How Do You Feel About Younger Men???


The Phoenix
Ok. So I seem to attract younger men. I attribute it to the fact that I don't look my age. Most people assume that I am no older than 25. There is one particular guy that has been persistent over the past few months. He's 24 or 25 and I'm 32. He seems like a nice guy and he's been respectful. I can't even take him seriously though...because of his age.

So ladies, what have your experiences been with younger men? How can I get past the age difference?
i tend to attract guys about 4-5yrs younger than me. i dont have a problem with it anymore. in fact, i like it. i take it as a compliment.

the guy that i'm currently seeing is 4yrs younger. as long as we get along good and are on the same mindset/intellectual level, it's cool.
I tried a younger guy once. Wasn't for me. I look like a kid but I mostly attract older guys (4 to 8 years older) and I'm 25. I prefer older men especially since I want a man that is in his "ready to settle down" stage. 30 is the perfect age for me right now.
The problem is that I tend to treat them more like a younger bro/family, and then when I realize they're interested in being more than friends, I'm like, "Huh?":perplexed

But it is a mindset, a friend of mine just married a guy 6 yrs younger than her:look: but he's really mature and she's playful, so they balance ea. other out bigtime:yep:
Younger men---fun to date, but not practical for long-term in my opinion. I know this girl (32) is dating this guy (23) and they have almost a decade b/w them. Don't get me wrong she looks good---definitely doesn't look her age---she could probably pass for 26. Let's be real the practicality of younger men and older women relationships are impractical for the following reasons DEPENDING on the DISPARITY b/w the ages (this applies more so 7+ yrs:

1) women age different then men. Men USUALLY age with distinction and swag and women hit a pinnacle of beauty in their 30's and after that we just hope to continue to age gracefully. Men are visual---all day everyday. I will laugh in the face of a man who ever tells me differently, b/c 9 times out of ten I first met him in a mini skirt. *rolls eyes*. but I digress---his gaze may wander or become prey to young meat and you don't want to feel like you are in competition with anyone.

2) Women---2 words: biological's POV:" ehhh it will happen when it happens". Most young 20's-something men I know didn't have children voluntarily. If you aren't looking for kids then this isn't an issue.
I was 37 dating a 30 yo and I didn't have a problem with it. When I found out his age, I informed him that I was indeed 37 and if he had a problem with it then we can part on friendly term. He said age didn't matter. Guess who popped back up now that I am a single woman knocking on 40???
BellaItalia Who dat in your siggy?

Unpopular opinion: I think younger guys are hot.

That's not unpopular with me! If they're hot they're hot no matter the age. I'd likely not enter a relationship with someone 5 years younger, but I'd admire him from afar. :lick: :look:

I wouldn'th ave a problem wiht it, but I can't stop calling younger men kiddo. So that is probably a barrier for me.

:lachen::lachen::lachen: This is hilarious. Are you being facetious?
I've never been attracted to younger guys. Always my age or a few years older. Don't know why, younger men just never did for
I was thinking about this topic the other day because I met a guy who's soon to be 28. I'm 31. Doesn't seem like a big deal to most but I typically like older men (7-11 years older) so going younger is a a concern. But, I'm trying to open.
Me + younger guys don't mix.:nono: The times I've tried have ended in disaster so I've learned my lesson. I don't get along with guys my own age so dating younger makes no sense. :ohwell: I don't have much of a problem drawing older guys the problem is I look 16 even though I'm 23 so many people think I'm a kid... until I start talking lol.:lachen:
Younger men aren't my thing. When I get older it might not matter but right now younger than me is not a good look. I love older men though not old, I won't go more than 3-4years.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
Not for me. I don't even like guys my age. I prefer them a few (or quite a few) years older.
Not for me. I've tried guys my age and a few months younger. No definitely not for me.
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Excuse me? I'm 46. When I was 30, I was still looking like I was in my VERY EARLY 20's. So that's not true for EVERYBODY.

Younger men---fun to date, but not practical for long-term in my opinion. I know this girl (32) is dating this guy (23) and they have almost a decade b/w them. Don't get me wrong she looks good---definitely doesn't look her age---she could probably pass for 26. Let's be real the practicality of younger men and older women relationships are impractical for the following reasons DEPENDING on the DISPARITY b/w the ages (this applies more so 7+ yrs:

1) women age different then men. Men USUALLY age with distinction and swag and women hit a pinnacle of beauty in their 30's and after that we just hope to continue to age gracefully. Men are visual---all day everyday. I will laugh in the face of a man who ever tells me differently, b/c 9 times out of ten I first met him in a mini skirt. *rolls eyes*. but I digress---his gaze may wander or become prey to young meat and you don't want to feel like you are in competition with anyone.

2) Women---2 words: biological's POV:" ehhh it will happen when it happens". Most young 20's-something men I know didn't have children voluntarily. If you aren't looking for kids then this isn't an issue.
My birthday is in August too!!! What date is yours? :grin::grin:

Ill be 26 in august...i can't afford to deal with someone younger than me...

ppl are constantly mistaking me for a high school kid- they think i'm 17 or if I dress a bit older, 19. It doesn't help that my 'uniform of choice' is Jeans and a t-shirt on any given day unless i'm being dressy and "fancy" lol:lachen::lachen:

Me + younger guys don't mix.:nono: The times I've tried have ended in disaster so I've learned my lesson. I don't get along with guys my own age so dating younger makes no sense. :ohwell: I don't have much of a problem drawing older guys the problem is I look 16 even though I'm 23 so many people think I'm a kid... until I start talking lol.:lachen:

I dated a guy 3 years younger than me for a while:nono::nono:, it's HIGHLY(99.99%) probable I will not do that again. The Immaturity aside, it made me feel like I was robbing the cradle- I felt ashamed:blush::blush: of telling ppl how old he was.... I jst let them guess on their own time and hoped they weren't judging me:lachen::lachen::lachen::yep:
Ehhhh....Idk... :look:

There are some REALLY hot younger guys I will admit to that! :eyebrows2

I don't know if the hormones in the food are doing something or what...but some guys in their early 20's look a LOT older lol. :look: *ahem*

But anyway, I'm in my late 20's but I look much younger. Most people think I'm in my early 20's. 25 at the most. :giggle:

Anyway, I USED to think age was nothing but a number until I dealt with this guy that I used to like who was about 6 years my junior. :blush: I liked him a lot, but he was just so young and immature! He was mature in SOME aspects, but emotionally...just soooooo immature! :nono: It left such a bad impression upon me that now I'm just too through with "younger guys". :ohwell: I mean, I'm not going to knock ALL of them, because I usually like to judge guys on a case by case basis.

BUT! I will say that right now (after that experience) I'm looking for a guy who is MATURE. Preferably about 2+ years older than me if possible. I might entertain the thought of a guy who is about 3 years my junior if he seems REALLY interested in me and won't let up lol, but my preference is for a guy my age or older. I find that guys seem more "settled" in their 30's and seem to be contemplating marriage. This is what I'm looking for, so I'm not looking for a guy who doesn't fit that trait. I need someone marriage-minded, NOT someone just out to play games and fun for a spell. :nono2:

I say, judge each guy individually. You just never know, that young guy may be what you asked for and more. :yep: But just make SURE that if he's younger that you have seen him in ALL aspects before getting TOO serious. I find that since guys mature slower than women, a lot of guys who are TOO young tend to be selfish and a little on the emotionally immature side. Not all guys are like this however, so just take it on a case by case basis. :)
Thanks for all of the responses ladies. As for the comment about women not aging well, women in my family age VERY well, so I'm not concerned about keeping a younger man interested. At my age, I am looking for someone that is marriage minded so I tend to date guys in their 30s.

That said, I know quite a few people that have successful marriages with younger men. In fact, there are quite a few examples in my own family. 3 years younger is not a big deal, but 5+ is a lot.

For those of you that are only focused on older men, age does not imply maturity. I know plenty of older men that are immature as hayel! I try to evaluate each man on a case-by-case basis. Everyone is truly different.

As for this younger man, I'll just see what happens. Thanks for chiming in!