How do you guys feel about a man w/ great qualities but he's cheap?

Yeah, maybe not Bunny. Honestly, we're just friends right now but we hang out A LOT. Sometimes I feel like he's pushing for more in a slow way but not in a bad way (physically). He's just trying to know me, which is good. Just seeing how he is now, it makes me think..would I want to be with someone that is thrifty to this extent? :perplexed I don't think so. :nono: I've had guy friends before and they still would pay for things most of the time and I used to love that.

If you two are just friends, I see no problem with going dutch. But if he thinks you're gonna get exclusive, and he hasn't been courting you properly...forget it!

ETA: My issue with cheap men is they'll be cheap with you, but down the line might find another girl and wine and dine her. Oh hell no!
If you two are just friends, I see no problem with going dutch. But if he thinks you're gonna get exclusive, and he hasn't been courting you properly...forget it!

ETA: My issue with cheap men is they'll be cheap with you, but down the line might find another girl and wine and dine her. Oh hell no!

And there you have it folks:lachen::lachen::lachen:. This statement is so true.

To the OP. I am not cheap, therefore my man cannot be cheap. :nono:
My husbands cheap but he's a good man. I make my own money to spend:yep:. There is no such thing as a perfect man, If that's the only thing wrong, I would give him a chance.
Cheap is a real dealbreaker for me because I'm very generous. If a man is trying to court me then he needs to pay for everything IMO. I am open to bending for certain circumstances but that's a general rule for me. Also, if you guys are just homies with the possibility of hooking up, then IMO... you still have to set the tone for how you want him to treat you. Men have a way of being habitual and if he's used to you getting the bill now, he's likely to want that to continue later.

I look at it like gift-giving in a sense. I don't give cheap gifts and I don't accept them either.
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Thanks for all your responses ladies. I thought about it and I just can't do it :nono:. Yes, as someone said, he might be testing me but I don't like that.

I remembered he even asked me if my family was well off :huh:. I was like "no". Thinking about it..he hints here and there about money..and I feel like this kind of person is always feeling like he's lacking. :ohwell: I mean, he's doing real what is the damn problem? I don't like that at all :nono:. So bottom line, we'll remain friends but that's about it. Cheapness is a major turn off for me. :bye:

Girl, you should threw that sentence in the first paragraph- you'd have gotten your answers much quicker and we'd have saved some keystrokes! He wants him a suga mama. :look:

Run, Forest, RUN!!!!!!!
Now what kind of cheap is he?

If it's 1-ply toilet paper cheap or he wants you to pay for everything if you go out cheap then run.

But if he takes you out and uses a coupon cheap - that's ok.

I need more info.

ITA. There are varying degrees of cheap and most of it deals with what you are used to as well. If you are cheap to some degree, you'll see his cheapness as a virtue but if you are not as frugal, then you may bump heads over what to spend on what. Just pay attention to him closely to see how cheap he appears. Does he take you out? Does he take cheap alternatives during dates (i.e. refuses to pay for a parking garage/lot but will drive blocks away for a meter). Thing about being with a man like that is, once you marry them, they expect you to fall in line and it's frustrating to them if you have spending habits that are a large departure from theirs.