How do you feel about Valentines Day


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering how you all felt about v day. Is it that big of a deal? Do you think what happens or doesn't makes or breaks a relationship? I noticed it seems to be a big deal to some esp among my friends and coworkers. They seem to have the attitude that its all about them and that they should get a gift but they don't have to do anything for their SO/DH/BF. Do you ladies feel the same way? I'm married but DH and I have date night every month so it doesn't matter to me. Besides flowers are ridiculously expensive and I'd much rather enjoy a romantic evening with him any day than stress over v day.
I don't care about Valentine's Day. If a guy wants to express his love for me through a gift, he needs to give it to me NOW. Waiting until Valentine's day (or X-mas) is so impersonal and people act like they're owed something.
No, it's not that big of a deal, and I definitely don't think it should make or break a relationship.

I think it's great that you value time with your DH over gifts. Some people have definitely gotten it tangled and twisted because ANY man can buy you some stuff from Walgreens, but only YOUR man can address your specific wants and spend his time with you. That to me says more than some roses.

A male friend of mine and I were discussing this earlier, and I was telling him that I don't like this mentality. If a man loves you, it will be evident through his actions on the other 364 days throughout the year. Some roses that he bought from a Mexican off the freeway ramp are not an indication of love.
DH and I usually go to dinner on Valentine's Day, but the day isn't a big deal to me. I want a good meal no matter what day it is. Lol.
I agree with you ladies. You should've seen how it was at my work though. I have one friend that's all depressed cause she and her man aren't doing anything tomorrow so now she wants to hang out. Girls were getting flowers delivered left and right at the office. One friend complained her bouquet wasn't big enough. When I asked her what did she get for her hubby she said nothing bc day is for girls.
I am not a fan of the holiday.

But that's probably because I'm not a fan of things that are forced and overdone, and of course there's a prevalence of that on valentines day.

I couldn't even walk through the grocery store today because balloons were hitting me in the head, and blocking the pathway. There's just something a bit too artificial about the day - give me a good cuddle on the couch before a trillion balloons and chocolates any day.
It's not a huge deal but I like the gifts and I always hope DH finally gets it right.

This year he did good, he put together a bath set for me. The only thing is he got coconut everything and I'm allergic to coconut.:perplexed
It's fun!...I love occasion and ritual...I like that there is a day devoted to lo-o-ove
and if there wasn't I would have created one..
oh wait..I have .....ah well you can never have enough celebrating sweetness

last year I was seeing a bunch of people I got..4 cards...a dozen roses delivered..chocolates..and a trinket or two... I was like a little girl clapping my hands
but I didn't go out.. on that day I'd fainted....and had to stay in bed :(

I'm mildly curious to see what's happening tomm night..
it's 'sposed to be a secret..I asked if I could wear jeans
and was told only if they're tight ...ha~

I don't take it all that seriously.....
sentiment is sweet... hype is not

I always hope DH finally gets it right.
don't you love it when they do :)
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I agree, it's not a big deal. When I was younger it was- i mean i would get really, really excited and hope for something and be so dissapointed when my b/f at time now dh did not deliver with what I had been fantasizing about. It was terrible, we fell out just about every valentine's day for a few years cuz he was like- i love you everyday, why I gotta go through this hype???

then one valentine's day i was in Wally- world and and was absolutely appauled by all the people in there scattering about, grabbing things off the shelves and acting like zombies. It's so commercialized. The best moments with dh are those that were not forced, the real surprises I didn't anticipate.

sorry to ramble, but what's so ironic is that now that I could care less and dh knows I don't care, he goes all out for me.
When I am with someone i do like to get a card at the very least. I also love flowers on valentines day makes me feel special..mind you last year I got nothing from my ex-boyfriend cos his birthday is also on valentines day i.e. today:sad:mind you he didn't get me anything for my birthday either which really upset me. Hence some of the reasons why he is an ex!!

I'm single this year but I figure I wasnt single last year and still got NADA..gonna go hang out with a male friend of mine today to take my mind off it..
I feel that it's a Corporate Holiday established to stimulate the economy. Couples should show their love every day. In saying this, this is our first Valentine's Day together so we wanted to celebrate a little bit by sending love packages to each other (not too expensive).
I used to care about it too when I was younger... not that I had a BF at those times anyway :rolleyes: but when I was with someone, i expected roses and chocolates and fireworks. NOw, with DH, he has gotten me flowers before and chocolate covered strawberries another time. But for me, I want romance all the time...I don't want to wait till Februrary 14. I didn't get anything last yr for V-Day but we happened to have a book fair at my work on that day and I saw something DH would like so I got it for him. That's the way we are (well, me more than him). I like to suprise people with things I know they love/like at random unexpected moments.

Now, anniversaries and birthdays are a MUCH bigger deal to me. :grin:
I used to care about it too when I was younger... not that I had a BF at those times anyway :rolleyes: but when I was with someone, i expected roses and chocolates and fireworks. NOw, with DH, he has gotten me flowers before and chocolate covered strawberries another time. But for me, I want romance all the time...I don't want to wait till Februrary 14. I didn't get anything last yr for V-Day but we happened to have a book fair at my work on that day and I saw something DH would like so I got it for him. That's the way we are (well, me more than him). I like to suprise people with things I know they love/like at random unexpected moments.

Now, anniversaries and birthdays are a MUCH bigger deal to me. :grin:

I'm similar to you, on a scale of one to ten, the level of importance to me is as follows with 10 highest & 1 being the lowest:

  1. birthday: 7
  2. anniversary: 6
  3. mother's day: 10 (as hard as I work to maintain the house as a mother and wife, he has to come with it on Mother's day).
As I get older, I'm like bah humbug to V-day. I want you to shower me with your love every day, not just one day because the calendar says so.
I don't care about Valentine Day. My husband and I don't purchase any gift of anything. Because everyday is Valentine Day for us, we go out for dinner dates often and trip just because. If you give, dinner, movie and outting on a regular basic then Valentine Day is no big deal. Just a money maker for consumers.
Just another day-I'm sure if I had a heartthrob I'd change my mind in a heartbeat. True love asserts itself everyday of the year not just on February14th! My ex-husband thought the best gift was rated X..oh please!!! My mom is into it so I make sure to gift her every Valentine Day or she'd be hurt.