and his word. His word is to be taken as it is at face value. Faith cometh by hearing; hearing by the word of God according to Romans 10:17. If you have believed and trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then believe that you can overcome sin by trusting in him. Just be glad that you're not hell bound and just keep praise Jesus that all of your sins were nailed to the cross.

Just kneel to the cross, leave your every care. Jesus will meet you there.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I just take it as: " God I know having sex is wrong, but I believe this is who I am going to spend my life with and I think it's okay. I don't feel like it's wrong, and I don't feel any negative consequences." ::internal thought:: I'm not gonna ask to be forgiving because even though it's been said to wrong, I don't care. ::action:: turns over and has sex <--practicing sin.

Man: "Did you eat that cookie"
Woman: ::internal thought:: Dang I'm gonna hear about this cookie what do I do? "Nope, what cookie are you talking about?"
^^Sinning but the intent to lie wasn't immediate and she may even feel bad about it

That's just me.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I just take it as: " God I know having sex is wrong, but I believe this is who I am going to spend my life with and I think it's okay. I don't feel like it's wrong, and I don't feel any negative consequences." ::internal thought:: I'm not gonna ask to be forgiving because even though it's been said to wrong, I don't care. ::action:: turns over and has sex <--practicing sin.

Man: "Did you eat that cookie"
Woman: ::internal thought:: Dang I'm gonna hear about this cookie what do I do? "Nope, what cookie are you talking about?"
^^Sinning but the intent to lie wasn't immediate and she may even feel bad about it

That's just me.

The examples you have stated, especially the first one is a very good example. Basically, it's saying I'm going to disregard your word Lord and just do what I want and you're just going to have to accept it. It doesn't work like that. He is not going to go against his own word. We can do whatever we want to, we have free will. Remember that we have to give an account for everything when we stand before him.

If you're in Christ, you're not going to want to go against his word. When you sin as a believer, you will feel guilty because you went against God, thus feeling a conviction from the Holy Spirit calling you out and telling you to confess and repent sincerely to get back in fellowship with God.

Also, it's a matter of growth as well. Some Christians just haven't grown in Christ yet and they think that just because they are heaven bound upon salvation that they don't have to do anything more, they think they got this. They are the ones that probably go around with a holier than thou attitude and say they don't sin, meanwhile they are the main ones that will cuss you out, watch porn, go clubbing, etc. (I know people like this) but they are also the main ones that will call out anyone on bad behavior.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Hi PoohBear,

In my faith (I'm catholic) we define sin as being an act, a word, a thought which souce is not love. It is also the act, thought and word of love that I fail to give. Our definition of sin is derived from the two greatest commandments : "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." and "Love your neighbour as yourself."
So, for us, it is not humanly possible to stop sinning. But, by God's grace, we can grow and become more and more loving. The more you love God, the less you are attracted to certain sin. Your focus should'nt be on your own sins. You should redirect your energy toward God, knowing Him, loving Him.

"If that's the case, how do true Christians really distinguish themselves from sinners? "

Christians distinguish themselves from the world, by being holy. Holyness is not sinlessness, it isn't perfection. Holyness is a free gift from the Lord. It's His prerogative. It's not about us, it's all about Him, His love and His grace. Him and only Him can make us holy. Our participation in our own holyness is to say yes.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

In the scripture in 1st John that says 8He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the committeth means having a lifestyle of or a continual doing....

I hope this explains it all..let me know if I missed something

one last scripture :look::look:

1st Peter 5 8-10
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

I was all prepared to come up in here, explain this situation and have church. But, shooooot, Ms. Alicia, I do believe you hit this nail. 'Nuff said. I'm going back to unpacking from my relocation. Well done, Chica.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

You should redirect your energy toward God, knowing Him, loving Him.


Christians distinguish themselves from the world, by being holy. Holyness is not sinlessness, it isn't perfection. ,,,holyness is to say yes.

I agree with this. Holiness means being set apart. You cannot continually live in holiness unless you say, "yes." :yep:
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Hi PoohBear,

In my faith (I'm catholic) we define sin as being an act, a word, a thought which souce is not love. It is also the act, thought and word of love that I fail to give. Our definition of sin is derived from the two greatest commandments : "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." and "Love your neighbour as yourself."
So, for us, it is not humanly possible to stop sinning. But, by God's grace, we can grow and become more and more loving. The more you love God, the less you are attracted to certain sin. Your focus should'nt be on your own sins. You should redirect your energy toward God, knowing Him, loving Him.

"If that's the case, how do true Christians really distinguish themselves from sinners? "

Christians distinguish themselves from the world, by being holy. Holyness is not sinlessness, it isn't perfection. Holyness is a free gift from the Lord. It's His prerogative. It's not about us, it's all about Him, His love and His grace. Him and only Him can make us holy. Our participation in our own holyness is to say yes.

ktykaty - That's the thing... How can Christians be holy with sin in our lives??? What is holiness really if it has nothing to do with not sinning?

For example: Can you honestly say a Christian who commits fornication can be holier than a Christian that does not commit fornication, or are they equally holy just because they are both Christians???
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I believe it is impossible not to sin. It is in our fleshly nature that wars against the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

This is the good news of Jesus Christ. He fulfills the law for us and gives us the gift of mercy, grace, and REPENTANCE. IMO and in my studying, its not about the sin. Its about the heart. The Christian life is a life of Repentance and self-Awarness.You will fall but are you falling because in your heart you love this sin and you dont want to let it go...or are you geniuining struggling to let this thing good?

Only God and you know you heart and no man can tell you whats in your heart. Our goal is to be free from the law by sinning no more as Jesus instructed, but that is a daily work toward the end of our life.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Every believer has equal standing/position before God. EVERYONE. The Holy spirit comes to live in YOU once you are saved. You are a brand new creature in Christ. However, it does not remove that tendency or the desire at times to sin. The symptoms we all struggle with is sin.

A Christian that sins is not living a Christian life. They don’t understand that you cannot live a Godly life, that you cannot serve the Lord adequately, nor will you be able to interpret the word of God properly unless you understand how the Holy spirit works in your life.

Galatains 5:16 - So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

The Holy spirit is soooo important in your life and will not steer you wrong EVER. You can’t do it yourself. Once YOU try (meaning your flesh efforts), you will fail (of course) and become frustrated and start condemning yourself. It's a sad vicious cycle Poohbear.

Let the HOLY SPIRIT drive and let go of the wheel.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I see alot of people just saying what they feel, think, hope, heard or wish...but where the bibical facts supporting these statements...Salvation is too precious to base it on what someones thinks..You can have a pure life before God and no one has to "struggle" with sin..

1 Peter 4:18
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Galatians 5:24
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Titus 2:12
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

1 Peter 4:2
That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

Romans 6:12
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Romans 6

1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
I see alot of people just saying what they feel, think, hope, heard or wish...but where the bibical facts supporting these statements...Salvation is too precious to base it on what someones thinks..You can have a pure life before God and no one has to "struggle" with sin..

1 Peter 4:18
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Galatians 5:24
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Titus 2:12
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

1 Peter 4:2
That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

Romans 6:12
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Romans 6

1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

I definitely agree with your post. It's important to evaluate what is and is not sin, what Jesus says about those that will not inherent the kingdom of God, and not to do those things. If he say don't fornicate, it's in your best interest not to do that.

Also we can not overlook that there are people (all people I presume) do struggle with sinful habits. This can be on the physical level or the thought level (the battleground of the mind/heart is the hardest to overcome). Habits dont just fall away when we confess our lives to Jesus. I wish it was that easy but I've rarely, if ever, seen that. Some sin is committed simply because you wanted to do it. Some sin is committed because you failed to do anything at all. Some sin is committed because you were unaware it was a sin. Man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart and only you two know why you did what you did.

Most times it takes reading the word, prayer, fasting, and support from like minded Christians to overcome and break free of sin. We all have a struggle and we should be mindful that it is Jesus' grace and not our goodness that allows us to inherit eternal life. If someone says they struggle with nothing, I wonder if they struggle with pride and self righteousness.

However, Jesus does say if you love me, you will do what I command.

So we do good because we love him for what he has done and he gives us strength to overcome and not to get into Heaven.
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I do agree with that at some times in life we will struggle with things in our walk with God, but I dont like the fact the people make it seems like we have to CONTINUE to struggle, like there is no delieverance is Christ. He said "Whom the Son of Man have set free is free INDEED"...You are able to be completely free in dont have to live this life all bound up with things.Though some things does take time to overcome, but u can defintely overcome. He said greater is He that is IN us than he that is in the world...

Romans 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

Yes, the heart and mind is where the battle starts. We must stay in love with the Lord. Jesus said out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts. I think the falling away is when we begin to give that place in us, that is reserved for God, to something else.

Lustful desires is where the the danger begins.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren. James 1:14-16
If you harbor anger it turns into bitterness and unforgiveness.That is why the Lord said be ye angry but sin not; do not let the sun gone down on your wrath.

If you allow your mind to wonder into lust you may be setting your self up for sexual sin. Jesus said if you look at a women to lust after her you have already committed sin.

This walk was meant to be a walk that relied on God's Spirit and power and not ourselves.

Thank God for the times He warns us through His Spirit that we are getting off course or that we are headed down a dangerous broad way. He will check us. (I know this)

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:12,13

The above scripture speaks of God's power at work in us allowing us to become sons, a holy people of God. We must rely on the God's power and not our human strength. He overcame so that we might overcome through Christ Jesus Our Lord.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

And I believe this separate those that truly love Jesus and those that do not. If you are content to continue in your sin, that's a problem. If you are convicted and seek deliverance, you will be set free (when depends on a number of factors).

I do agree with that at some times in life we will struggle with things in our walk with God, but I dont like the fact the people make it seems like we have to CONTINUE to struggle, like there is no delieverance is Christ. He said "Whom the Son of Man have set free is free INDEED"...You are able to be completely free in dont have to live this life all bound up with things.Though some things does take time to overcome, but u can defintely overcome. He said greater is He that is IN us than he that is in the world...

Romans 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you.
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I believe it is impossible not to sin. It is in our fleshly nature that wars against the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

So this means everyone is going to Heaven then, right? If there is no sin that can send you to Hell, then what's the point of trippin when people commit such sins, especially the ones that are considered "big" like homosexuality, murder, fornication, lying, adultery, etc. I know no sin is greater than another but people do tend to put sins into categories. Plus, there are Christians that go as far as to say if you don't go to church, don't tithe, evangelize, don't do what the pastor says, etc. you're salvation is questionable.

OR are blasphemy and unbelief the only sins that send you to Hell???
Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

I see alot of people just saying what they feel, think, hope, heard or wish...but where the bibical facts supporting these statements...Salvation is too precious to base it on what someones thinks..You can have a pure life before God and no one has to "struggle" with sin..

1 Peter 4:18
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Romans 13:14
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

Galatians 5:24
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Titus 2:12
Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

1 Peter 4:2
That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God.

Romans 6:12
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Romans 6

1What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Yes Alicialynn86!!! Exactly at what you said!!!

That's why I question my salvation. When I read these bible verses and others that I have came across, I see something different than what people feel, think, hope, and wish. :yep: I know getting rid of sin out of one's life is a process, but there are some sins that I keep committing that makes me question my own love for God and what's truly in my heart and mind. I can actually feel conflicting spirits that I've never had before when I was younger. I know there are things that we do that we do not want to do, but if we keep doing that thing that we do not want to do, when do we determine that it's something we actually DO want to do?
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Re: How do you make a distinction between "Practice of sin" and "sinning as a Christi

@ktykaty - That's the thing... How can Christians be holy with sin in our lives??? What is holiness really if it has nothing to do with not sinning?

For example: Can you honestly say a Christian who commits fornication can be holier than a Christian that does not commit fornication, or are they equally holy just because they are both Christians???

If you keep committing sins that you KNOW are wrong, u need to dedicate yourself more to God....falling into sin came be a sign of not enough dedication or committment to God