How do you keep your flatironed hair moisturized?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
Whenever I flatiron, the next day, my hair starts to feel dry. So I lightly moisturize. After about 2 or 3 days of this, my hair starts to look weighed down, and it feels oily. I hate it, cause I can't run my fingers through my hair and end up washing my hair within a few days of flatironing. I wanna enjoy my hair every blue moon when I use heat!!!I've tried water and oil based moisturizers, oils and serums. No matter what I do, my hair gets oily. I can't NOT moisturize it, my hair would be dry as dirt.What are you all doing to keep your flatironed hair moisturized and touchable?
I was using some SunSilk stuff-I think Hydra in the pink bottle and would seal with oil or some type of grease, apply everyday, concentrating on the ends. I need to get some more, it was great when I put my hair on rollers.
I dont moisturize and I only wear my hair down for a week so it wont die on me in that time. But I would like to know what you ladies are doing.
Okay, this will sound crazy, but it works for me...when I flat iron my hair, I do a mowhawk set at night (4 gray rollers in a row going down my head). Right before I roll up a section, I will LIGHTLY mist it with some rose water (one spray per section), and then roll. That next morning, my hair feels SO SOFT and not dry at all.
OP, I can't tell if you're natural or relaxed.

I will apply coconut oil to my hair before rollersetting. It might come out a tad oily the next day, but that goes away after the second day. If I use coconut oil the style can last me 7 days.
Dang, you don't like oil?? I use a bit of ojon restorative treatment and frederic fekkai olive glossing cream. SOFT hair that repels even the strongest humidity, and the shine is insane.
Aveda's Universal Styling Creme is great.

Qhemet's Heavy Cream is good. Used very sparingly. I mean a dime size per 1/4 section of hair or your head. It is not oily at all, but can be heavy though. That is what I like about it. It is not oily at all.
Dang, you don't like oil?? I use a bit of ojon restorative treatment and frederic fekkai olive glossing cream. SOFT hair that repels even the strongest humidity, and the shine is insane.

Girl, I'm broke! I can't afford Ojon and Frederick Fekkai! :lachen:I sure do wish I could get my paws on sone Ojon, though :lick:
I use elasta qp mango butter then I use razac perfect for perms, the moisture lasts for days on end. Even suprised me HTH
Okay, this will sound crazy, but it works for me...when I flat iron my hair, I do a mowhawk set at night (4 gray rollers in a row going down my head). Right before I roll up a section, I will LIGHTLY mist it with some rose water (one spray per section), and then roll. That next morning, my hair feels SO SOFT and not dry at all.

I just saw a fotki with instructions on how to do a mohawk set! Was it yours? I'm gonna do a mohawk set to keep up my hair when I straighten it :yep:
I just saw a fotki with instructions on how to do a mohawk set! Was it yours? I'm gonna do a mohawk set to keep up my hair when I straighten it :yep:

No, that's not me..I haven't updated my fotki in AGES!!!:lachen:

I learned it from looking at SimplyCee's (?) album about a year ago. I've been doing it ever since (if I'm wearing my hair flat ironed). It's really easy to sleep on (I tend to lay on my side when I go to bed). And in the morning, the sides may look a little crazy (as there may be strands that weren't long enough to fit) but once you take the rollers out and finger comb it, it's just fine.:yep:
Girl, I'm broke! I can't afford Ojon and Frederick Fekkai! :lachen:I sure do wish I could get my paws on sone Ojon, though :lick:

If you live in a city that has a Sephora's you can get a sample of most of their products that includes items they dont have pre-packaged samples of and perfumes.
i love keracare cream hairdress on my flat ironed hair but lately i have been using nourish and shine and i love that too. i seal with either vatika frosting or cocasta. 90% of the time is cocasta. that oil can moisturize all on its own.
Frederick Fekkai Glossing Creme
Organix Vanilla Silk Serum

Any of those products does the trick for me, depending on how many weeks post I am. I lightly apply them before wrapping my hair at night and I'm good the next morning. :)
I'm with shtow, coconut oil is the only oil that actually penetrates my hair and doesn't leave it greasy. you don't need a lot either. I use about a quarter size for my whole head. I also gently brush through the oil at night to distribute it throughout the hair. I'm on day 5 of my flatironed hair and my hair isn't oily at all.
This is such a good thread! I start out on Saturday with bouncy light hair... I want to keep my ends looking good so I put some Aveda Brilliant Finishing Emollient on the midstrand to the ends.. lightly... But by day 3 (yesterday)..all the natural oils have come out and my hair is just looking oily and limp...

I will try the stuff in the post.. the perm creme.. thanks!!!
I use elasta qp mango butter then I use razac perfect for perms, the moisture lasts for days on end. Even suprised me HTH

Thanks! A dom stylist recommended that I use this & I was like...yeah...uh-huh. I thought she was just trying to sell me something, but I am glad to learn that it works.
I can't seem to master that either, so I roller set and then flat iron the roots. I use very big rollers so the curls fall out anyways and pin curl at night. This keeps my hair well moisturized. If I want the flat iron look, I roller set, flat iron roots, and then wrap at night. I moisturize each night lightly (dime size of QB Burdock Root Butter with a little coconut oil). When my hair is straight, I need less moisturizer.
I've done some recent searching on this forum to answer the same question and I remember two products that came up several times, that naturals mentioned using to moisturize their hair while pressed without having to worry about reversion:

Aveda Universal Styling Creme, and
Keracare Creme Hairdress

I've never used either on pressed hair, but I do plan on buying one or the other to try out soon. HTH....