How do you know your hair is well moisturized


Well-Known Member
I moisturize twice daily, but I just do this out of habit. I was wondering how do you know your hair is moisturized? Some days it still looks dry.
when i touch it and it's really soft thats when my hair is well moisturized IMO. shine, bounce, all that...

maybe some of the veterans can better explain it, but the first time my hair was truly well moisturized i could tell by the way it looked and felt.
  • it's soft
  • I see little to no breakage while styling or other manipulating
  • I stretch a strand of hair that has shed, and it has significant elasticity
When ALL of the above are true, I'm satisfied with my moisture level.
When I touch the ends it actually feels cool....and it also feels soft.

Yea :yep:

I put my hand on the top of my hair, and if my hair feels cool and soft, i know its moisturized.

If it feels warm/hot, and rough/dry, then i know it isnt moisturized enough.

ETA---I check the sides of my hair, and the ends also (i put it in a bun/pony to do this)
  • it's soft
  • I see little to no breakage while styling or other manipulating
  • I stretch a strand of hair that has shed, and it has significant elasticity
When ALL of the above are true, I'm satisfied with my moisture level.

Ditto what she said. :yep:
When someone comes up behind you, touches your hair and says ohhhh your hair is soft soft :grin:

That's what happened to me today.

So yes, when the hair feels soft, and i think most importantly when your hair is not breaking. Im so with everyone else who said the hair feels cool.
when i touch it and it's really soft thats when my hair is well moisturized IMO. shine, bounce, all that...

maybe some of the veterans can better explain it, but the first time my hair was truly well moisturized i could tell by the way it looked and felt.

co-sign. Also, my ends especially feel soft.
This is an excellent question. My hair never feels moisturized. I've tried glycerin and water, kids organic, unrefined shea and aloe butter. It feels nice and soft as soon as I apply it, but 2 minutes later it still feels and looks dry. idk sorry I couldn't help. I know this is frustrating.
If the hair looks dry but feels soft you may need to apply some oil for shine.
If the hair feels dry, hard, rough, and/or crunchy you need moisture.
I definitely do the elasticity test as well. I take a strand that has shed, take both ends, and slowly pull. If it automatically **SNAPS** then my hair is dry. If it stretches for a few inches first and then breaks, i am good to go.
I definitely do the elasticity test as well. I take a strand that has shed, take both ends, and slowly pull. If it automatically **SNAPS** then my hair is dry. If it stretches for a few inches first and then breaks, i am good to go.

You and your hair are so beautiful!!:yep:

Anyhoo,i know because i can touch it all day and it still feels soft and smooth,and...well...moist:yep:
Not hard and dry.

Also,whoever said to dip your ends in icy cold water,a thousand thanks to you lady:yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:
Ok - before discovering what i was doing wrong i would be moisturising my hair twice a day but it would still feel dry/rough and more and more greasy until i washed it. It just didn't look silky and clean to the touch.

What i do now.

I wash with a creamy shampoo - nothing stripping (ORS Aloe as i have hard water)
I then condition (it doesn't matter if i deep condition or just condition, the result is the same)
I squeeze out excess water and apply lots of Keracare leave-in. I then apply a moisturiser (this is the bit i never did before as i thought the leave-in was the moisturiser). I then apply coconut oil to seal it all in.

I then rollerset.

Once my hair is dry i undo the rollers one at a time and apply a tiny amount of moisturiser on each end and then seal with a tiny amount of coconut oil. Its doesn't take long.

My hair has dramatically changed. I still apply moisturiser am and PM but its no longer ruff looking or greasy feeling.

Yes, when i touch my hair it now feels cool and silky and its very shiney.

I wash my hair once a week now as opposed to twice as my hair looked like it needed a wash before.

Hope this helps someone.
i agree w/ the softness:yep:, when my hair gets a lil crunch factor i know i need to ramp up the moisture.
I never heard of this before. How does it being cool tell you it's moisturized...and how cool should it feel?


I dont know how to describe "how cool", but its more like a slight slight damp feeling?

Like if you can imagine the difference between your hair towel dried after you've washed it, and between blowdried hair....

Or a towel that was wet, and you wringed it out (maybe left if for a couple of hours), and between a towel that water hasnt touched.
If you touch the wet one, compared to the dry one, its going to feel more cool.....

If you have clothes in the dryer, you can tell the difference just by touching if they are dry all the way or not, becaue the dry ones are going to be more warm, and the slightly damp ones are always cooler .....

Or if you've ever touched or sat on something and thought you've just sat on something wet, but it was infact just cold....

Hope i helped :ohwell:
When I touch the ends it actually feels cool....and it also feels soft.

  • it's soft
  • I see little to no breakage while styling or other manipulating
  • I stretch a strand of hair that has shed, and it has significant elasticity
When ALL of the above are true, I'm satisfied with my moisture level.

Yeah what they said. If my hair strand breaks as soon as I gently try to stretch it then it is too dry and it's time to amp up the moisture. If it stretches too much then I know that I need a little protein treatment to strengthen it back up again.

I dont know how to describe "how cool", but its more like a slight slight damp feeling?

Like if you can imagine the difference between your hair towel dried after you've washed it, and between blowdried hair....

Or a towel that was wet, and you wringed it out (maybe left if for a couple of hours), and between a towel that water hasnt touched.
If you touch the wet one, compared to the dry one, its going to feel more cool.....

If you have clothes in the dryer, you can tell the difference just by touching if they are dry all the way or not, becaue the dry ones are going to be more warm, and the slightly damp ones are always cooler .....

Or if you've ever touched or sat on something and thought you've just sat on something wet, but it was infact just cold....

Hope i helped :ohwell:

that's really interesting :yep: Thank you
it feels soft,smooth and touchable. also when streched my coils make a audiable "boing" sound.

I dont know how to describe "how cool", but its more like a slight slight damp feeling?

Like if you can imagine the difference between your hair towel dried after you've washed it, and between blowdried hair....

Or a towel that was wet, and you wringed it out (maybe left if for a couple of hours), and between a towel that water hasnt touched.
If you touch the wet one, compared to the dry one, its going to feel more cool.....

If you have clothes in the dryer, you can tell the difference just by touching if they are dry all the way or not, becaue the dry ones are going to be more warm, and the slightly damp ones are always cooler .....

Or if you've ever touched or sat on something and thought you've just sat on something wet, but it was infact just cold....

Hope i helped :ohwell:

This was a very helpful explanation...especially the comparison to the dryer....Thanks :yep:
Dumb question, but if I was in a cold area and I touched my hair wouldn't it automaticly be cool? My hair is cool, but I am in a freezing room. It's soft and it has some shiny now, but if I miss a day of not moisturizing it looks very dry. Can your hair look dry and not be dry?